如何在Node.js中读取非常大(> 1GB)的tar.gz文件?

时间:2021-02-13 22:52:04

I have never had to do this before so this is probably something really basic, but I thought I'd ask anyways.


What is the right way to read a very large file in Node.js? Say the file is just too large to read all at once. Also say the file could come in as a .zip or .tar.gz format.


First question, is it best to decompress the file first and save it to disk (I'm using Stuffit on the Mac to do this now), and then work with that file? Or can you read the IO stream straight from the compressed .zip or .tar.gz version? I guess you'd need to know the format of the content in the compressed file, so you probably have to decompress (just found out this .tar.gz file is actually a .dat file)...


Then the main issue is, how do I read this large file in Node.js? Say it's a 1GB XML file, where should I look to get started in parsing it? (Not, how to parse XML, but if you're reading the large file line-by-line, how do you parse something like XML which needs to know the context of previous lines).

那么主要的问题是,如何在Node.js中读取这个大文件?假设它是一个1GB的XML文件,我应该在哪里开始解析它? (不是,如何解析XML,但是如果你逐行读取大文件,你如何解析像XML这样需要知道前一行的上下文的东西)。

I have seen fs.createReadStream, but I'm afraid to mess around with it... don't want to explode my computer. Just looking for some pointers in the right direction.


2 个解决方案



there is built-in zlib module for stream decompression and sax for stream XML parsing


var fs = require('fs');
var zlib = require('zlib');
var sax = require('sax');

var saxStream = sax.createStream();
// add your xml handlers here




We can also zip the directory something like the following :


var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var pathToArchive = './very_large_folder.tar.gz';
var pathToFolder = './very_large_folder';

var tar = spawn('tar', ['czf', pathToArchive, pathToFolder]);
tar.on('exit', function (code) {
        if (code === 0) {
                console.log('completed successfully');
        } else {

This worked nicely :)




there is built-in zlib module for stream decompression and sax for stream XML parsing


var fs = require('fs');
var zlib = require('zlib');
var sax = require('sax');

var saxStream = sax.createStream();
// add your xml handlers here




We can also zip the directory something like the following :


var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var pathToArchive = './very_large_folder.tar.gz';
var pathToFolder = './very_large_folder';

var tar = spawn('tar', ['czf', pathToArchive, pathToFolder]);
tar.on('exit', function (code) {
        if (code === 0) {
                console.log('completed successfully');
        } else {

This worked nicely :)
