如何使用Mail :: Sender发送没有“收件人”地址的电子邮件?

时间:2023-01-07 18:15:48

Is it possible to send an Email with only cc or bcc recipients using Mail::Sender? When I try to send an Email without a "to" address, I get the expected return code:

是否可以使用Mail :: Sender发送仅包含cc或密件抄送收件人的电子邮件?当我尝试发送没有“到”地址的电子邮件时,我得到了预期的返回码:

-8 = argument $to empty

-8 =参数$为空

3 个解决方案


Using an empty string '' in the "to" field does not work. Using a space works like a charm.


use Mail::Sender;

my $sender = Mail::Sender->new();
my $mail   = {
    smtp                 => 'mailserver',
    from                 => 'example@example.com',
    to                   => ' ',
    bcc                  => 'example@example.com',
    subject              => 'test',
    ctype                => 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
    skip_bad_recipients  => 1,
    msg                  => 'test'

my $ret =  $sender->MailMsg($mail);

print $ret;


Does the fake_to parameter work:



=> the recipient's address that will be shown in headers. If not specified we use the value of "to".


If the list of addresses you want to send your message to is long or if you do not want the recipients to see each other's address set the fake_to parameter to some informative, yet bogus, address or to the address of your mailing/distribution list.



Looking at the source, it seems you'd still need to set the to parameter to something. Perhaps " " would do the trick?



Have you tried using '' ?



Using an empty string '' in the "to" field does not work. Using a space works like a charm.


use Mail::Sender;

my $sender = Mail::Sender->new();
my $mail   = {
    smtp                 => 'mailserver',
    from                 => 'example@example.com',
    to                   => ' ',
    bcc                  => 'example@example.com',
    subject              => 'test',
    ctype                => 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
    skip_bad_recipients  => 1,
    msg                  => 'test'

my $ret =  $sender->MailMsg($mail);

print $ret;


Does the fake_to parameter work:



=> the recipient's address that will be shown in headers. If not specified we use the value of "to".


If the list of addresses you want to send your message to is long or if you do not want the recipients to see each other's address set the fake_to parameter to some informative, yet bogus, address or to the address of your mailing/distribution list.



Looking at the source, it seems you'd still need to set the to parameter to something. Perhaps " " would do the trick?



Have you tried using '' ?
