[Linux]cmd to use

时间:2023-03-09 16:19:24
[Linux]cmd to use

0x01 Linux Perfermance Analysis in 60s

1> uptime ---load averages

2> dmesg -r | tail ---kernel errors

3> vmstat 1---overall stats by time

4> mpstat -P ALL 1 ---CPU balance

5> pidstat 1 ---process usage

6> iostat -xz 1 ---disk I/O

7> free -m ---memory usage

8> sar -n DEV 1 ---network I/O

9> sar -n TCP,ETCP 1 ---TCP stat

10> top ---check overview

0x02 Linux Disck Checklist

1> iostat -xnz 1 ---any disk I/O? if not, stop looking

2> vmstat 1 ---is this swapping?or, high sys time?

3> df -h ---are the file system nearly full?

0x03 Linux  Network Checklist

1> netstat -s ---play 252 metric pickup

2> netstat -rnv ---any inefficient routes?


find /home/xxx/ -mtime -1 -ls  // 24h modified files in /home/xxx/