elasticsearch data importing

时间:2023-03-09 05:36:06
elasticsearch data importing

ElasticSearch stores each piece of data in a document.

That's what I need.

Using the bulk API.

Transform the raw data file from data.json to be new_data.json .

And then do this to import data to ElasticSearch :

curl -s -XPOST 'localhost:9200/_bulk' --data-binary @new_data.json

For example, I now have a raw JSON data file as following:

The file   data.json


Then I need to import these data to elasticsearch. So I have to manipulate this file by naming its index and type.

A new file will be created  new_data.json


There are information above each of the data line in the file new_data.json

And if the JSON data file contains data those are not in the same _index or _type, just change the {"index":{"_********   line

Here is an example of a valid JSON file for elasticsearch.



Notice that : There are 2 indexes in the file above. They are   myindex1  and  myindex2

And the data schema in index myindex2 is different from that in index myindex1 .

That's why it's so important to have so many lines of {"index":{"_********    in the new data file.


Now I am coding a python scripe to manipulate with some raw JSON data files.

Let's assume each line of the JSON data file are in the same schema. And I will do this to generate the schema out.


import sys

def get_schema():
return None if __name__ == "__main__":

-------------Updated on 27th Nov. 2015 ----------

I solved this by inventing a new wheel

You can check this out:


-------------Updated on 28th Nov. 2015  at 01:33 A.M. ----------

pip install jsonpyes

I wrote this module and it works!

Happy hacking!