
时间:2023-02-01 08:56:57

I have a subclassed UITableViewCell that contains a UITextView. I've added NSParagraphStyle as an attribute to the string in a subclassed NSTextStorage. In the following code, I've increased the space between each row in the UITextView.




let paragraphStyle = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
paragraphStyle.lineSpacing = 11
myCustomTextStorage.appendAttributedString(NSAttributedString(string: someText, attributes: [NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: paragraphStyle]))

The cursor height elongates till the height of the next line as shown below. This only happens on the rows before the last row.



I've looked at several posts on SO regarding this issue, including this post; however, none of the proposed solutions seem to be working for me.


I've read through the TextKit documentation but haven't found any solution for this issue.


Is there a way to reduce the cursor height?


2 个解决方案



This works as designed and it's the same on the Mac. It's meant to provide the user with visual feedback of both which line they're on and the height of that line. You should think hard before changing this just because you don't like the way it looks.


That said, the method in the SO post you linked above is the general approach for adjusting the cursor (though the adjusted rect's origin may need to be adjusted as well). What about it didn't work for you? It'd be better to start from there.

也就是说,上面链接的SO post中的方法是调整光标的通用方法(尽管调整后的rect的起源可能也需要调整)。它对你没用呢?最好从这里开始。



an answer related to this issue is given on this thread. just pasting here for future reference. iOS - UITextView lineSpacing make cursor height not same

在这个线程上给出了与这个问题相关的答案。粘贴在这里,供以后参考。iOS - UITextView行扫描使光标高度不同

"you could change cursor height by subclassing the UITextView, then override the caretRectForPosition:position function. For Example :


  • (CGRect)caretRectForPosition:(UITextPosition *)position { CGRect originalRect = [super caretRectForPosition:position]; originalRect.size.height = 18.0; return originalRect; } "
  • (CGRect)caretRectForPosition:(UITextPosition *)position {CGRect originalRect = [super caretRectForPosition:position];originalRect.size。身高= 18.0;返回originalRect;}”



This works as designed and it's the same on the Mac. It's meant to provide the user with visual feedback of both which line they're on and the height of that line. You should think hard before changing this just because you don't like the way it looks.


That said, the method in the SO post you linked above is the general approach for adjusting the cursor (though the adjusted rect's origin may need to be adjusted as well). What about it didn't work for you? It'd be better to start from there.

也就是说,上面链接的SO post中的方法是调整光标的通用方法(尽管调整后的rect的起源可能也需要调整)。它对你没用呢?最好从这里开始。



an answer related to this issue is given on this thread. just pasting here for future reference. iOS - UITextView lineSpacing make cursor height not same

在这个线程上给出了与这个问题相关的答案。粘贴在这里,供以后参考。iOS - UITextView行扫描使光标高度不同

"you could change cursor height by subclassing the UITextView, then override the caretRectForPosition:position function. For Example :


  • (CGRect)caretRectForPosition:(UITextPosition *)position { CGRect originalRect = [super caretRectForPosition:position]; originalRect.size.height = 18.0; return originalRect; } "
  • (CGRect)caretRectForPosition:(UITextPosition *)position {CGRect originalRect = [super caretRectForPosition:position];originalRect.size。身高= 18.0;返回originalRect;}”