
时间:2012-07-12 06:17:14
更新时间:2012-07-12 06:17:14进制转换 Private Sub Command1_Click() X = Text1.Text If Text1.Text = "" Then MsgBox "输入源数据", 0, "" If Option1 = True And Option5 = True Then MsgBox "请选不同的进制", 0, "" If Option2 = True And Option6 = True Then MsgBox "请选不同的进制", 0, "" If Option3 = True And Option7 = True Then MsgBox "请选不同的进制", 0, "" If Option4 = True And Option8 = True Then MsgBox "请选不同的进制", 0, "" If Option4 = True And Option5 = True Then Call z16_2: Text2.Text = Y If Option4 = True And Option6 = True Then Call z16_8: Text2.Text = Y If Option4 = True And Option7 = True Then Call z16_10: Text2.Text = Y If Option3 = True And Option5 = True Then Text2.Text = z10_2(Val(Text1.Text)) If Option3 = True And Option6 = True Then Call z10_8: Text2.Text = Y If Option3 = True And Option8 = True Then Call z10_16: Text2.Text = Y If Option2 = True And Option5 = True Then Call z8_2: Text2.Text = Y If Option2 = True And Option7 = True Then Call z8_10: Text2.Text = Y If Option2 = True And Option8 = True Then Call z8_16: Text2.Text = Y If Option1 = True And Option8 = True Then Call z2_16: Text2.Text = Y If Option1 = True And Option7 = True Then Text2.Text = z2_10(Text1.Text) If Option1 = True And Option6 = True Then Call z2_8: Text2.Text = Y
