
时间:2023-01-17 14:16:48

Facebook Like button on Android platform is working only for Administrator of App. It does not even work for a test user. Please see following image showing like/sharing activity for Administrator and for all other users.

Android平台上的Facebook Like按钮仅适用于App of Administrator。它甚至不适用于测试用户。请参阅以下图像,显示管理员和所有其他用户的/共享活动。

The review failed. the response from reviewer is "Your Open Graph action failed to publish on any of the Platforms you submitted. Make sure the action is working properly by publishing the action with a test user before resubmitting."

审查失败了。审阅者的回复是“您的Open Graph操作未能在您提交的任何平台上发布。请确保在重新提交之前通过向测试用户发布操作来正常运行该操作。”

Where is the problem. How Can I make it work for all users?



1 个解决方案


You need to submit your app for review before you can use the like button publicly, just add the "Native Like button" to the list of items in your submission (it's under Features, near the bottom of the list).



You need to submit your app for review before you can use the like button publicly, just add the "Native Like button" to the list of items in your submission (it's under Features, near the bottom of the list).
