是否可以强制Excel自动识别UTF-8 CSV文件?

时间:2023-01-06 11:44:38

I'm developing a part of an application that's responsible for exporting some data into CSV files. The application always uses UTF-8 because of its multilingual nature at all levels. But opening such CSV files (containing e.g. diacritics, cyrillic letters, Greek letters) in Excel does not achieve the expected results showing something like Г„/Г¤, Г–/Г¶. And I don't know how to force Excel understand that the open CSV file is encoded in UTF-8. I also tried specifying UTF-8 BOM EF BB BF, but Excel ignores that.

我正在开发一个应用程序的一部分,该应用程序负责将一些数据导出到CSV文件中。应用程序总是使用UTF-8,因为它在所有级别都具有多语言特性。但是打开这样的CSV文件(包含如变音符号,西里尔字母、希腊字母)在Excel中并没有达到预期的结果显示类似Г„/Г¤,Г- /Г¶。我不知道如何强制Excel理解open CSV文件是用UTF-8编码的。我还尝试指定UTF-8 BOM EF BB BF,但是Excel忽略了这一点。

Is there any workaround?


P.S. Which tools may potentially behave like Excel does?




I have to say that I've confused the community with the formulation of the question. When I was asking this question, I asked for a way of opening a UTF-8 CSV file in Excel without any problems for a user, in a fluent and transparent way. However, I used a wrong formulation asking for doing it automatically. That is very confusing and it *es with VBA macro automation. There are two answers for this questions that I appreciate the most: the very first answer by Alex https://*.com/a/6002338/166589, and I've accepted this answer; and the second one by Mark https://*.com/a/6488070/166589 that have appeared a little later. From the usability point of view, Excel seemed to have lack of a good user-friendly UTF-8 CSV support, so I consider both answers are correct, and I have accepted Alex's answer first because it really stated that Excel was not able to do that transparently. That is what I confused with automatically here. Mark's answer promotes a more complicated way for more advanced users to achieve the expected result. Both answers are great, but Alex's one fits my not clearly specified question a little better.

我不得不说,我把这个问题的提法搞混了。当我问这个问题的时候,我问了一个在Excel中打开UTF-8 CSV文件的方法,这个方法对用户来说没有任何问题,而且是流畅和透明的。然而,我用了一个错误的公式要求自动完成。这非常令人困惑,并且与VBA宏自动化冲突。这个问题有两个答案是我最欣赏的:Alex https://*.com/a/6002338/166589的第一个答案,我接受了这个答案;第二个是Mark https://*.com/a/6488070/166589,稍晚一些。从可用性的角度来看,Excel似乎缺少良好的用户友好的UTF-8 CSV支持,所以我认为这两个答案都是正确的,我首先接受了Alex的回答,因为它确实说明了Excel不能够透明地做到这一点。这就是我在这里说的。Mark的回答为更高级的用户提供了一种更复杂的方法来实现预期的结果。两个答案都很好,但是Alex的答案更符合我没有明确指定的问题。



Five months later after the last edit, I've noticed that Alex's answer has disappeared for some reason. I really hope it wasn't a technical issue and I hope there is no more discussion on which answer is greater now. So I'm accepting Mark's answer as the best one.


21 个解决方案



Alex is correct, but as you have to export to csv, you can give the users this advice when opening the csv files:


  1. Save the exported file as a csv
  2. 将导出的文件保存为csv
  3. Open Excel
  4. 打开Excel
  5. Import the data using Data-->Import External Data --> Import Data
  6. 使用数据导入数据——>导入外部数据——>导入数据
  7. Select the file type of "csv" and browse to your file
  8. 选择“csv”的文件类型并浏览到您的文件
  9. In the import wizard change the File_Origin to "65001 UTF" (or choose correct language character identifier)
  10. 在导入向导中,将File_Origin更改为“65001 UTF”(或选择正确的语言字符标识符)
  11. Change the Delimiter to comma
  12. 将分隔符改为逗号。
  13. Select where to import to and Finish
  14. 选择要导入到何处并完成

This way the special characters should show correctly.




The UTF-8 Byte-order marker will clue Excel 2007+ in to the fact that you're using UTF-8. (See this SO post).


In case anybody is having the same issues I was, .NET's UTF8 encoding class does not output a byte-order marker even when its constructor is explicitly told to. You have to use this workaround if you want to really save it with a byte-order marker.

如果任何人都有和我一样的问题,. net的UTF8编码类不会输出字节顺序标记,即使它的构造函数被显式地告知。如果你想用字节顺序标记来保存的话,你必须使用这个变通方法。



The bug with ignored BOM seems to be fixed for Excel 2013. I had same problem with Cyrillic letters, but adding BOM character \uFEFF did help.

BOM被忽略的bug似乎在Excel 2013中得到了修复。我对西里尔字母也有同样的问题,但是添加BOM字符\uFEFF确实有帮助。



We have used this workaround:


  1. Convert CSV to UTF-16
  2. CSV转换为utf - 16
  3. Insert BOM at beginning of file
  4. 在文件开头插入BOM
  5. Use tab as field separator
  6. 使用选项卡作为字段分隔符



It is incredible that there are so many answers but none answers the question:


"When I was asking this question, I asked for a way of opening a UTF-8 CSV file in Excel without any problems for a user,..."

“当我问这个问题时,我问了一个在Excel中打开UTF-8 CSV文件的方法,对用户来说没有任何问题……”

The answer marked as the accepted answer with 200+ up-votes is useless for me because I don't want to give my users a manual how to configure Excel. Apart from that: this manual will apply to one Excel version but other Excel versions have different menus and configuration dialogs. You would need a manual for each Excel version.


So the question is how to make Excel show UTF8 data with a simple double click?


Well at least in Excel 2007 this is not possible if you use CSV files because the UTF8 BOM is ignored and you will see only garbage. This is already part of the question of Lyubomyr Shaydariv:

至少在Excel 2007中,如果你使用CSV文件,这是不可能的,因为UTF8 BOM被忽略了,你只会看到垃圾。Lyubomyr Shaydariv:

"I also tried specifying UTF-8 BOM EF BB BF, but Excel ignores that."

“我也尝试过指定UTF-8 BOM EF BB BF,但Excel忽略了这一点。”

I make the same experience: Writing russian or greek data into a UTF8 CSV file with BOM results in garbage in Excel:

我也有同样的经历:用BOM将俄文或希腊文数据写入UTF8 CSV文件会导致Excel中的垃圾:

Content of UTF8 CSV file:

UTF8 CSV文件内容:


Result in Excel 2007:

结果在Excel 2007:

是否可以强制Excel自动识别UTF-8 CSV文件?

A solution is to not use CSV at all. This format is implemented so stupidly by Microsoft that it depends on the region settings in control panel if comma or semicolon is used as separator. So the same CSV file may open correctly on one computer but on anther computer not. "CSV" means "Comma Separated Values" but for example on a german Windows by default semicolon must be used as separator while comma does not work. (Here it should be named SSV = Semicolon Separated Values) CSV files cannot be interchanged between different language versions of Windows. This is an additional Problem to the UTF-8 problem.

解决方案是完全不使用CSV。这种格式是由Microsoft愚蠢地实现的,如果使用逗号或分号作为分隔符,则取决于控制面板中的区域设置。所以相同的CSV文件可以在一台计算机上正确打开,但在另一台计算机上不能。“CSV”的意思是“逗号分隔值”,但是在德国的Windows上,默认的分号必须用作分隔符,而逗号不能工作。(这里应该命名为SSV =分号分隔值)CSV文件不能在Windows的不同语言版本之间交换。这是UTF-8问题的另一个问题。

Excel exists since decades. It is a shame that Microsoft was not able to implement such a basic thing as CSV import in all these years.


If you put the same values into a HTML file and save that file as UTF8 file with BOM with the file extension XLS you will get the correct result.


Content of UTF8 XLS file:

UTF8 XLS文件内容:


Result in Excel 2007:

结果在Excel 2007:

是否可以强制Excel自动识别UTF-8 CSV文件?

You can even use colors in HTML which Excel will show correctly.


.Head { background-color:gray; color:white; }
.Red  { color:red; }
<table border=1>
<tr><td class=Head>Colum1</td><td class=Head>Column2</td></tr>
<tr><td class=Red>Авиабилет</td><td class=Red>Tλληνικ</td></tr>

Result in Excel 2007:

结果在Excel 2007:

是否可以强制Excel自动识别UTF-8 CSV文件?

In this case only the table itself has a black border and lines. If you want ALL cells to display gridlines this is also possible in HTML:


<html xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/plain; charset=UTF-8"/>

This code even allows to specify the name of the worksheet (here "MySuperSheet")


Result in Excel 2007:

结果在Excel 2007:

是否可以强制Excel自动识别UTF-8 CSV文件?



Had the same problems with PHP-generated CSV files. Excel ignored the BOM when the Separator was defined via "sep=,\n" at the beginning of the content (but of course after the BOM).


So adding a BOM ("\xEF\xBB\xBF") at the beginning of the content and setting the semicolon as separator via fputcsv($fh, $data_array, ";"); does the trick.

因此,在内容的开头添加一个BOM(“\xEF\xBB\xBF”),并通过fputcsv将分号设置为分隔符($fh, $data_array,”;就可以了。



I have had the same issue in the past (how to produce files that Excel can read, and other tools can also read). I was using TSV rather than CSV, but the same problem with encodings came up.


I failed to find any way to get Excel to recognize UTF-8 automatically, and I was not willing/able to inflict on the consumers of the files complicated instructions how to open them. So I encoded them as UTF-16le (with a BOM) instead of UTF-8. Twice the size, but Excel can recognize the encoding. And they compress well, so the size rarely (but sadly not never) matters.




Old question but heck, the simplest solution is:


  1. Open CSV in Notepad
  2. 在记事本打开CSV
  3. Save As -> select the right encoding
  4. 保存为->选择正确的编码。
  5. Open the new file
  6. 打开新文件



This is an old question but comes up in the search at top. I found after a lot of efforts that adding BOM characters at the beginning of csv file helps.


I have briefed it here: https://sites.google.com/site/ritechtips/home/the-multi-line-fields-csv-file-and-excel-import---ha

我在这里简要地介绍了一下:https://sites.google.com/site/ritechtips/home/the multi-line-fields-csv-file- excel-import---ha



As I posted on http://thinkinginsoftware.blogspot.com/2017/12/correctly-generate-csv-that-excel-can.html:

正如我在http://thinkinginsoftware.blogspot.com/2017/12/correct -generate-csv-that- excelcan.html上所言:

Tell the software developer in charge of generating the CSV to correct it. As a quick workaround you can use gsed to insert the UTF-8 BOM at the beginning of the string:

告诉负责生成CSV的软件开发人员纠正它。作为一个快速的解决方案,您可以使用gsed在字符串的开头插入UTF-8 BOM:

gsed -i '1s/^\(\xef\xbb\xbf\)\?/\xef\xbb\xbf/' file.csv

This command inserts the UTF-4 BOM if not present. Therefore it is an idempotent command. Now you should be able to double click the file and open it in Excel.

如果不存在,此命令将插入UTF-4 BOM。因此这是一个幂等的命令。现在您应该可以双击该文件并在Excel中打开它。



Simple vba macro for opening utf-8 text and csv files


Sub OpenTextFile()

   filetoopen = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt;*.csv), *.txt;*.csv")
   If filetoopen = Null Or filetoopen = Empty Then Exit Sub

   Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=filetoopen, _
   Origin:=65001, DataType:=xlDelimited, Comma:=True

End Sub

Origin:=65001 is UTF-8. Comma:True for .csv files distributed in colums

产地:= 65001是utf - 8。逗号:用于在列中分布的.csv文件。

Save it in Personal.xlsb to have it always available. Personalise excel toolbar adding a macro call button and open files from there. You can add more formating to the macro, like column autofit , alignment,etc.




Just for help users interested on opening the file on Excel that achieve this thread like me.


I have used the wizard below and it worked fine for me, importing an UTF-8 file. Not transparent, but useful if you already have the file.


  1. Open Microsoft Excel 2007.
  2. Microsoft Excel 2007开放。
  3. Click on the Data menu bar option.
  4. 点击数据菜单栏选项。
  5. Click on the From Text icon.
  6. 单击“从文本”图标。
  7. Navigate to the location of the file that you want to import. Click on the filename and then click on the Import button. The Text Import Wizard - Step 1 or 3 window will now appear on the screen.
  8. 导航到要导入的文件的位置。单击文件名,然后单击Import按钮。文本导入向导——步骤1或3窗口现在将出现在屏幕上。
  9. Choose the file type that best describes your data - Delimited or Fixed Width.
  10. 选择最能描述数据分隔或固定宽度的文件类型。
  11. Choose 65001: Unicode (UTF-8) from the drop-down list that appears next to File origin.
  12. 从出现在文件原点旁边的下拉列表中选择65001:Unicode (UTF-8)。
  13. Click on the Next button to display the Text Import Wizard - Step 2 or 3 window.
  14. 单击Next按钮,显示文本导入向导——步骤2或3窗口。
  15. Place a checkmark next to the delimiter that was used in the file you wish to import into Microsoft Excel 2007. The Data preview window will show you how your data will appear based on the delimiter that you chose.
  16. 在您希望导入到Microsoft Excel 2007的文件中使用的分隔符旁边放置一个复选标记。数据预览窗口将根据所选择的分隔符显示数据的显示方式。
  17. Click on the Next button to display the Text Import Wizard - Step 3 of 3.
  18. 单击Next按钮以显示文本导入向导-步骤3(3)。
  19. Choose the appropriate data format for each column of data that you want to import. You also have the option to not import one or more columns of data if you want.
  20. 为要导入的每一列数据选择适当的数据格式。如果需要,您还可以选择不导入一个或多个数据列。
  21. Click on the Finish button to finish importing your data into Microsoft Excel 2007.
  22. 单击Finish按钮,将数据导入到Microsoft Excel 2007。

Source: https://www.itg.ias.edu/content/how-import-csv-file-uses-utf-8-character-encoding-0




A truly amazing list of answers, but since one pretty good one is still missing, I'll mention it here: open the csv file with google sheets and save it back to your local computer as an excel file.


In contrast to Microsoft, Google has managed to support UTF-8 csv files so it just works to open the file there. And the export to excel format also just works. So even though this may not be the preferred solution for all, it is pretty fail safe and the number of clicks is not as high as it may sound, especially when you're already logged into google anyway.

与微软不同的是,谷歌支持UTF-8 csv文件,所以在那里打开文件就可以了。导出到excel格式也可以。因此,尽管这可能不是所有人都喜欢的解决方案,但它是相当失败安全的,点击次数也没有听起来那么多,尤其是当您已经登录到谷歌时。



This is my working solution:


vbFILEOPEN = "your_utf8_file.csv"
Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=vbFILEOPEN, DataType:=xlDelimited, Semicolon:=True, Local:=True, Origin:=65001

The key is Origin:=65001

关键是产地:= 65001



Yes it is possible. When writing the stream creating the csv, the first thing to do is this:


myStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetPreamble(), 0, Encoding.UTF8.GetPreamble().Length)



Yes, this is possible. As previously noted by multiple users, there seems to be a problem with excel reading the correct Byte Order Mark when the file is encoded in UTF-8. With UTF-16 it does not seem to have a problem, so it is endemic to UTF-8. The solution I use for this is adding the BOM, TWICE. For this I execute the following sed command twice:


sed -I '1s/^/\xef\xbb\xbf/' *.csv

, where the wildcard can be replaced with any file name. However, this leads to a mutation of the sep= at the beginning of the .csv file. The .csv file will then open normally in excel, but with an extra row with "sep=" in the first cell. The "sep=" can also be removed in the source .csv itself, but when opening the file with VBA the delimiter should be specified:


Workbooks.Open(name, Format:=6, Delimiter:=";", Local:=True)

Format 6 is the .csv format. Set Local to true, in case there are dates in the file. If Local is not set to true the dates will be Americanized, which in some cases will corrupt the .csv format.




This is not accurately addressing the question but since i stumbled across this and the above solutions didn't work for me or had requirements i couldn't meet, here is another way to add the BOM when you have access to vim:


vim -e -s +"set bomb|set encoding=utf-8|wq" filename.csv



This is an old question but I've just encountered had a similar problem and the solution may help others:


Had the same issue where writing out CSV text data to a file, then opening the resulting .csv in Excel shifts all the text into a single column. After having a read of the above answers I tried the following, which seems to sort the problem out.

将CSV文本数据写到文件中,然后在Excel中打开结果的. CSV将所有文本转移到一个列中。读了上面的答案之后,我尝试了下面的方法,这似乎可以解决问题。

Apply an encoding of UTF-8 when you create your StreamWriter. That's it.




using (StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter(outputFileName, false, Encoding.UTF8, 2 << 22)) {
   /* ... do stuff .... */



If you want to make it fully automatic, one click, or to load automatically into Excel from say a web page, but can't generate proper Excel files, then I would suggest looking at SYLK format as an alternative. OK it is not as simple as CSV but it is text based and very easy to implement and it supports UTF-8 with no issues.


I wrote a PHP class that receives the data and outputs a SYLK file which will open directly in Excel by just clicking the file (or will auto-launch Excel if you write the file to a web page with the correct mime type. You can even add formatting (like bold, format numbers in particular ways etc) and change column sizes, or auto size columns to the text in the columns and all in all the code is probably not more than about 100 lines.


It is dead easy to reverse engineer SYLK by creating a simple spreadsheet and saving as SYLK and then reading it with a text editor. The first block are headers and standard number formats that you will recognise (which you just regurgitate in every file you create), then the data is simply an X/Y coordinate and a value.




  1. Download & install LibreOffice Calc
  2. 下载并安装LibreOffice Calc
  3. Open the csv file of your choice in LibreOffice Calc
  4. 在LibreOffice Calc中打开您选择的csv文件
  5. Thank the heavens that an import text wizard shows up...
  6. 谢天谢地,导入文本向导出现了……
  7. ...select your delimiter and character encoding options
  8. …选择分隔符和字符编码选项
  9. Select the resulting data in Calc and copy paste to Excel
  10. 在Calc中选择结果数据并将粘贴复制到Excel中



First save the Excel spreadsheet as Unicode text. Open the TXT file using Internet explorer and click "Save as" TXT Encoding - choose the appropriate encoding, i.e. for Win Cyrillic 1251

首先将Excel电子表格保存为Unicode文本。使用Internet explorer打开TXT文件并单击“Save as”TXT编码——选择合适的编码,即Win Cyrillic 1251



Alex is correct, but as you have to export to csv, you can give the users this advice when opening the csv files:


  1. Save the exported file as a csv
  2. 将导出的文件保存为csv
  3. Open Excel
  4. 打开Excel
  5. Import the data using Data-->Import External Data --> Import Data
  6. 使用数据导入数据——>导入外部数据——>导入数据
  7. Select the file type of "csv" and browse to your file
  8. 选择“csv”的文件类型并浏览到您的文件
  9. In the import wizard change the File_Origin to "65001 UTF" (or choose correct language character identifier)
  10. 在导入向导中,将File_Origin更改为“65001 UTF”(或选择正确的语言字符标识符)
  11. Change the Delimiter to comma
  12. 将分隔符改为逗号。
  13. Select where to import to and Finish
  14. 选择要导入到何处并完成

This way the special characters should show correctly.




The UTF-8 Byte-order marker will clue Excel 2007+ in to the fact that you're using UTF-8. (See this SO post).


In case anybody is having the same issues I was, .NET's UTF8 encoding class does not output a byte-order marker even when its constructor is explicitly told to. You have to use this workaround if you want to really save it with a byte-order marker.

如果任何人都有和我一样的问题,. net的UTF8编码类不会输出字节顺序标记,即使它的构造函数被显式地告知。如果你想用字节顺序标记来保存的话,你必须使用这个变通方法。



The bug with ignored BOM seems to be fixed for Excel 2013. I had same problem with Cyrillic letters, but adding BOM character \uFEFF did help.

BOM被忽略的bug似乎在Excel 2013中得到了修复。我对西里尔字母也有同样的问题,但是添加BOM字符\uFEFF确实有帮助。



We have used this workaround:


  1. Convert CSV to UTF-16
  2. CSV转换为utf - 16
  3. Insert BOM at beginning of file
  4. 在文件开头插入BOM
  5. Use tab as field separator
  6. 使用选项卡作为字段分隔符



It is incredible that there are so many answers but none answers the question:


"When I was asking this question, I asked for a way of opening a UTF-8 CSV file in Excel without any problems for a user,..."

“当我问这个问题时,我问了一个在Excel中打开UTF-8 CSV文件的方法,对用户来说没有任何问题……”

The answer marked as the accepted answer with 200+ up-votes is useless for me because I don't want to give my users a manual how to configure Excel. Apart from that: this manual will apply to one Excel version but other Excel versions have different menus and configuration dialogs. You would need a manual for each Excel version.


So the question is how to make Excel show UTF8 data with a simple double click?


Well at least in Excel 2007 this is not possible if you use CSV files because the UTF8 BOM is ignored and you will see only garbage. This is already part of the question of Lyubomyr Shaydariv:

至少在Excel 2007中,如果你使用CSV文件,这是不可能的,因为UTF8 BOM被忽略了,你只会看到垃圾。Lyubomyr Shaydariv:

"I also tried specifying UTF-8 BOM EF BB BF, but Excel ignores that."

“我也尝试过指定UTF-8 BOM EF BB BF,但Excel忽略了这一点。”

I make the same experience: Writing russian or greek data into a UTF8 CSV file with BOM results in garbage in Excel:

我也有同样的经历:用BOM将俄文或希腊文数据写入UTF8 CSV文件会导致Excel中的垃圾:

Content of UTF8 CSV file:

UTF8 CSV文件内容:


Result in Excel 2007:

结果在Excel 2007:

是否可以强制Excel自动识别UTF-8 CSV文件?

A solution is to not use CSV at all. This format is implemented so stupidly by Microsoft that it depends on the region settings in control panel if comma or semicolon is used as separator. So the same CSV file may open correctly on one computer but on anther computer not. "CSV" means "Comma Separated Values" but for example on a german Windows by default semicolon must be used as separator while comma does not work. (Here it should be named SSV = Semicolon Separated Values) CSV files cannot be interchanged between different language versions of Windows. This is an additional Problem to the UTF-8 problem.

解决方案是完全不使用CSV。这种格式是由Microsoft愚蠢地实现的,如果使用逗号或分号作为分隔符,则取决于控制面板中的区域设置。所以相同的CSV文件可以在一台计算机上正确打开,但在另一台计算机上不能。“CSV”的意思是“逗号分隔值”,但是在德国的Windows上,默认的分号必须用作分隔符,而逗号不能工作。(这里应该命名为SSV =分号分隔值)CSV文件不能在Windows的不同语言版本之间交换。这是UTF-8问题的另一个问题。

Excel exists since decades. It is a shame that Microsoft was not able to implement such a basic thing as CSV import in all these years.


If you put the same values into a HTML file and save that file as UTF8 file with BOM with the file extension XLS you will get the correct result.


Content of UTF8 XLS file:

UTF8 XLS文件内容:


Result in Excel 2007:

结果在Excel 2007:

是否可以强制Excel自动识别UTF-8 CSV文件?

You can even use colors in HTML which Excel will show correctly.


.Head { background-color:gray; color:white; }
.Red  { color:red; }
<table border=1>
<tr><td class=Head>Colum1</td><td class=Head>Column2</td></tr>
<tr><td class=Red>Авиабилет</td><td class=Red>Tλληνικ</td></tr>

Result in Excel 2007:

结果在Excel 2007:

是否可以强制Excel自动识别UTF-8 CSV文件?

In this case only the table itself has a black border and lines. If you want ALL cells to display gridlines this is also possible in HTML:


<html xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel">
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/plain; charset=UTF-8"/>

This code even allows to specify the name of the worksheet (here "MySuperSheet")


Result in Excel 2007:

结果在Excel 2007:

是否可以强制Excel自动识别UTF-8 CSV文件?



Had the same problems with PHP-generated CSV files. Excel ignored the BOM when the Separator was defined via "sep=,\n" at the beginning of the content (but of course after the BOM).


So adding a BOM ("\xEF\xBB\xBF") at the beginning of the content and setting the semicolon as separator via fputcsv($fh, $data_array, ";"); does the trick.

因此,在内容的开头添加一个BOM(“\xEF\xBB\xBF”),并通过fputcsv将分号设置为分隔符($fh, $data_array,”;就可以了。



I have had the same issue in the past (how to produce files that Excel can read, and other tools can also read). I was using TSV rather than CSV, but the same problem with encodings came up.


I failed to find any way to get Excel to recognize UTF-8 automatically, and I was not willing/able to inflict on the consumers of the files complicated instructions how to open them. So I encoded them as UTF-16le (with a BOM) instead of UTF-8. Twice the size, but Excel can recognize the encoding. And they compress well, so the size rarely (but sadly not never) matters.




Old question but heck, the simplest solution is:


  1. Open CSV in Notepad
  2. 在记事本打开CSV
  3. Save As -> select the right encoding
  4. 保存为->选择正确的编码。
  5. Open the new file
  6. 打开新文件



This is an old question but comes up in the search at top. I found after a lot of efforts that adding BOM characters at the beginning of csv file helps.


I have briefed it here: https://sites.google.com/site/ritechtips/home/the-multi-line-fields-csv-file-and-excel-import---ha

我在这里简要地介绍了一下:https://sites.google.com/site/ritechtips/home/the multi-line-fields-csv-file- excel-import---ha



As I posted on http://thinkinginsoftware.blogspot.com/2017/12/correctly-generate-csv-that-excel-can.html:

正如我在http://thinkinginsoftware.blogspot.com/2017/12/correct -generate-csv-that- excelcan.html上所言:

Tell the software developer in charge of generating the CSV to correct it. As a quick workaround you can use gsed to insert the UTF-8 BOM at the beginning of the string:

告诉负责生成CSV的软件开发人员纠正它。作为一个快速的解决方案,您可以使用gsed在字符串的开头插入UTF-8 BOM:

gsed -i '1s/^\(\xef\xbb\xbf\)\?/\xef\xbb\xbf/' file.csv

This command inserts the UTF-4 BOM if not present. Therefore it is an idempotent command. Now you should be able to double click the file and open it in Excel.

如果不存在,此命令将插入UTF-4 BOM。因此这是一个幂等的命令。现在您应该可以双击该文件并在Excel中打开它。



Simple vba macro for opening utf-8 text and csv files


Sub OpenTextFile()

   filetoopen = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.txt;*.csv), *.txt;*.csv")
   If filetoopen = Null Or filetoopen = Empty Then Exit Sub

   Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=filetoopen, _
   Origin:=65001, DataType:=xlDelimited, Comma:=True

End Sub

Origin:=65001 is UTF-8. Comma:True for .csv files distributed in colums

产地:= 65001是utf - 8。逗号:用于在列中分布的.csv文件。

Save it in Personal.xlsb to have it always available. Personalise excel toolbar adding a macro call button and open files from there. You can add more formating to the macro, like column autofit , alignment,etc.




Just for help users interested on opening the file on Excel that achieve this thread like me.


I have used the wizard below and it worked fine for me, importing an UTF-8 file. Not transparent, but useful if you already have the file.


  1. Open Microsoft Excel 2007.
  2. Microsoft Excel 2007开放。
  3. Click on the Data menu bar option.
  4. 点击数据菜单栏选项。
  5. Click on the From Text icon.
  6. 单击“从文本”图标。
  7. Navigate to the location of the file that you want to import. Click on the filename and then click on the Import button. The Text Import Wizard - Step 1 or 3 window will now appear on the screen.
  8. 导航到要导入的文件的位置。单击文件名,然后单击Import按钮。文本导入向导——步骤1或3窗口现在将出现在屏幕上。
  9. Choose the file type that best describes your data - Delimited or Fixed Width.
  10. 选择最能描述数据分隔或固定宽度的文件类型。
  11. Choose 65001: Unicode (UTF-8) from the drop-down list that appears next to File origin.
  12. 从出现在文件原点旁边的下拉列表中选择65001:Unicode (UTF-8)。
  13. Click on the Next button to display the Text Import Wizard - Step 2 or 3 window.
  14. 单击Next按钮,显示文本导入向导——步骤2或3窗口。
  15. Place a checkmark next to the delimiter that was used in the file you wish to import into Microsoft Excel 2007. The Data preview window will show you how your data will appear based on the delimiter that you chose.
  16. 在您希望导入到Microsoft Excel 2007的文件中使用的分隔符旁边放置一个复选标记。数据预览窗口将根据所选择的分隔符显示数据的显示方式。
  17. Click on the Next button to display the Text Import Wizard - Step 3 of 3.
  18. 单击Next按钮以显示文本导入向导-步骤3(3)。
  19. Choose the appropriate data format for each column of data that you want to import. You also have the option to not import one or more columns of data if you want.
  20. 为要导入的每一列数据选择适当的数据格式。如果需要,您还可以选择不导入一个或多个数据列。
  21. Click on the Finish button to finish importing your data into Microsoft Excel 2007.
  22. 单击Finish按钮,将数据导入到Microsoft Excel 2007。

Source: https://www.itg.ias.edu/content/how-import-csv-file-uses-utf-8-character-encoding-0




A truly amazing list of answers, but since one pretty good one is still missing, I'll mention it here: open the csv file with google sheets and save it back to your local computer as an excel file.


In contrast to Microsoft, Google has managed to support UTF-8 csv files so it just works to open the file there. And the export to excel format also just works. So even though this may not be the preferred solution for all, it is pretty fail safe and the number of clicks is not as high as it may sound, especially when you're already logged into google anyway.

与微软不同的是,谷歌支持UTF-8 csv文件,所以在那里打开文件就可以了。导出到excel格式也可以。因此,尽管这可能不是所有人都喜欢的解决方案,但它是相当失败安全的,点击次数也没有听起来那么多,尤其是当您已经登录到谷歌时。



This is my working solution:


vbFILEOPEN = "your_utf8_file.csv"
Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=vbFILEOPEN, DataType:=xlDelimited, Semicolon:=True, Local:=True, Origin:=65001

The key is Origin:=65001

关键是产地:= 65001



Yes it is possible. When writing the stream creating the csv, the first thing to do is this:


myStream.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetPreamble(), 0, Encoding.UTF8.GetPreamble().Length)



Yes, this is possible. As previously noted by multiple users, there seems to be a problem with excel reading the correct Byte Order Mark when the file is encoded in UTF-8. With UTF-16 it does not seem to have a problem, so it is endemic to UTF-8. The solution I use for this is adding the BOM, TWICE. For this I execute the following sed command twice:


sed -I '1s/^/\xef\xbb\xbf/' *.csv

, where the wildcard can be replaced with any file name. However, this leads to a mutation of the sep= at the beginning of the .csv file. The .csv file will then open normally in excel, but with an extra row with "sep=" in the first cell. The "sep=" can also be removed in the source .csv itself, but when opening the file with VBA the delimiter should be specified:


Workbooks.Open(name, Format:=6, Delimiter:=";", Local:=True)

Format 6 is the .csv format. Set Local to true, in case there are dates in the file. If Local is not set to true the dates will be Americanized, which in some cases will corrupt the .csv format.




This is not accurately addressing the question but since i stumbled across this and the above solutions didn't work for me or had requirements i couldn't meet, here is another way to add the BOM when you have access to vim:


vim -e -s +"set bomb|set encoding=utf-8|wq" filename.csv



This is an old question but I've just encountered had a similar problem and the solution may help others:


Had the same issue where writing out CSV text data to a file, then opening the resulting .csv in Excel shifts all the text into a single column. After having a read of the above answers I tried the following, which seems to sort the problem out.

将CSV文本数据写到文件中,然后在Excel中打开结果的. CSV将所有文本转移到一个列中。读了上面的答案之后,我尝试了下面的方法,这似乎可以解决问题。

Apply an encoding of UTF-8 when you create your StreamWriter. That's it.




using (StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter(outputFileName, false, Encoding.UTF8, 2 << 22)) {
   /* ... do stuff .... */



If you want to make it fully automatic, one click, or to load automatically into Excel from say a web page, but can't generate proper Excel files, then I would suggest looking at SYLK format as an alternative. OK it is not as simple as CSV but it is text based and very easy to implement and it supports UTF-8 with no issues.


I wrote a PHP class that receives the data and outputs a SYLK file which will open directly in Excel by just clicking the file (or will auto-launch Excel if you write the file to a web page with the correct mime type. You can even add formatting (like bold, format numbers in particular ways etc) and change column sizes, or auto size columns to the text in the columns and all in all the code is probably not more than about 100 lines.


It is dead easy to reverse engineer SYLK by creating a simple spreadsheet and saving as SYLK and then reading it with a text editor. The first block are headers and standard number formats that you will recognise (which you just regurgitate in every file you create), then the data is simply an X/Y coordinate and a value.




  1. Download & install LibreOffice Calc
  2. 下载并安装LibreOffice Calc
  3. Open the csv file of your choice in LibreOffice Calc
  4. 在LibreOffice Calc中打开您选择的csv文件
  5. Thank the heavens that an import text wizard shows up...
  6. 谢天谢地,导入文本向导出现了……
  7. ...select your delimiter and character encoding options
  8. …选择分隔符和字符编码选项
  9. Select the resulting data in Calc and copy paste to Excel
  10. 在Calc中选择结果数据并将粘贴复制到Excel中



First save the Excel spreadsheet as Unicode text. Open the TXT file using Internet explorer and click "Save as" TXT Encoding - choose the appropriate encoding, i.e. for Win Cyrillic 1251

首先将Excel电子表格保存为Unicode文本。使用Internet explorer打开TXT文件并单击“Save as”TXT编码——选择合适的编码,即Win Cyrillic 1251