新RSS reader

时间:2023-03-09 08:12:10
新RSS reader





feedspot 的相关快捷键例如以下:

Keyboard shortcuts (Shift+?


j/k next/previous item
space next item or page
Shift + space previous item or page
n/p item scan down/up (list only)
Shift + n/p next/previous subscription
Shift + x expand folder
Shift + o open subscription or folder
z zoom in/out image in current item
r refresh
u hides/unhides the left hand side module
1 switch to expanded view
2 switch to list view (u for wide view)
3 switch to magazine view
/ move cursor to search box
g then h go home
g then a go to all items
g then f go to Favorite items
g then s go to Shared items
g then d go to discovery page
g then p go to profile page
Acting on items
f favorite item
e email item
s share item
v view original
Shift + v Preview original
o/enter expand/collapse item (list only)
m mark item as read/unread
Shift + a mark all as read
Shift + click title opens link in background
