Xcode 5:“没有找到这样的配置文件…”错误。

时间:2023-01-16 20:18:52

I'm trying to distribute a new version of the app (it can be installed OTA) and I got the error:


"Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profile found: Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID “AdHocProfile”, however, no such provisioning profile was found. " and Xcode gets stuck in the process of automatically fix the error: Xcode 5:“没有找到这样的配置文件…”错误。


I have spent a lot of hours in the weekend looking for a solution here and on the internet, only to get rid of one of the two errors I got when I tried to archive the app to distribute it "Ad Hoc".


I made some capture screens to clarify what I've done:


Provisioning profile at Developer site:


Xcode 5:“没有找到这样的配置文件…”错误。

My account: certificates and profiles:


Xcode 5:“没有找到这样的配置文件…”错误。

Project Settings:


Xcode 5:“没有找到这样的配置文件…”错误。

Target Settings (Xcode changed them when I deleted the line PROVISIONING_PROFILE in project.pbxproj):

目标设置(当我删除project.pbxproj中的line PROVISIONING_PROFILE时,Xcode更改了它们):

Xcode 5:“没有找到这样的配置文件…”错误。

I deleted the line containing PROVISIONING_PROFILE in project.pbxproj, following the directions found in posts similar to this


Xcode 5:“没有找到这样的配置文件…”错误。

I also removed both the stable and the beta versions of Xcode and reinstalled it from the App Store. Don't know if it's important, but I removed the beta 5.1.3 with App Cleaner, deleting all the files associated to it.

我还删除了Xcode的稳定版和beta版,并从App Store中重新安装。不知道这是否重要,但我用应用程序清除器删除了测试版5.1.3,删除了与之相关的所有文件。

Since Xcode does not longer show the values on the popup to choose certificates, I am not sure if I choose the correct ones.


Could you please help me to solve this issue?


13 个解决方案



This took me a long time to figure out. I wasn't keen to redo all my profiles and certificates like some of the people suggested. My error message was saying ""Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profile found: Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID “6278e001-8887-4fe4-a95c-a722c896792f”" but then when I went into ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles and printed out all the files using ls -la I could clearly see the profile there.

我花了很长时间才弄明白。我不喜欢重新做我的个人资料和证书,就像一些人建议的那样。我的错误信息是“代码签名错误:没有找到匹配的配置文件:您的构建设置指定了UUID”6278e001-8887-4fe4-a95c-a722c896792f的配置文件”,但是当我进入~/Library/MobileDevice/ provisioning \ Profiles并使用ls -la打印出所有文件时,我可以清楚地看到那里的配置文件。

Xcode 5:“没有找到这样的配置文件…”错误。

I tried doing a Clean and Clean Build Folder.... I then tried to remove derived data. None of this worked.


But then when I simply quit Xcode and opened it again it worked


Xcode must be storing a cache somewhere when it opens up. This seems crazy to me. But what can we do.


I hope this helps someone.




I had the same issue this morning, and wasted about two hours desperately trying to fix it.


"Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profile found: Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID "0C60982A-9F45-4737-8135-505126A6DC2E", however, no such provisioning profile was found. "


What I learned is this:


If XCode ever reports that it can't find a Provisioning Profile, but just quotes the GUID, then give up trying to use your initiative, create new Profiles or Certificates, and get ready to hack.


The only way I could stop this error from happening (even after adding valid Provisioning Profiles) was to manually edit the .pbxproj file within the *.xcodeproj package.


Do a search for the GUID within this file, strip it out, and finally - finally - XCode will stop complaining.


Seriously, this is 2014, why is Apple's development environment such a dinosaur ?


Year after year, it's just bad... and they prefer to add a second programming language to it, rather than actually improve its usability.


(Sorry.. I'm in a bad mood after wasting my morning on this...)

(抱歉. .我今天早上浪费了这么多时间,心情很不好。



Well, I solved this issue going back to a previous version stored in Time Machine, deleting all certificates and profiles both on Developer website and computer, deleted files in ~Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles and the certificates stored in Keychain Access. Also checked in project.pbxproj that no PROVISIONING_PROFILE was set.


Then, I loaded the old version in Xcode and I was able to build and archive it.


After that, the newest version worked again.


By the way, if you try to distribute an app to a device running iOS 7.1, read this

顺便说一下,如果你试图将一个应用程序发布到运行iOS 7.1的设备上,请阅读这篇文章。



Quit Xcode and re-open, this worked for me. Would try first before spending too long attempting to fix it.




Egad… try this first: Our team encountered this exact issue trying to open an updated app with newly download Xcode 5.1 on iOS 7.1 device with a one day tardy profile. Hours later:

第一个尝试:我们的团队遇到了这个问题,试图打开一个更新的应用程序,在iOS 7.1设备上新下载Xcode 5.1,有一天的延迟。小时后:

Download and install a new profile (as necessary) then:


Make sure the BUNDLE IDENTIFIER in your project's Xcode’s GENERAL view matches verbatim what the profile reads on your Developer WEB portal, and then be sure THAT profile is downloaded & installed in Xcode. Select that profile in your BUILD setting, and you could be solved by now (the App then installed on devices without issue), but we also noticed we could to go back to GENERAL view and the FIX button actually worked: it fixed the "not found" profile




If anyone still has this issue - and happens to have setup a workspace with individual projects, I'd suggest you from the root folder do a:



and remove directly the PROVISIONING_PROFILE = "*****" line from the file in my case, it ended happening that an old xcodeproject has a bad provisioning but I was attempting to archive from within the workspace

在我的例子中,从文件中直接删除PROVISIONING_PROFILE = "**** "行,它结束了一个旧的xcodeproject有一个糟糕的配置,但我试图从工作区中归档。



Just set automatic option in Xcode.


Xcode 5:“没有找到这样的配置文件…”错误。



Below is what worked for me in XCode 7.

下面是XCode 7中为我工作的内容。

I had to change provision profile in XXXXTests too...


Xcode 5:“没有找到这样的配置文件…”错误。

Xcode 5:“没有找到这样的配置文件…”错误。



I kept running into this issue with Xcode 7.1 and tried some of the solutions above but didn't have any success. What I found did solve the issue was going to Go > Go To Folder > ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles and deleting all of the provisioning profiles.

我一直使用Xcode 7.1来解决这个问题,并尝试了上面的一些解决方案,但是没有成功。我发现解决这个问题的方法是将>转到> ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning配置文件,并删除所有配置文件。

From there I added back the provisioning profiles on an as needed basis and it seemed fix the issue. I'll post back if I find that it doesn't permanently fix the issue, but so far so good.




I was able to get a fix done just by doing the following:


  1. Xcode -> Preferences
  2. Xcode - >首选项
  3. Accounts
  4. 账户
  5. Select your Apple ID and remove it by clicking the '-' button at the bottom
  6. 选择你的苹果ID,并通过点击底部的“-”按钮删除它。
  7. Click the '+' button at bottom -> Add Apple ID
  8. 点击底部的“+”按钮->添加苹果ID。
  9. Login with your Apple ID
  10. 用你的苹果账号登录。
  11. Download all certificates again
  12. 再次下载所有证书
  13. Specify your profiles in your Build Settings
  14. 在构建设置中指定概要文件。
  15. Build
  16. 构建



Considering everything you set properly still facing issue. Then Just delete all derived data for your project , quit XCode then open your project again.


It workes for me.




I got this issue running Xcode 7.2.1 and found out that I had multiple provisioning profiles with the same name (The name on the developer portal).

我得到了运行Xcode 7.2.1的这个问题,并发现我有多个配置文件,名称相同(开发人员门户上的名称)。

By navigating to ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles and removing all old provisioning profiles with the same name I was able to solve this problem.


In the terminal, navigate to the provisioning profile folder:


cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles

List all provisioning profiles with your name:


grep -ar 'MyProvisioningProfileName' .  

-a means that we treat all files as ASCII text.


-r means that we will search all subdirectories listed.


This should produce a list of all provisioning profiles with the same name, e.g.


./123ha32ba-b5df-abee-12yb-12a34b216ba8.mobileprovision: <string>MyProvisioningProfileName</string>
./214hj32cf-bdfh-1ebe-bba4-7ba32b2165ha.mobileprovision: <string>MyProvisioningProfileName</string>
./321habc2f-jk32-bbae-5tga-yha234b16lka.mobileprovision: <string>MyProvisioningProfileName</string>

By deleting every provisioning profile you don't want (or deleting all and downloading a new one from the developer profile.) this problem went away.




I had this issue this morning. The only way to resolve it was removing all my provisioning profiles from


~Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

~图书馆/ MobileDevice /配置概要文件

and downloading again all my provisioning profiles from


Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts

Xcode ->偏好->帐户。

My project build and works now.




This took me a long time to figure out. I wasn't keen to redo all my profiles and certificates like some of the people suggested. My error message was saying ""Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profile found: Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID “6278e001-8887-4fe4-a95c-a722c896792f”" but then when I went into ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles and printed out all the files using ls -la I could clearly see the profile there.

我花了很长时间才弄明白。我不喜欢重新做我的个人资料和证书,就像一些人建议的那样。我的错误信息是“代码签名错误:没有找到匹配的配置文件:您的构建设置指定了UUID”6278e001-8887-4fe4-a95c-a722c896792f的配置文件”,但是当我进入~/Library/MobileDevice/ provisioning \ Profiles并使用ls -la打印出所有文件时,我可以清楚地看到那里的配置文件。

Xcode 5:“没有找到这样的配置文件…”错误。

I tried doing a Clean and Clean Build Folder.... I then tried to remove derived data. None of this worked.


But then when I simply quit Xcode and opened it again it worked


Xcode must be storing a cache somewhere when it opens up. This seems crazy to me. But what can we do.


I hope this helps someone.




I had the same issue this morning, and wasted about two hours desperately trying to fix it.


"Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profile found: Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID "0C60982A-9F45-4737-8135-505126A6DC2E", however, no such provisioning profile was found. "


What I learned is this:


If XCode ever reports that it can't find a Provisioning Profile, but just quotes the GUID, then give up trying to use your initiative, create new Profiles or Certificates, and get ready to hack.


The only way I could stop this error from happening (even after adding valid Provisioning Profiles) was to manually edit the .pbxproj file within the *.xcodeproj package.


Do a search for the GUID within this file, strip it out, and finally - finally - XCode will stop complaining.


Seriously, this is 2014, why is Apple's development environment such a dinosaur ?


Year after year, it's just bad... and they prefer to add a second programming language to it, rather than actually improve its usability.


(Sorry.. I'm in a bad mood after wasting my morning on this...)

(抱歉. .我今天早上浪费了这么多时间,心情很不好。



Well, I solved this issue going back to a previous version stored in Time Machine, deleting all certificates and profiles both on Developer website and computer, deleted files in ~Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles and the certificates stored in Keychain Access. Also checked in project.pbxproj that no PROVISIONING_PROFILE was set.


Then, I loaded the old version in Xcode and I was able to build and archive it.


After that, the newest version worked again.


By the way, if you try to distribute an app to a device running iOS 7.1, read this

顺便说一下,如果你试图将一个应用程序发布到运行iOS 7.1的设备上,请阅读这篇文章。



Quit Xcode and re-open, this worked for me. Would try first before spending too long attempting to fix it.




Egad… try this first: Our team encountered this exact issue trying to open an updated app with newly download Xcode 5.1 on iOS 7.1 device with a one day tardy profile. Hours later:

第一个尝试:我们的团队遇到了这个问题,试图打开一个更新的应用程序,在iOS 7.1设备上新下载Xcode 5.1,有一天的延迟。小时后:

Download and install a new profile (as necessary) then:


Make sure the BUNDLE IDENTIFIER in your project's Xcode’s GENERAL view matches verbatim what the profile reads on your Developer WEB portal, and then be sure THAT profile is downloaded & installed in Xcode. Select that profile in your BUILD setting, and you could be solved by now (the App then installed on devices without issue), but we also noticed we could to go back to GENERAL view and the FIX button actually worked: it fixed the "not found" profile




If anyone still has this issue - and happens to have setup a workspace with individual projects, I'd suggest you from the root folder do a:



and remove directly the PROVISIONING_PROFILE = "*****" line from the file in my case, it ended happening that an old xcodeproject has a bad provisioning but I was attempting to archive from within the workspace

在我的例子中,从文件中直接删除PROVISIONING_PROFILE = "**** "行,它结束了一个旧的xcodeproject有一个糟糕的配置,但我试图从工作区中归档。



Just set automatic option in Xcode.


Xcode 5:“没有找到这样的配置文件…”错误。



Below is what worked for me in XCode 7.

下面是XCode 7中为我工作的内容。

I had to change provision profile in XXXXTests too...


Xcode 5:“没有找到这样的配置文件…”错误。

Xcode 5:“没有找到这样的配置文件…”错误。



I kept running into this issue with Xcode 7.1 and tried some of the solutions above but didn't have any success. What I found did solve the issue was going to Go > Go To Folder > ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles and deleting all of the provisioning profiles.

我一直使用Xcode 7.1来解决这个问题,并尝试了上面的一些解决方案,但是没有成功。我发现解决这个问题的方法是将>转到> ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning配置文件,并删除所有配置文件。

From there I added back the provisioning profiles on an as needed basis and it seemed fix the issue. I'll post back if I find that it doesn't permanently fix the issue, but so far so good.




I was able to get a fix done just by doing the following:


  1. Xcode -> Preferences
  2. Xcode - >首选项
  3. Accounts
  4. 账户
  5. Select your Apple ID and remove it by clicking the '-' button at the bottom
  6. 选择你的苹果ID,并通过点击底部的“-”按钮删除它。
  7. Click the '+' button at bottom -> Add Apple ID
  8. 点击底部的“+”按钮->添加苹果ID。
  9. Login with your Apple ID
  10. 用你的苹果账号登录。
  11. Download all certificates again
  12. 再次下载所有证书
  13. Specify your profiles in your Build Settings
  14. 在构建设置中指定概要文件。
  15. Build
  16. 构建



Considering everything you set properly still facing issue. Then Just delete all derived data for your project , quit XCode then open your project again.


It workes for me.




I got this issue running Xcode 7.2.1 and found out that I had multiple provisioning profiles with the same name (The name on the developer portal).

我得到了运行Xcode 7.2.1的这个问题,并发现我有多个配置文件,名称相同(开发人员门户上的名称)。

By navigating to ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles and removing all old provisioning profiles with the same name I was able to solve this problem.


In the terminal, navigate to the provisioning profile folder:


cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles

List all provisioning profiles with your name:


grep -ar 'MyProvisioningProfileName' .  

-a means that we treat all files as ASCII text.


-r means that we will search all subdirectories listed.


This should produce a list of all provisioning profiles with the same name, e.g.


./123ha32ba-b5df-abee-12yb-12a34b216ba8.mobileprovision: <string>MyProvisioningProfileName</string>
./214hj32cf-bdfh-1ebe-bba4-7ba32b2165ha.mobileprovision: <string>MyProvisioningProfileName</string>
./321habc2f-jk32-bbae-5tga-yha234b16lka.mobileprovision: <string>MyProvisioningProfileName</string>

By deleting every provisioning profile you don't want (or deleting all and downloading a new one from the developer profile.) this problem went away.




I had this issue this morning. The only way to resolve it was removing all my provisioning profiles from


~Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

~图书馆/ MobileDevice /配置概要文件

and downloading again all my provisioning profiles from


Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts

Xcode ->偏好->帐户。

My project build and works now.
