
时间:2022-12-01 22:54:10

This is most easily explained with a brief example. Let's say I have the following protocol and class definitions:


@protocol ProtocolA <NSObject>
+ (BOOL)methodA;

@interface ClassA : NSObject <ProtocolA>

ClassA may or may not define methodA. If I was working with an instance of ClassA and an instance method, I could test the instance with respondsToSelector:. In this situation, however, I cannot think of any clean way to determine if ClassA defines (responds to) methodA.


EDIT: I was silly and did not make my example specific enough, which meant the answer to the question was not exactly the solution to my problem -- so I am including a bit more code and the warning I am getting:


Class <ProtocolA> classRef = [ClassA class];

if([classRef respondsToSelector:@selector(methodA)]) {}

The above code throws the following warning: " Instance method 'respondsToSelector:' found instead of class method 'respondsToSelector:'"

上面的代码抛出以下警告:“实例方法'respondsToSelector:' find而不是类方法'respondsToSelector:'”

I only just now noticed that if I explicitly cast classRef to (Class) then the warning goes away. I still find that odd.


1 个解决方案



[[instance class] respondsToSelector:@selector(methodA)]

[[实例类]respondstoselectorismemberofclass:@ selector methodA()

Every instance of a class has a pointer to it's class object which can be retrieved by calling class. This object (classes are objects in Objective C) can be probed with respondsToSelector: just like any other object.

类的每个实例都有一个指向类对象的指针,可以通过调用类来检索类。这个对象(类是Objective C中的对象)可以使用respondsToSelector:就像任何其他对象一样。



[[instance class] respondsToSelector:@selector(methodA)]

[[实例类]respondstoselectorismemberofclass:@ selector methodA()

Every instance of a class has a pointer to it's class object which can be retrieved by calling class. This object (classes are objects in Objective C) can be probed with respondsToSelector: just like any other object.

类的每个实例都有一个指向类对象的指针,可以通过调用类来检索类。这个对象(类是Objective C中的对象)可以使用respondsToSelector:就像任何其他对象一样。