是否有办法用Cron Job加载一个页面?

时间:2022-06-14 05:59:31

I have created a php file; so every time I run that, it will run copy all the database to a folder inside my host.


So I was wondering is there a way to call a cron job to load that page every day ?

所以我想知道是否有一种方法可以让cron job每天加载那个页面?

3 个解决方案



Yes, create a shell script say, myscript.sh, that calls this php, for example:


php yourscript.php

and then schedule it in cron to run (for example) every 6 hours:


0 */6 * * * ./myscript.sh



Yes you can.


Do a sudo crontab -e and you can add this line:

做一个sudo crontab -e,你可以添加以下内容:

0 0 * * * /path/to/php /path/to/php/file.php

Basically what this means is that everyday at midnight, it will run the command by invoking the php interpreter, and then running your php file.


Make sure your php file has the correct permissions for root (or for whatever user you'd like to run the cronjob under).


Edit: If you're using cPanel, check out this documentation: http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/11_30/CpanelDocs/CronJobs#Adding a cron job

编辑:如果您正在使用cPanel,请查看以下文档:http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/binki/view/11_30 / cpaneldocs/cronjobs #添加cron作业



It depends on what you mean by 'view'. You can certainly set up a cron job that runs PHP cURL, or shell commands (wget, curl, etc.), but it won't be loaded in a browser.

这取决于你所说的“观点”是什么意思。您当然可以设置运行PHP cURL或shell命令(wget、cURL等)的cron作业,但不会在浏览器中加载。



Yes, create a shell script say, myscript.sh, that calls this php, for example:


php yourscript.php

and then schedule it in cron to run (for example) every 6 hours:


0 */6 * * * ./myscript.sh



Yes you can.


Do a sudo crontab -e and you can add this line:

做一个sudo crontab -e,你可以添加以下内容:

0 0 * * * /path/to/php /path/to/php/file.php

Basically what this means is that everyday at midnight, it will run the command by invoking the php interpreter, and then running your php file.


Make sure your php file has the correct permissions for root (or for whatever user you'd like to run the cronjob under).


Edit: If you're using cPanel, check out this documentation: http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/11_30/CpanelDocs/CronJobs#Adding a cron job

编辑:如果您正在使用cPanel,请查看以下文档:http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/binki/view/11_30 / cpaneldocs/cronjobs #添加cron作业



It depends on what you mean by 'view'. You can certainly set up a cron job that runs PHP cURL, or shell commands (wget, curl, etc.), but it won't be loaded in a browser.

这取决于你所说的“观点”是什么意思。您当然可以设置运行PHP cURL或shell命令(wget、cURL等)的cron作业,但不会在浏览器中加载。