Windows-PowerShell-and-CMD:Windows PowerShell和Cmd。 一些基本的东西

时间:2021-03-30 16:46:40
文件名称:Windows-PowerShell-and-CMD:Windows PowerShell和Cmd。 一些基本的东西
更新时间:2021-03-30 16:46:40
Windows PowerShell和CMD 一些PowerShell和CMD命令。
----Robocopy batch backup(771B)
----Concatenate commands in 1 line(128B)
----Calculate folder size(1KB)
----Delete files(361B)
----Open a file from PowerShell(211B)
----Robocopy solves path too long problem(600B)
----PowerShell Copy and Paste(69B)
----Basic Commands(516B)
----Create a shared folder(519B)
----CMD limitations(98B)
----Print text(65B)
----Path for Poweshell(58B)
----Install chocolatey package manager(363B)
----Robocopy prompt an input(205B)
----Windows Fixes()
--------Outlook and Address Book for iCloud(1KB)
--------Search in File Explorer(0B)
--------Export Contacts from Outlook(244B)
--------Outlook export useful stuff(609B)
--------Eject HD safely - alternative way(653B)
--------Check which process stop eject of HD(291B)
--------Account Administrator appears(151B)
--------Impossible Download(251B)
--------Outlook Shortcuts(247B)
----wireless and network connection at the same time(761B)
----Enable SSH in Windows(589B)
----List files and directories(690B)
----Prompt for user input(252B)
----Robocopy Differences between 2 folders(2KB)
----Robocopy Sync 2 way(2KB)
----google bat(885B)
----Script run as administrator(540B)
----Open File explorer(16B)
----Scripts in Powershell(514B)
----make directories etc(183B)
----0Git with PowerShell(207B)
----Sync folders in Windows with Robocopy(3KB)
