
时间:2023-03-08 22:39:39


from optparse import OptionParser

msg_usage = 'usage: %prog [-W] windows size [-H] h island size [-I] input your map file [-O] output file name'

descr = '''Correct SNPs used for constructing genetic map...

Why default h_size is 6?

Fistly, for example, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbb will generate 6 h.

secondly, for examplem aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa will generate at least 7 when num

of h larger than 9, when num of h is 5-8, no h will be generated.

Caveat: default was setted 6 above when the window size is 15.

The question still not settled yet is what the size of h will be seted when windows size is

not 15...

optparser = OptionParser(usage = msg_usage, description = descr)

optparser.add_option('-W', '--win_size', dest = 'winsize', default = 15,

help = 'The size of sliding window, default is 15.')

optparser.add_option('-H', '--h_island', dest = 'hisland', default = 6,

help = 'The length of h_island you need to split, default\
 is 6')

optparser.add_option('-I', '--input', dest = 'inputfile',
                                 help = 'Input your file need to tackle')

optparser.add_option('-O', '--output', dest = 'outputfile',
                                 help = 'Your output file name')

options, args = optparser.parse_args()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    W = int(options.winsize)
    H = int(options.hisland)
    I = options.inputfile
    O = options.outputfile
    main(I, W, H, O)

by freemao

