CodeForces 173C Spiral Maximum (想法、模拟)

时间:2020-12-27 04:58:02
Spiral Maximum

Time Limit:3000MS     Memory Limit:262144KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u


Let's consider a k × k square, divided into unit squares. Please note that k ≥ 3 and is odd. We'll paint squares starting from the upper left square in the following order: first we move to the right, then down, then to the left, then up, then to the right again and so on. We finish moving in some direction in one of two cases: either we've reached the square's border or the square following after the next square is already painted. We finish painting at the moment when we cannot move in any direction and paint a square. The figure that consists of the painted squares is a spiral.

CodeForces 173C Spiral Maximum (想法、模拟) The figure shows examples of spirals for k = 3, 5, 7, 9.

You have an n × m table, each of its cells contains a number. Let's consider all possible spirals, formed by the table cells. It means that we consider all spirals of any size that don't go beyond the borders of the table. Let's find the sum of the numbers of the cells that form the spiral. You have to find the maximum of those values among all spirals.


The first line contains two integers n and m (3 ≤ n, m ≤ 500) — the sizes of the table.

Each of the next n lines contains m space-separated integers: the j-th number in the i-th line aij ( - 1000 ≤ aij ≤ 1000) is the number recorded in the j-th cell of the i-th row of the table.


Print a single number — the maximum sum of numbers among all spirals.

Sample Input

6 5
0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1
3 3
1 1 1
1 0 0
1 1 1
6 6
-3 2 0 1 5 -1
4 -1 2 -3 0 1
-5 1 2 4 1 -2
0 -2 1 3 -1 2
3 1 4 -3 -2 0
-1 2 -1 3 1 2


In the first sample the spiral with maximum sum will cover all 1's of the table.

In the second sample the spiral may cover only six 1's.





观察可以看到 相邻两个螺旋线再加上一个小方格就可以组成一个方阵。



#define LL long long
#define maxn 505
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
#define IN freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);
using namespace std; int n,m;
int val[maxn][maxn];
int row[maxn][maxn];
int col[maxn][maxn]; void input(){
for(int i=; i<=n; i++)
for(int j=; j<=m; j++)
for(int i=; i<=n; i++){
row[i][] = ;
for(int j=; j<=m; j++){
row[i][j] = row[i][j-]+val[i][j];
for(int i=; i<=m; i++){
col[i][] = ;
for(int j=; j<=n; j++){
col[i][j] = col[i][j-]+val[j][i];
} bool is_ok(int x, int y){
return x>= && y>= && x<=n &&y<=m;
} int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
//IN; while(scanf("%d %d",&n,&m)!=EOF)
input(); int ans = -inf;
for(int i=; i<=n; i++){
for(int j=; j<=m; j++){ //center
int cur = val[i][j];
int tol = val[i][j];
int ex = i, ey = j-;
int x1 = i-, y1 = j-;
int x2 = i+, y2 = j+;
while(is_ok(x1,y1) && is_ok(x2,y2) && is_ok(ex,ey)){
tol += row[x1][y2] - row[x1][y1-];
tol += row[x2][y2] - row[x2][y1-];
tol += col[y1][x2-] - col[y1][x1];
tol += col[y2][x2-] - col[y2][x1]; cur = tol - cur - val[ex][ey];
ans = max(ans, cur); ex = x1; ey = y1-;
x1 = x1-, y1 = y1-;
x2 = x2+, y2 = y2+;
} }
} printf("%d\n", ans);
} return ;