Machine Learning and Data Mining Lecture 1

时间:2023-03-09 02:47:01
Machine Learning and Data Mining Lecture 1

Machine Learning and Data Mining Lecture 1

1. The learning problem - Outline

    1.1 Example of machine learning

  Predicting how a viewer will rate a moive?

  10% improvement = 1 million dollar prize

The essence of machine learning:

A pattern exists

We cannot pin it down mathematically

We have data

The following method is not machine learning.

When you tag viewer from different perspective(attributes) and predict other viewer with the similar attributes,it's not machine learning.

Machine Learning and Data Mining Lecture 1Machine Learning and Data Mining Lecture 1

 Components of learning

Machine Learning and Data Mining Lecture 1


  Input: x (customer application)

Output: y (good/bad customer)

Target Function: f: x->y (ideal credit approval formula)


Hypothesis:  g: x->y

Machine Learning and Data Mining Lecture 1

Machine Learning and Data Mining Lecture 1

Machine Learning and Data Mining Lecture 1

 Supervised Learning

  Example from vending machines - coin recogniztion.

The input data can be classify.

Unsupervised Learning

  There are the data and good luck try to predict the credit.

For example, when you learning a foreign language, you have no other resource to learn , what you have is the radio . So

you listen it everyday even though you don't understand it. but eventually,your brain will build a model in your head.

when you have a teacher to teach you the foreign language, you will be able to learning that foreign language much faster.

Reinforcement Learning

we get(input, some output, grade for the output)

1.2 Components of Learning

1.3 A simple model

1.4 Types of learning

1.5 Puzzle