
时间:2023-03-09 07:15:34


        FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
OutputStream out = fs.create(file);
IOUtils.copyBytes(in, out, 4096, true); //正常
out = fs.append(file);
IOUtils.copyBytes(in, out, 4096, true); //报错

通过hdfs fsck命令检查出问题的文件,发现只有一个副本,难道是因为这个?



    public abstract FSDataOutputStream append(Path var1, int var2, Progressable var3) throws IOException;



    public FSDataOutputStream append(Path f, final int bufferSize, final Progressable progress) throws IOException {
Path absF = this.fixRelativePart(f);
return (FSDataOutputStream)(new FileSystemLinkResolver<FSDataOutputStream>() {
public FSDataOutputStream doCall(Path p) throws IOException, UnresolvedLinkException {
return DistributedFileSystem.this.dfs.append(DistributedFileSystem.this.getPathName(p), bufferSize, progress, DistributedFileSystem.this.statistics);
} public FSDataOutputStream next(FileSystem fs, Path p) throws IOException {
return fs.append(p, bufferSize);
}).resolve(this, absF);



    private DFSOutputStream append(String src, int buffersize, Progressable progress) throws IOException {
DFSOutputStream result = this.callAppend(src, buffersize, progress);
this.beginFileLease(result.getFileId(), result);
return result;
} private DFSOutputStream callAppend(String src, int buffersize, Progressable progress) throws IOException {
LocatedBlock lastBlock = null; try {
lastBlock = this.namenode.append(src, this.clientName);
} catch (RemoteException var6) {
throw var6.unwrapRemoteException(new Class[]{AccessControlException.class, FileNotFoundException.class, SafeModeException.class, DSQuotaExceededException.class, UnsupportedOperationException.class, UnresolvedPathException.class, SnapshotAccessControlException.class});
} HdfsFileStatus newStat = this.getFileInfo(src);
return DFSOutputStream.newStreamForAppend(this, src, buffersize, progress, lastBlock, newStat, this.dfsClientConf.createChecksum());



    public LocatedBlock append(String src, String clientName) throws IOException {
String clientMachine = getClientMachine();
if (stateChangeLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
stateChangeLog.debug("*DIR* NameNode.append: file " + src + " for " + clientName + " at " + clientMachine);
} this.namesystem.checkOperation(OperationCategory.WRITE);
LocatedBlock info = this.namesystem.appendFile(src, clientName, clientMachine);
return info;



    LocatedBlock appendFile(String src, String holder, String clientMachine) throws AccessControlException, SafeModeException,
lb = this.appendFileInt(src, holder, clientMachine, cacheEntry != null); private LocatedBlock appendFileInt(String srcArg, String holder, String clientMachine, boolean logRetryCache) throws
lb = this.appendFileInternal(pc, src, holder, clientMachine, logRetryCache); private LocatedBlock appendFileInternal(FSPermissionChecker pc, String src, String holder, String clientMachine, boolean logRetryCache) throws AccessControlException, UnresolvedLinkException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
assert this.hasWriteLock(); INodesInPath iip = this.dir.getINodesInPath4Write(src);
INode inode = iip.getLastINode();
if (inode != null && inode.isDirectory()) {
throw new FileAlreadyExistsException("Cannot append to directory " + src + "; already exists as a directory.");
} else {
if (this.isPermissionEnabled) {
this.checkPathAccess(pc, src, FsAction.WRITE);
} try {
if (inode == null) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("failed to append to non-existent file " + src + " for client " + clientMachine);
} else {
INodeFile myFile = INodeFile.valueOf(inode, src, true);
BlockStoragePolicy lpPolicy = this.blockManager.getStoragePolicy("LAZY_PERSIST");
if (lpPolicy != null && lpPolicy.getId() == myFile.getStoragePolicyID()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot append to lazy persist file " + src);
} else {
this.recoverLeaseInternal(myFile, src, holder, clientMachine, false);
myFile = INodeFile.valueOf(this.dir.getINode(src), src, true);
BlockInfo lastBlock = myFile.getLastBlock();
if (lastBlock != null && lastBlock.isComplete() && !this.getBlockManager().isSufficientlyReplicated(lastBlock)) {
throw new IOException("append: lastBlock=" + lastBlock + " of src=" + src + " is not sufficiently replicated yet.");
} else {
return this.prepareFileForWrite(src, iip, holder, clientMachine, true, logRetryCache);
} catch (IOException var11) {
NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* NameSystem.append: " + var11.getMessage());
throw var11;
} public boolean isSufficientlyReplicated(BlockInfo b) {
int replication = Math.min(this.minReplication, this.getDatanodeManager().getNumLiveDataNodes());
return this.countNodes(b).liveReplicas() >= replication;

看来原因确实是因为文件只有1个副本导致append报错,那为什么新建文件只有1个副本,后来找到原因是因为机架配置有问题导致的,详见 https://www.cnblogs.com/barneywill/p/10114504.html