
时间:2023-01-23 19:07:51

AudioKit has had playgrounds since they were introduced, and we made hundreds of them, but as of about Xcode 8, they have become difficult to use. After about 4-5 playground views on average, Xcode will stop running any playgrounds and need to be restarted.

AudioKit自推出以来就有游乐场,我们制作了数百个游戏,但是从Xcode 8开始,它们变得难以使用。经过大约4-5个游乐场观看后,Xcode将停止运行任何游乐场,需要重新启动。

Here are the AudioKit's playground code: https://github.com/AudioKit/AudioKit/tree/master/Playgrounds


as well as screen recordings of how they should work: http://audiokit.io/playgrounds/


We basically use the set up as described in this blog to use the AudioKit framework in playgrounds: https://m.pardel.net/using-3rd-party-frameworks-in-swift-playgrounds-fd415f6dba10


The playgrounds are equally unstable if we use playgrounds on the Xcodeproj itself as if we are using the framework file.


Does anybody have any clue as to what happened to make Xcode playgrounds unstable with frameworks or have any advice on how we could change our set up to make the playgrounds stable again?


AudioKit playgrounds were a major part of what makes AudioKit easy to use and the loss of them has weighed heavily on me, so I am happy to offer a bounty (my first one, so bear with me).


1 个解决方案



I had not worked with Playgrounds in a while, but today I wanted to check some things out. I found Playgrounds hugely unstable, freezing up Xcode constantly. All I imported was UIKit, nothing fancy; just simple string parsing in a loop. Like yourself, I could get it to run a few times before needing to restart Xcode to regain responsiveness. This is in Xcode v9.3 (9E145).

我有一段时间没有和Playgrounds合作过,但今天我想检查一下。我发现Playgrounds非常不稳定,不断冻结Xcode。我进口的只是UIKit,没什么特别的;只是在循环中进行简单的字符串解析。就像你自己一样,在需要重新启动Xcode以重新获得响应之前,我可以让它运行几次。这是在Xcode v9.3(9E145)中。



I had not worked with Playgrounds in a while, but today I wanted to check some things out. I found Playgrounds hugely unstable, freezing up Xcode constantly. All I imported was UIKit, nothing fancy; just simple string parsing in a loop. Like yourself, I could get it to run a few times before needing to restart Xcode to regain responsiveness. This is in Xcode v9.3 (9E145).

我有一段时间没有和Playgrounds合作过,但今天我想检查一下。我发现Playgrounds非常不稳定,不断冻结Xcode。我进口的只是UIKit,没什么特别的;只是在循环中进行简单的字符串解析。就像你自己一样,在需要重新启动Xcode以重新获得响应之前,我可以让它运行几次。这是在Xcode v9.3(9E145)中。