
时间:2023-01-13 23:43:34

I'm trying to build a search result of three differend log tables with one output. This output has to be sorted by "time" and echoed in a foreach loop.


  1. table

    id | record-id | user_id | time | sector | info

    id | record-id | user_id |时间|部门|信息

  2. table

    id | user_id | ip | time | path | info | message | level

    id | user_id | ip |时间|路径|信息|消息|水平

  3. table

    id | req_id | user | time | info | type | ip

    id | req_id |用户|时间|信息|类型| IP

The three results would all be different and hardly be comparable ...


The question is, where and how to merge the result ... I dont think I can handle this with only one query, or? JOIN (there is no reference) and UNION (different count of colums) may be the wrong choice?

问题是,在哪里以及如何合并结果......我不认为我只用一个查询来处理这个问题,或者? JOIN(没有参考)和UNION(不同的colums数)可能是错误的选择?

If there is no other option I can make 3 querys and merge the result array like that


function cmp($a, $b) {
  if ($a['time'] == $b['time']) {
    return 0;

  return ($a['time'] < $b['time']) ? -1 : 1;

$new_arr = array_merge($result1, $result2, $result3);
uasort($new_arr, 'cmp'); 

2 个解决方案



A possible solution is to use UNION ALL and CONCAT_WS() to unify your resultset into fixed number of columns (5 in an example below). And then explode() details column values in php while you iterate over your resultset.

一种可能的解决方案是使用UNION ALL和CONCAT_WS()将结果集统一为固定数量的列(下例中为5)。然后,在迭代结果集时,explode()会详细说明php中的列值。

SELECT 1 source, id, record_id id2, time, CONCAT_WS('|', user_id, sector, info) details
  FROM table1
SELECT 2, id, user_id, time, CONCAT_WS('|', ip, path, info, message, level)
  FROM table2
SELECT 3, id, req_id, time, CONCAT_WS('|', user, info, type, ip)
  FROM table3
 ORDER BY time DESC, source, id, id2

Sample output:

| SOURCE | ID |  ID2 |                TIME |                                                              DETAILS |
|      1 | 11 |  111 | 2013-06-30 16:00:00 |                                              12|sector1|info details |
|      2 | 12 |   13 | 2013-06-30 15:00:00 ||/your/path/some/where|info details|message details|level1 |
|      3 | 13 | 1024 | 2013-06-30 12:00:00 |                              user1|info details|type info| |

Here is SQLFiddle dmeo

这是SQLFiddle dmeo



You could use a union as long as you "stretch" the results of the unbalanced columns, e.g.


SELECT 'table1' AS source, record_id, user_id, time, sector, path
SELECT 'table2', user_id, null, null, ip, etc....
SELECT 'table3', null, req_id, null, null, ip, etc...

Basically for any field that's common between the three table, or at least type-compatible, you can use a particular column in the results for that field. For unmatched/type-imcompatible fields in one table, simply select NULL as the 'matching' value in the other queries.


However, this makes your client-side logic far more complicated, so you're probably better off just biting the bullet and running 3 different queries. At some point, the minor efficiency gains of firing off a single union'd query are outweighed by the extra processing you have to do in the client to separate out the relevant data again.




A possible solution is to use UNION ALL and CONCAT_WS() to unify your resultset into fixed number of columns (5 in an example below). And then explode() details column values in php while you iterate over your resultset.

一种可能的解决方案是使用UNION ALL和CONCAT_WS()将结果集统一为固定数量的列(下例中为5)。然后,在迭代结果集时,explode()会详细说明php中的列值。

SELECT 1 source, id, record_id id2, time, CONCAT_WS('|', user_id, sector, info) details
  FROM table1
SELECT 2, id, user_id, time, CONCAT_WS('|', ip, path, info, message, level)
  FROM table2
SELECT 3, id, req_id, time, CONCAT_WS('|', user, info, type, ip)
  FROM table3
 ORDER BY time DESC, source, id, id2

Sample output:

| SOURCE | ID |  ID2 |                TIME |                                                              DETAILS |
|      1 | 11 |  111 | 2013-06-30 16:00:00 |                                              12|sector1|info details |
|      2 | 12 |   13 | 2013-06-30 15:00:00 ||/your/path/some/where|info details|message details|level1 |
|      3 | 13 | 1024 | 2013-06-30 12:00:00 |                              user1|info details|type info| |

Here is SQLFiddle dmeo

这是SQLFiddle dmeo



You could use a union as long as you "stretch" the results of the unbalanced columns, e.g.


SELECT 'table1' AS source, record_id, user_id, time, sector, path
SELECT 'table2', user_id, null, null, ip, etc....
SELECT 'table3', null, req_id, null, null, ip, etc...

Basically for any field that's common between the three table, or at least type-compatible, you can use a particular column in the results for that field. For unmatched/type-imcompatible fields in one table, simply select NULL as the 'matching' value in the other queries.


However, this makes your client-side logic far more complicated, so you're probably better off just biting the bullet and running 3 different queries. At some point, the minor efficiency gains of firing off a single union'd query are outweighed by the extra processing you have to do in the client to separate out the relevant data again.
