Visual Studio 2005安装程序项目通过终端服务器安装崩溃

时间:2023-01-16 20:23:32

I have a setup project created by Visual Studio 2005, and consists of both a C# .NET 2.0 project and C++ MFC project, and the C++ run time. It works properly when run from the main console, but when run over a Terminal Server session on a Windows XP target, the install fails in the following way - When the Setup.exe is invoked, it immediately crashes before the first welcome screen is displayed. When invoked over a physical console, the setup runs normally.

我有一个由Visual Studio 2005创建的安装项目,它包含一个C#.NET 2.0项目和C ++ MFC项目,以及C ++运行时。从主控制台运行时它可以正常工作,但是当在Windows XP目标上通过终端服务器会话运行时,安装会以下列方式失败 - 调用Setup.exe时,它会在显示第一个欢迎屏幕之前立即崩溃。通过物理控制台调用时,安装程​​序正常运行。

I figured I could go back to a lab machine to debug, but it runs fine on a lab machine over Terminal Server.


I see other descriptions of setup problems over Terminal Server sessions, but I don't see a definite solution. Both machines have a nearly identical configuration except that the one that is failing also has the GoToMyPC Host installed.


Has anyone else seen these problems, and how can I troubleshoot this?



2 个解决方案



I had LOTS of issues with developing installers (and software in general) for terminal server. I hate that damn thing.


Anyway, VS Setup Projects are just .msi files, and run using the Windows installer framework.

无论如何,VS Setup Projects只是.msi文件,并使用Windows安装程序框架运行。

This will drop a log file when it errors out, they're called MSIc183.LOG (swap the c183 for some random numbers and letters), and they go in your logged-in-user account's temp directory.


The easiest way to find that is to type %TEMP% into the windows explorer address bar - once you're there have a look for these log files, they might give you a clue.

找到这种方法最简单的方法是在Windows资源管理器地址栏中键入%TEMP% - 一旦你在那里查看这些日志文件,它们可能会给你一个线索。

  • Note - Under terminal server, sometimes the logs don't go directly into %TEMP%, but under numbered subdirectories. If you can't find any MSIXYZ.LOG files in there, look for directories called 1, 2, and so on, and look in those.
  • 注 - 在终端服务器下,有时日志不会直接进入%TEMP%,而是在编号的子目录下。如果在那里找不到任何MSIXYZ.LOG文件,请查找名为1,2等的目录,然后查看这些文件。

If you find a log file, but can't get any clues from it, post it here. I've looked at more than I care to thing about, so I may be able to help




Before installing, drop to a command prompt and type



Then install your software. Once the install has completed, drop back to the command prompt and type:



Alternatively, don't start the installation by a double click but instead go to Add/Remove Programs and select "install software" from there.


Good luck!



I had LOTS of issues with developing installers (and software in general) for terminal server. I hate that damn thing.


Anyway, VS Setup Projects are just .msi files, and run using the Windows installer framework.

无论如何,VS Setup Projects只是.msi文件,并使用Windows安装程序框架运行。

This will drop a log file when it errors out, they're called MSIc183.LOG (swap the c183 for some random numbers and letters), and they go in your logged-in-user account's temp directory.


The easiest way to find that is to type %TEMP% into the windows explorer address bar - once you're there have a look for these log files, they might give you a clue.

找到这种方法最简单的方法是在Windows资源管理器地址栏中键入%TEMP% - 一旦你在那里查看这些日志文件,它们可能会给你一个线索。

  • Note - Under terminal server, sometimes the logs don't go directly into %TEMP%, but under numbered subdirectories. If you can't find any MSIXYZ.LOG files in there, look for directories called 1, 2, and so on, and look in those.
  • 注 - 在终端服务器下,有时日志不会直接进入%TEMP%,而是在编号的子目录下。如果在那里找不到任何MSIXYZ.LOG文件,请查找名为1,2等的目录,然后查看这些文件。

If you find a log file, but can't get any clues from it, post it here. I've looked at more than I care to thing about, so I may be able to help




Before installing, drop to a command prompt and type



Then install your software. Once the install has completed, drop back to the command prompt and type:



Alternatively, don't start the installation by a double click but instead go to Add/Remove Programs and select "install software" from there.


Good luck!