
时间:2023-01-15 23:01:24

I know that swift doesn't allow declaring stored property within extension. And by the same token, lazily loaded properties are also prohibited. I know computed property is an alternative, but the task I have should only be executed once.


Is there any hack/alternative/overlooked way to mimic lazy var in extension?

有什么方法可以在扩展中模仿lazy var吗?



2 个解决方案



you can use computed property, combined with associatedObject. in this way, you can mimic a stored property. so the lazy var simulation will be:


// global var's address used as key
var #PropertyKey# : UInt8 = 0
var #varName# : #type# {
    get {
        if let v = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, & #PropertyKey#) as #type# {
            return v
        }else {
            // the val not exist, init it and set it. then return it

            // this way doesn't support nil option value. 
            // if you need nil option value, you need another associatedObject to indicate this situation.
    set {
        objc_setAssociatedObject(self, & #PropertyKey#, newValue, objc_AssociationPolicy(OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC))



If you don't need to refer to self you can use a static var:


extension String {
    static var count = 0
    static var laughingOutOut : String = {

        return "LOL: \(count)"

String.laughingOutOut // outputs "LOL: 1"
String.laughingOutOut // outputs "LOL: 1"
String.laughingOutOut // outputs "LOL: 1"

(You don't need count in your implementation; that's just there to show it's only executed once.)




you can use computed property, combined with associatedObject. in this way, you can mimic a stored property. so the lazy var simulation will be:


// global var's address used as key
var #PropertyKey# : UInt8 = 0
var #varName# : #type# {
    get {
        if let v = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, & #PropertyKey#) as #type# {
            return v
        }else {
            // the val not exist, init it and set it. then return it

            // this way doesn't support nil option value. 
            // if you need nil option value, you need another associatedObject to indicate this situation.
    set {
        objc_setAssociatedObject(self, & #PropertyKey#, newValue, objc_AssociationPolicy(OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC))



If you don't need to refer to self you can use a static var:


extension String {
    static var count = 0
    static var laughingOutOut : String = {

        return "LOL: \(count)"

String.laughingOutOut // outputs "LOL: 1"
String.laughingOutOut // outputs "LOL: 1"
String.laughingOutOut // outputs "LOL: 1"

(You don't need count in your implementation; that's just there to show it's only executed once.)
