[Javascript] Function scope

时间:2021-11-07 12:25:14

We have code like:

var numbers = [1,2,3];

for(var i in numbers){
}, 0);
} //


1. function block doesn't create scope!

2. setTimeout function run after all the other code finished.

Therefore, before setTimeout get run, for block already exec 3 times and i was set to 2.

Once setTimeout get running, it prints out numbers[i] which is 3.

Now, we change the code to:

var numbers = [1,2,3];

for(var i  in  numbers){
var j = i;
} //


1. function does create new scope.

2. the (function(){})() run immedatly.

3. (function(){}) inside for block actually is closure which does remeber the local var value (in our case is var j).