ASP。NET MVC SPA -如何在一个页面应用程序中处理页面刷新

时间:2022-10-10 03:29:16

I am building a SPA app using ASP.NET MVC.


The entry point of my app is /home/index. All other views will be loaded via ajax.

我的应用程序的入口点是/home/ index。所有其他视图都将通过ajax加载。

Now, for example, the user is currently on page /home/index#/home/widgetdemo. When he would hit the refresh button now, the following would happen:
The index view is loaded and right after that, the widgetdemo view is loading. The problem here is, that the index view is loaded unnecessarily, because on page refresh we want to see the widgetdemo view again. But on the server side I cannot see the hash fragment of the url and cannot know if the user wants the index or the widgetdemo view.


Now I have a solution in my mind:


On initial application load or page refresh, check for an existing hash fragment in the url on the client side and load the fragment part instead of index view or if no fragment exists load index view. This basically loads only the layout page on first load ( or page refresh) and we decide on the client weather to load index view or another view. -> This results in two requests once.


What would be best practice here? (Cookies would be an option, but they would have to be transmitted on every request...)




How I do it: On first page load or page refresh, I only load the Layout page and on document load I examine the url and determine which page/action to fetch/invoke. It's easy, but you have two requests when the application loads, but then you don't have to mess around with cookies/hiddden fields.

方法:在第一个页面加载或页面刷新时,我只加载布局页面,在文档加载时,我检查url并确定要获取/调用哪个页面/操作。这很简单,但是当应用程序加载时,您有两个请求,但是您不必在cookie /hiddden字段上乱放。

2 个解决方案



What you need I think can be solved by history.pushState (part of the new HTML5 History API).

我认为你所需要的可以用历史来解决。pushState (HTML5 History API的一部分)。

Check this nice demo at

在https://css- -history-api/# pushstate示例中检查这个漂亮的演示

Lot of people seem to be using the history npm package, but I never tried that directly (I just react-router that ends up using that).

很多人似乎都在使用history npm包,但我从来没有直接尝试过(我只是用它来做回路由)。



You can always store your current user information on SessionStorage/LocalStorage and on load check for them to see what should be loaded. However this requires a lot of plumbing to be done.


Of course certain browsers won't support those s


$.urlParam = function(name){
    var results = new RegExp('[\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)').exec(window.location.href);
    if (results==null){
       return null;
       return results[1] || 0;

window.onbeforeunload = function() {
    localStorage.setItem('currentPlace', $.urlParam('param1'));

    // ... any other thing you want to store

window.onload = function() {

    var param = localStorage.getItem('currentPlace');

    // ... load what you want

The use of sessionStorage vs localStorage is based on whether or not you want to maintain the values when the window is closed.


Also instead of that param1 you can store any other part of the url. This was just a sample.




As per comment (which is right) if you have a fragment of the url there would be no need to store anything unless they close the window. However if you load a portion of the page without changing the url you can use the above technique to store what part was loaded last.




What you need I think can be solved by history.pushState (part of the new HTML5 History API).

我认为你所需要的可以用历史来解决。pushState (HTML5 History API的一部分)。

Check this nice demo at

在https://css- -history-api/# pushstate示例中检查这个漂亮的演示

Lot of people seem to be using the history npm package, but I never tried that directly (I just react-router that ends up using that).

很多人似乎都在使用history npm包,但我从来没有直接尝试过(我只是用它来做回路由)。



You can always store your current user information on SessionStorage/LocalStorage and on load check for them to see what should be loaded. However this requires a lot of plumbing to be done.


Of course certain browsers won't support those s


$.urlParam = function(name){
    var results = new RegExp('[\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)').exec(window.location.href);
    if (results==null){
       return null;
       return results[1] || 0;

window.onbeforeunload = function() {
    localStorage.setItem('currentPlace', $.urlParam('param1'));

    // ... any other thing you want to store

window.onload = function() {

    var param = localStorage.getItem('currentPlace');

    // ... load what you want

The use of sessionStorage vs localStorage is based on whether or not you want to maintain the values when the window is closed.


Also instead of that param1 you can store any other part of the url. This was just a sample.




As per comment (which is right) if you have a fragment of the url there would be no need to store anything unless they close the window. However if you load a portion of the page without changing the url you can use the above technique to store what part was loaded last.
