
时间:2021-10-13 20:20:13

I'm using the Cropper JS library and I'm having some issues setting the data after the crop box after it's initialized.

我使用的是Cropper JS库,在它被初始化之后,我有一些问题设置数据。

https://github.com/fengyuanchen/cropper/blob/master/README.md http://fengyuanchen.github.io/cropper/

https://github.com/fengyuanchen/cropper/blob/master/README.md http://fengyuanchen.github.io/cropper/

I've created a JSFiddle here http://jsfiddle.net/vs2merje/1/

我在这里创建了一个JSFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/vs2merje/1/

My issue is that I want to change the following params {x,y,w,h} after the cropbox has been initialized with a dynamic object.

我的问题是,我希望在使用一个动态对象初始化cropbox之后,更改下面的params {x,y,w,h}。

var imageURL = "http://i.imgur.com/zIQ92.jpg";
var imageBox = $('.img-container img');

//Initial crop box settings.
var options = {
    aspectRatio: 1/2

//If condition is met, create a dynamic settings object to reset the box.
if(imageURL != null){
    console.log("It's not empty, building dedault box!");
    var DefaultCropBoxOptionObj = {
        height: 25,
        width: 25
    imageBox.cropper('setData', DefaultCropBoxOptionObj);//add the dynamic settings.
    imageBox.cropper('replace', imageURL);


As you can see in the JSFiddle, the data from the dynamic box is not applying to the box to the height and width of 25px.


Can anyone give me some insights on to why this happening?


Thank you.


1 个解决方案



The solution

You need to use setCropBoxData and call it in a built event.


replace seems a bit buggy (see issue 220 - Using replace() to update image to be cropped in a reactJS component) but we can get it working by firing once after a built event. Firing only "once" is important here, since it would otherwise create a loop because replace fires the built event.


Note that since you are using aspectRatio, you can't set both width and height.


We also declare DefaultCropBoxOptionObj early to better visualize its scope. Not really necessary, just for the peace of mind.


    var imageURL = "http://i.imgur.com/zIQ92.jpg";
    var imageBox = $('.img-container img');
    var DefaultCropBoxOptionObj = {}; // declare early
    var options = {
        aspectRatio: 1/2,
        built: function() {
            imageBox.cropper('setCropBoxData', DefaultCropBoxOptionObj);

    if(imageURL != null) {
        // init
        // set params
        DefaultCropBoxOptionObj = {
            width: 25,
            left:  100,
        // replace seems a bit buggy, fire once on built event
        imageBox.one('built.cropper', function(){
            imageBox.cropper('replace', imageURL);


The demo



The relevant parts of the documentation

As there is an asynchronous process when load the image, you should call most of the methods after built, except "setAspectRatio", "replace" and "destroy".


Source: Image Cropper - README.md - Methods

来源:图像Cropper - README。md -方法



  • data:
    • Type: Object
      • Properties:
      • 属性:
      • left: the new offset left of the crop box
      • 左:作物盒的新偏移
      • top: the new offset top of the crop box
      • 顶部:新的补偿顶部的作物盒
      • width: the new width of the crop box
      • 宽度:作物盒的新宽度。
      • height: the new height of the crop box
      • 高度:作物箱的新高度。
    • 类型:对象属性:左:裁切框顶部的新偏移量:裁切框宽度的新偏移量:作物箱高度的新宽度:作物箱的新高度。
  • 数据:类型:对象属性:左:收获盒顶部的新偏移量:收获盒宽度的新偏移量:收获盒高度的新宽度:收获盒的新高度

Change the crop box position and size with new data.


Source: Image Cropper - README.md - setCropBoxData(data)

来源:图像Cropper - README。md - setCropBoxData(数据)



The solution

You need to use setCropBoxData and call it in a built event.


replace seems a bit buggy (see issue 220 - Using replace() to update image to be cropped in a reactJS component) but we can get it working by firing once after a built event. Firing only "once" is important here, since it would otherwise create a loop because replace fires the built event.


Note that since you are using aspectRatio, you can't set both width and height.


We also declare DefaultCropBoxOptionObj early to better visualize its scope. Not really necessary, just for the peace of mind.


    var imageURL = "http://i.imgur.com/zIQ92.jpg";
    var imageBox = $('.img-container img');
    var DefaultCropBoxOptionObj = {}; // declare early
    var options = {
        aspectRatio: 1/2,
        built: function() {
            imageBox.cropper('setCropBoxData', DefaultCropBoxOptionObj);

    if(imageURL != null) {
        // init
        // set params
        DefaultCropBoxOptionObj = {
            width: 25,
            left:  100,
        // replace seems a bit buggy, fire once on built event
        imageBox.one('built.cropper', function(){
            imageBox.cropper('replace', imageURL);


The demo



The relevant parts of the documentation

As there is an asynchronous process when load the image, you should call most of the methods after built, except "setAspectRatio", "replace" and "destroy".


Source: Image Cropper - README.md - Methods

来源:图像Cropper - README。md -方法



  • data:
    • Type: Object
      • Properties:
      • 属性:
      • left: the new offset left of the crop box
      • 左:作物盒的新偏移
      • top: the new offset top of the crop box
      • 顶部:新的补偿顶部的作物盒
      • width: the new width of the crop box
      • 宽度:作物盒的新宽度。
      • height: the new height of the crop box
      • 高度:作物箱的新高度。
    • 类型:对象属性:左:裁切框顶部的新偏移量:裁切框宽度的新偏移量:作物箱高度的新宽度:作物箱的新高度。
  • 数据:类型:对象属性:左:收获盒顶部的新偏移量:收获盒宽度的新偏移量:收获盒高度的新宽度:收获盒的新高度

Change the crop box position and size with new data.


Source: Image Cropper - README.md - setCropBoxData(data)

来源:图像Cropper - README。md - setCropBoxData(数据)