
时间:2022-12-02 02:34:40

I'm trying to use Sinon.js to stub the model constructor of my Student Mongoose model.

我正在尝试使用Sinon.js来存储我的Student Mongoose模型的模型构造函数。

var Student = require('../models/student');

var student = new Student({ name: 'test student' }); // I want to stub this constructor

Looking at the Mongoose source code, Model inherits its prototype from Document, which calls the Document function, so this is what I tried in order to stub the constructor. However, my stub never gets called.


sinon.stub(Student.prototype__proto__, 'constructor', () => {
  console.log('This does not work!');
  return { name: 'test student' };

createStudent(); // Doesn't print anything

Thank you for any insight.


EDIT: I can't directly set Student() as a stub, because I also stub Student.find() in another test. So my question is essentially "how do I stub Student() and Student.find() at the same time?"


1 个解决方案



It surely can be done only with sinon, but that will be very dependant on the way the lib works, and will not feel safe and maintainable.


For dependancies that are hard to mock directly, you should take a look at rewire or proxyquire (I use rewire, but you may want to have a choice) to do "monkey patching".


You will use rewire like require, but it has some sugar. Example :


var rewire = require("rewire");
var myCodeToTest = rewire("../path/to/my/code");

//Will make 'var Student' a sinon stub.
myCodeToTest.__set__('Student', sinon.stub().returns({ name: 'test'}));

//Execute code
myCodeToTest(); // or myCodeToTest.myFunction() etc..



"how do I stub Student() and Student.find() at the same time?"


//Will make 'var Student' a sinon stub.
var findStub = sinon.stub().returns({});
var studentStub = sinon.stub().returns({find: findStub});
myCodeToTest.__set__('Student', studentStub);



It surely can be done only with sinon, but that will be very dependant on the way the lib works, and will not feel safe and maintainable.


For dependancies that are hard to mock directly, you should take a look at rewire or proxyquire (I use rewire, but you may want to have a choice) to do "monkey patching".


You will use rewire like require, but it has some sugar. Example :


var rewire = require("rewire");
var myCodeToTest = rewire("../path/to/my/code");

//Will make 'var Student' a sinon stub.
myCodeToTest.__set__('Student', sinon.stub().returns({ name: 'test'}));

//Execute code
myCodeToTest(); // or myCodeToTest.myFunction() etc..



"how do I stub Student() and Student.find() at the same time?"


//Will make 'var Student' a sinon stub.
var findStub = sinon.stub().returns({});
var studentStub = sinon.stub().returns({find: findStub});
myCodeToTest.__set__('Student', studentStub);