
时间:2022-05-11 11:20:08

The project I'm working on started as a single view application with storyboard, and I've added 2 more view controllers, each with a .m and a .h file. However, every time I save, quit, and then restart, the 4 new files disappear from the project navigator. I have to hit "add files to project" and drag them in manually from the project's folder each time. It's not terribly inconvenient, but it's annoying enough that I've basically just been leaving the project minimized whenever I'm not working on it. Does anyone know what's going on, or how I can force the files to remain in the navigator? This kind of thing has never happened before.


4 个解决方案



there is a button on the filter bar to "show only recent files"; the icon looks like a clock. You need to toggle this button to show all of your files.




There is a button(4th one) on the filter bar- the botton portion of project navigator pane-, where you can toggle between "On/ off " for "Show only files with unsaved changes " . You probably have it "On". click that button and you probably will see the files

过滤器栏上有一个按钮(第4个) - 项目导航器窗格的按钮部分 - 您可以在“打开/关闭”之间切换“仅显示未保存更改的文件”。你可能有“开”。单击该按钮,您可能会看到这些文件



Click on Navigate at the top menu. Then click on "Reveal in Project Navigator."

单击顶部菜单中的导航。然后单击“在Project Navigator中显示”。



You probably are having a filter to show only recent files. To toggle that,





there is a button on the filter bar to "show only recent files"; the icon looks like a clock. You need to toggle this button to show all of your files.




There is a button(4th one) on the filter bar- the botton portion of project navigator pane-, where you can toggle between "On/ off " for "Show only files with unsaved changes " . You probably have it "On". click that button and you probably will see the files

过滤器栏上有一个按钮(第4个) - 项目导航器窗格的按钮部分 - 您可以在“打开/关闭”之间切换“仅显示未保存更改的文件”。你可能有“开”。单击该按钮,您可能会看到这些文件



Click on Navigate at the top menu. Then click on "Reveal in Project Navigator."

单击顶部菜单中的导航。然后单击“在Project Navigator中显示”。



You probably are having a filter to show only recent files. To toggle that,

