如何在visual studio中改变MVC的主题

时间:2023-01-14 22:53:23

i am using default template of Asp.net MVC 3 but now want to move to MVC 4, i have completed my project but now exporting it to MVC 4. Actually i want only the template of MVC 4 to be applied to my MVC 3 made app. How ?

我正在使用Asp.net MVC 3的默认模板,但现在想要转移到MVC 4,我已经完成了我的项目,但现在将其导出到MVC 4.实际上我只想将MVC 4的模板应用到我的MVC 3制作应用程序。怎么样 ?

I do have files in folders. What are possibilities ?


1 个解决方案



The "Themes" folder in MVC is just a feature of jQuery UI and is not an MVC-specific feature. MVC itself does not have any actual "theme" support.

MVC中的“Themes”文件夹只是jQuery UI的一个功能,并不是MVC特有的功能。 MVC本身没有任何实际的“主题”支持。

You can find additional themes as NuGet packages from the NuGet feed: Here

您可以在NuGet feed中找到NuGet包的其他主题:Here



The "Themes" folder in MVC is just a feature of jQuery UI and is not an MVC-specific feature. MVC itself does not have any actual "theme" support.

MVC中的“Themes”文件夹只是jQuery UI的一个功能,并不是MVC特有的功能。 MVC本身没有任何实际的“主题”支持。

You can find additional themes as NuGet packages from the NuGet feed: Here

您可以在NuGet feed中找到NuGet包的其他主题:Here