
时间:2022-12-28 10:56:56

When I set firstThing to default nil this will work, without the default value of nil I get a error that there is a missing parameter when calling the function.


By typing Int? I thought it made it optional with a default value of nil, am I right? And if so, why doesn't it work without the = nil?

通过输入Int ?我认为它是可选的,默认值为nil,对吗?如果是的话,为什么没有= nil呢?

func test(firstThing: Int? = nil) {
    if firstThing != nil {

5 个解决方案



Optionals and default parameters are two different things.


An Optional is a variable that can be nil, that's it.


Default parameters use a default value when you omit that parameter, this default value is specified like this: func test(param: Int = 0)

当省略该参数时,默认参数使用默认值,默认值如下所示:func测试(param: Int = 0)

If you specify a parameter that is an optional, you have to provide it, even if the value you want to pass is nil. If your function looks like this func test(param: Int?), you can't call it like this test(). Even though the parameter is optional, it doesn't have a default value.

如果指定的参数是可选的,则必须提供它,即使要传递的值是nil。如果函数看起来像这个func测试(param: Int?),则不能像这个test()那样调用它。即使参数是可选的,它也没有默认值。

You can also combine the two and have a parameter that takes an optional where nil is the default value, like this: func test(param: Int? = nil).

您还可以合并这两个参数,并使用一个可选参数,其中nil是默认值,比如:func test(param: Int?)= nil)。



The default argument allows you to call the function without passing an argument. If you don't pass the argument, then the default argument is supplied. So using your code, this...



...is exactly the same as this:



If you leave out the default argument like this...


func test(firstThing: Int?) {
    if firstThing != nil {

...then you can no longer do this...



If you do, you will get the "missing argument" error that you described. You must pass an argument every time, even if that argument is just nil:


test(nil)   // this works



Swift is not like languages like JavaScript, where you can call a function without passing the parameters and it will still be called. So to call a function in Swift, you need to assign a value to its parameters.


Default values for parameters allow you to assign a value without specifying it when calling the function. That's why test() works when you specify a default value on test's declaration.


If you don't include that default value, you need to provide the value on the call: test(nil).


Also, and not directly related to this question, but probably worth to note, you are using the "C++" way of dealing with possibly null pointers, for dealing with possible nil optionals in Swift. The following code is safer (specially in multithreading software), and it allows you to avoid the forced unwrapping of the optional:


func test(firstThing: Int? = nil) {
    if let firstThing = firstThing {



"Optional parameter" means "type of this parameter is optional". It does not mean "This parameter is optional and, therefore, can be ignored when you call the function".


The term "optional parameter" appears to be confusing. To clarify, it's more accurate to say "optional type parameter" instead of "optional parameter" as the word "optional" here is only meant to describe the type of parameter value and nothing else.




It is little tricky when you try to combine optional parameter and default value for that parameter. Like this,


func test(param: Int? = nil)

These two are completely opposite ideas. When you have an optional type parameter but you also provide default value to it, it is no more an optional type now since it has a default value. Even if the default is nil, swift simply removes the optional binding without checking what the default value is.

这两个观点完全相反。如果您有一个可选类型参数,但您也为它提供了默认值,那么它现在不再是一个可选类型,因为它有一个默认值。即使默认值是nil, swift也只是删除可选绑定,而不检查默认值是什么。

So it is always better not to use nil as default value.




Optionals and default parameters are two different things.


An Optional is a variable that can be nil, that's it.


Default parameters use a default value when you omit that parameter, this default value is specified like this: func test(param: Int = 0)

当省略该参数时,默认参数使用默认值,默认值如下所示:func测试(param: Int = 0)

If you specify a parameter that is an optional, you have to provide it, even if the value you want to pass is nil. If your function looks like this func test(param: Int?), you can't call it like this test(). Even though the parameter is optional, it doesn't have a default value.

如果指定的参数是可选的,则必须提供它,即使要传递的值是nil。如果函数看起来像这个func测试(param: Int?),则不能像这个test()那样调用它。即使参数是可选的,它也没有默认值。

You can also combine the two and have a parameter that takes an optional where nil is the default value, like this: func test(param: Int? = nil).

您还可以合并这两个参数,并使用一个可选参数,其中nil是默认值,比如:func test(param: Int?)= nil)。



The default argument allows you to call the function without passing an argument. If you don't pass the argument, then the default argument is supplied. So using your code, this...



...is exactly the same as this:



If you leave out the default argument like this...


func test(firstThing: Int?) {
    if firstThing != nil {

...then you can no longer do this...



If you do, you will get the "missing argument" error that you described. You must pass an argument every time, even if that argument is just nil:


test(nil)   // this works



Swift is not like languages like JavaScript, where you can call a function without passing the parameters and it will still be called. So to call a function in Swift, you need to assign a value to its parameters.


Default values for parameters allow you to assign a value without specifying it when calling the function. That's why test() works when you specify a default value on test's declaration.


If you don't include that default value, you need to provide the value on the call: test(nil).


Also, and not directly related to this question, but probably worth to note, you are using the "C++" way of dealing with possibly null pointers, for dealing with possible nil optionals in Swift. The following code is safer (specially in multithreading software), and it allows you to avoid the forced unwrapping of the optional:


func test(firstThing: Int? = nil) {
    if let firstThing = firstThing {



"Optional parameter" means "type of this parameter is optional". It does not mean "This parameter is optional and, therefore, can be ignored when you call the function".


The term "optional parameter" appears to be confusing. To clarify, it's more accurate to say "optional type parameter" instead of "optional parameter" as the word "optional" here is only meant to describe the type of parameter value and nothing else.




It is little tricky when you try to combine optional parameter and default value for that parameter. Like this,


func test(param: Int? = nil)

These two are completely opposite ideas. When you have an optional type parameter but you also provide default value to it, it is no more an optional type now since it has a default value. Even if the default is nil, swift simply removes the optional binding without checking what the default value is.

这两个观点完全相反。如果您有一个可选类型参数,但您也为它提供了默认值,那么它现在不再是一个可选类型,因为它有一个默认值。即使默认值是nil, swift也只是删除可选绑定,而不检查默认值是什么。

So it is always better not to use nil as default value.
