Authenticated user making AJAX requests to rails API from jQuery

时间:2022-04-08 20:23:29

I'm building a Rails app and I'm using Devise for authentication. When the user is logged in I need to make an AJAX call to Rails and get data that belongs to the current user as JSON. Also I don't want unauthenticated users and other logged-in users to access the current user's resources.


I'm using jQuery's $.getJSON() to make the AJAX request by simply specifying the link address like this:

我正在使用jQuery的$ .getJSON()通过简单地指定链接地址来生成AJAX请求:

 $.getJSON('http://localhost:3000/users/1/photos', function(data) { console.log(data); });

So far authetication seems to work in the same manner it worked for the HTTP requests therefore a user can access only his own data via AJAX.


I don't have too much experience with AJAX and I don't understand why this does work at all. From where does my rails app know that I'm logged in when I make the AJAX call? I thought I had to create an extra authentication token and use it for authentication or to set the devise session cookie when performing the AJAX call.


Later Edit: From where does my rails app know that I'm logged in when I make the AJAX call?


1 个解决方案



An AJAX request (XMLHttpRequest) will contain the same headers at a standard HTTP request for the same domain. As far as reading the cookie from the header, looking up the session information, and authorizing the request, the behavior will be the same.




An AJAX request (XMLHttpRequest) will contain the same headers at a standard HTTP request for the same domain. As far as reading the cookie from the header, looking up the session information, and authorizing the request, the behavior will be the same.
