向Visual Studio XML文档添加不同的默认和自定义标记

时间:2023-01-14 19:06:56

I am just learning how to use the XML documentation capabilities in visual studio and C#.

我只是学习如何在visual studio和C#中使用XML文档功能。

The default XML tags used in the documentation are "summary", "param name", and "returns".

文档中使用的默认XML标记是“summary”,“param name”和“returns”。

I'd like to add "remarks" to the default tags. I'd also like to add custom tags.


I've looked through MSDN, the XML documentation tutorials, and * and haven't found the way to do this. Any suggestions are much appreciated, and thanks!



1 个解决方案



This thread describes a solution for VB, but says that it is not available for C#. Follow the links to vote to have this feature included in the next version of Visual Stuido.

该线程描述了VB的解决方案,但表示它不适用于C#。按照链接进行投票,以便在Visual Stuido的下一个版本中包含此功能。



This thread describes a solution for VB, but says that it is not available for C#. Follow the links to vote to have this feature included in the next version of Visual Stuido.

该线程描述了VB的解决方案,但表示它不适用于C#。按照链接进行投票,以便在Visual Stuido的下一个版本中包含此功能。