时间:2022-12-12 13:34:59

这个是我平时用的是 PHP 自己的 Session 机制,是真正的 PHP Session,存储在服务器端,而不是用的 cookie

接口完全兼容于 CI 2.0.x 的 Session 类库,也就是说可以不修改原来的代码,直接替换成这个类库


放到 application/libraries 目录下即可

<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* CodeIgniter
* An open source application development framework for PHP 4.3.2 or newer
* @package CodeIgniter
* @author ExpressionEngine Dev Team
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009, EllisLab, Inc.
* @license
* @link
* @since Version 1.0
* @filesource
*/ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /**
* Native Session Class
* @package CodeIgniter
* @subpackage Libraries
* @category Sessions
* @author ExpressionEngine Dev Team
* @link
class CI_Session { var $flash_key = 'flash'; // prefix for "flash" variables (eg. flash:new:message) function __construct()
$this->object =& get_instance();
log_message('debug', "Native Session Class Initialized"); ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 7200);
} /**
* Regenerates session id
function regenerate_id()
// copy old session data, including its id
$old_session_id = session_id();
$old_session_data = $_SESSION; // regenerate session id and store it
$new_session_id = session_id(); // switch to the old session and destroy its storage
session_destroy(); // switch back to the new session id and send the cookie
session_start(); // restore the old session data into the new session
$_SESSION = $old_session_data; // update the session creation time
$_SESSION['regenerated'] = time(); // session_write_close() patch based on this thread
// there is a question mark ?? as to side affects // end the current session and store session data.
} /**
* Destroys the session and erases session storage
function sess_destroy()
if ( isset( $_COOKIE[session_name()] ) )
setcookie(session_name(), '', time()-42000, '/');
} /**
* Reads given session attribute value
function userdata($item)
// added for backward-compatibility
if ($item == 'session_id')
return session_id();
return ( ! isset($_SESSION[$item])) ? false : $_SESSION[$item];
} /**
* Sets session attributes to the given values
function set_userdata($newdata = array(), $newval = '')
if (is_string($newdata))
$newdata = array($newdata => $newval);
} if (count($newdata) > 0)
foreach ($newdata as $key => $val)
$_SESSION[$key] = $val;
} /**
* Erases given session attributes
function unset_userdata($newdata = array())
if (is_string($newdata))
$newdata = array($newdata => '');
} if (count($newdata) > 0)
foreach ($newdata as $key => $val)
} /**
* Starts up the session system for current request
function _sess_run()
session_start(); $session_id_ttl = $this->object->config->item('sess_expiration'); if (is_numeric($session_id_ttl))
if ($session_id_ttl > 0)
$this->session_id_ttl = $this->object->config->item('sess_expiration');
$this->session_id_ttl = (60*60*24*365*2);
} // check if session id needs regeneration
if ( $this->_session_id_expired() )
// regenerate session id (session data stays the
// same, but old session storage is destroyed)
} // delete old flashdata (from last request)
$this->_flashdata_sweep(); // mark all new flashdata as old (data will be deleted before next request)
} /**
* Checks if session has expired
function _session_id_expired()
if ( !isset( $_SESSION['regenerated'] ) )
$_SESSION['regenerated'] = time();
return false;
} $expiry_time = time() - $this->session_id_ttl; if ( $_SESSION['regenerated'] <= $expiry_time )
return true;
} return false;
} /**
* Sets "flash" data which will be available only in next request (then it will
* be deleted from session). You can use it to implement "Save succeeded" messages
* after redirect.
function set_flashdata($newdata = array(), $newval = '')
if (is_string($newdata))
$newdata = array($newdata => $newval);
} if (count($newdata) > 0)
$flashdata = array(); foreach ($newdata as $key => $val)
$flashdata[$this->flash_key . ':new:' . $key] = $val;
} $this->set_userdata($flashdata);
} /**
* Keeps existing "flash" data available to next request.
function keep_flashdata($key)
$old_flash_key = $this->flash_key.':old:'.$key;
$value = $this->userdata($old_flash_key); $new_flash_key = $this->flash_key.':new:'.$key;
$this->set_userdata($new_flash_key, $value);
} /**
* Returns "flash" data for the given key.
function flashdata($key)
$flash_key = $this->flash_key.':old:'.$key;
return $this->userdata($flash_key);
} /**
* PRIVATE: Internal method - marks "flash" session attributes as 'old'
function _flashdata_mark()
foreach ($_SESSION as $name => $value)
$parts = explode(':new:', $name);
if (is_array($parts) && count($parts) == 2)
$new_name = $this->flash_key.':old:'.$parts[1];
$this->set_userdata($new_name, $value);
} /**
* PRIVATE: Internal method - removes "flash" session marked as 'old'
function _flashdata_sweep()
foreach ($_SESSION as $name => $value)
$parts = explode(':old:', $name);
if (is_array($parts) && count($parts) == 2 && $parts[0] == $this->flash_key)
// END Native Session Class /* End of file Session.php */
/* Location: ./application/libraries/Session.php */


<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* CodeIgniter
* An open source application development framework for PHP 5.1.6 or newer
* @package CodeIgniter
* @author EllisLab Dev Team
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 - 2014, EllisLab, Inc.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, British Columbia Institute of Technology (
* @license
* @link
* @since Version 1.0
* @filesource
*/ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /**
* Session Class
* @package CodeIgniter
* @subpackage Libraries
* @category Sessions
* @author EllisLab Dev Team
* @link
class CI_Session { var $sess_encrypt_cookie = FALSE;
var $sess_use_database = FALSE;
var $sess_table_name = '';
var $sess_expiration = 7200;
var $sess_expire_on_close = FALSE;
var $sess_match_ip = FALSE;
var $sess_match_useragent = TRUE;
var $sess_cookie_name = 'ci_session';
var $cookie_prefix = '';
var $cookie_path = '';
var $cookie_domain = '';
var $cookie_secure = FALSE;
var $sess_time_to_update = 300;
var $encryption_key = '';
var $flashdata_key = 'flash';
var $time_reference = 'time';
var $gc_probability = 5;
var $userdata = array();
var $CI;
var $now; /**
* Session Constructor
* The constructor runs the session routines automatically
* whenever the class is instantiated.
public function __construct($params = array())
log_message('debug', "Session Class Initialized"); // Set the super object to a local variable for use throughout the class
$this->CI =& get_instance(); // Set all the session preferences, which can either be set
// manually via the $params array above or via the config file
foreach (array('sess_encrypt_cookie', 'sess_use_database', 'sess_table_name', 'sess_expiration', 'sess_expire_on_close', 'sess_match_ip', 'sess_match_useragent', 'sess_cookie_name', 'cookie_path', 'cookie_domain', 'cookie_secure', 'sess_time_to_update', 'time_reference', 'cookie_prefix', 'encryption_key') as $key)
$this->$key = (isset($params[$key])) ? $params[$key] : $this->CI->config->item($key);
} if ($this->encryption_key == '')
show_error('In order to use the Session class you are required to set an encryption key in your config file.');
} // Load the string helper so we can use the strip_slashes() function
$this->CI->load->helper('string'); // Do we need encryption? If so, load the encryption class
if ($this->sess_encrypt_cookie == TRUE)
} // Are we using a database? If so, load it
if ($this->sess_use_database === TRUE AND $this->sess_table_name != '')
} // Set the "now" time. Can either be GMT or server time, based on the
// config prefs. We use this to set the "last activity" time
$this->now = $this->_get_time(); // Set the session length. If the session expiration is
// set to zero we'll set the expiration two years from now.
if ($this->sess_expiration == 0)
$this->sess_expiration = (60*60*24*365*2);
} // Set the cookie name
$this->sess_cookie_name = $this->cookie_prefix.$this->sess_cookie_name; // Run the Session routine. If a session doesn't exist we'll
// create a new one. If it does, we'll update it.
if ( ! $this->sess_read())
} // Delete 'old' flashdata (from last request)
$this->_flashdata_sweep(); // Mark all new flashdata as old (data will be deleted before next request)
$this->_flashdata_mark(); // Delete expired sessions if necessary
$this->_sess_gc(); log_message('debug', "Session routines successfully run");
} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /**
* Fetch the current session data if it exists
* @access public
* @return bool
function sess_read()
// Fetch the cookie
$session = $this->CI->input->cookie($this->sess_cookie_name); // No cookie? Goodbye cruel world!...
if ($session === FALSE)
log_message('debug', 'A session cookie was not found.');
return FALSE;
} // HMAC authentication
$len = strlen($session) - 40; if ($len <= 0)
log_message('error', 'Session: The session cookie was not signed.');
return FALSE;
} // Check cookie authentication
$hmac = substr($session, $len);
$session = substr($session, 0, $len); // Time-attack-safe comparison
$hmac_check = hash_hmac('sha1', $session, $this->encryption_key);
$diff = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 40; $i++)
$xor = ord($hmac[$i]) ^ ord($hmac_check[$i]);
$diff |= $xor;
} if ($diff !== 0)
log_message('error', 'Session: HMAC mismatch. The session cookie data did not match what was expected.');
return FALSE;
} // Decrypt the cookie data
if ($this->sess_encrypt_cookie == TRUE)
$session = $this->CI->encrypt->decode($session);
} // Unserialize the session array
$session = $this->_unserialize($session); // Is the session data we unserialized an array with the correct format?
if ( ! is_array($session) OR ! isset($session['session_id']) OR ! isset($session['ip_address']) OR ! isset($session['user_agent']) OR ! isset($session['last_activity']))
return FALSE;
} // Is the session current?
if (($session['last_activity'] + $this->sess_expiration) < $this->now)
return FALSE;
} // Does the IP Match?
if ($this->sess_match_ip == TRUE AND $session['ip_address'] != $this->CI->input->ip_address())
return FALSE;
} // Does the User Agent Match?
if ($this->sess_match_useragent == TRUE AND trim($session['user_agent']) != trim(substr($this->CI->input->user_agent(), 0, 120)))
return FALSE;
} // Is there a corresponding session in the DB?
if ($this->sess_use_database === TRUE)
$this->CI->db->where('session_id', $session['session_id']); if ($this->sess_match_ip == TRUE)
$this->CI->db->where('ip_address', $session['ip_address']);
} if ($this->sess_match_useragent == TRUE)
$this->CI->db->where('user_agent', $session['user_agent']);
} $query = $this->CI->db->get($this->sess_table_name); // No result? Kill it!
if ($query->num_rows() == 0)
return FALSE;
} // Is there custom data? If so, add it to the main session array
$row = $query->row();
if (isset($row->user_data) AND $row->user_data != '')
$custom_data = $this->_unserialize($row->user_data); if (is_array($custom_data))
foreach ($custom_data as $key => $val)
$session[$key] = $val;
} // Session is valid!
$this->userdata = $session;
unset($session); return TRUE;
} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /**
* Write the session data
* @access public
* @return void
function sess_write()
// Are we saving custom data to the DB? If not, all we do is update the cookie
if ($this->sess_use_database === FALSE)
} // set the custom userdata, the session data we will set in a second
$custom_userdata = $this->userdata;
$cookie_userdata = array(); // Before continuing, we need to determine if there is any custom data to deal with.
// Let's determine this by removing the default indexes to see if there's anything left in the array
// and set the session data while we're at it
foreach (array('session_id','ip_address','user_agent','last_activity') as $val)
$cookie_userdata[$val] = $this->userdata[$val];
} // Did we find any custom data? If not, we turn the empty array into a string
// since there's no reason to serialize and store an empty array in the DB
if (count($custom_userdata) === 0)
$custom_userdata = '';
// Serialize the custom data array so we can store it
$custom_userdata = $this->_serialize($custom_userdata);
} // Run the update query
$this->CI->db->where('session_id', $this->userdata['session_id']);
$this->CI->db->update($this->sess_table_name, array('last_activity' => $this->userdata['last_activity'], 'user_data' => $custom_userdata)); // Write the cookie. Notice that we manually pass the cookie data array to the
// _set_cookie() function. Normally that function will store $this->userdata, but
// in this case that array contains custom data, which we do not want in the cookie.
} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /**
* Create a new session
* @access public
* @return void
function sess_create()
$sessid = '';
while (strlen($sessid) < 32)
$sessid .= mt_rand(0, mt_getrandmax());
} // To make the session ID even more secure we'll combine it with the user's IP
$sessid .= $this->CI->input->ip_address(); $this->userdata = array(
'session_id' => md5(uniqid($sessid, TRUE)),
'ip_address' => $this->CI->input->ip_address(),
'user_agent' => substr($this->CI->input->user_agent(), 0, 120),
'last_activity' => $this->now,
'user_data' => ''
); // Save the data to the DB if needed
if ($this->sess_use_database === TRUE)
$this->CI->db->query($this->CI->db->insert_string($this->sess_table_name, $this->userdata));
} // Write the cookie
} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /**
* Update an existing session
* @access public
* @return void
function sess_update()
// We only update the session every five minutes by default
if ($this->CI->input->is_ajax_request() OR ($this->userdata['last_activity'] + $this->sess_time_to_update) >= $this->now)
} // Save the old session id so we know which record to
// update in the database if we need it
$old_sessid = $this->userdata['session_id'];
$new_sessid = '';
while (strlen($new_sessid) < 32)
$new_sessid .= mt_rand(0, mt_getrandmax());
} // To make the session ID even more secure we'll combine it with the user's IP
$new_sessid .= $this->CI->input->ip_address(); // Turn it into a hash
$new_sessid = md5(uniqid($new_sessid, TRUE)); // Update the session data in the session data array
$this->userdata['session_id'] = $new_sessid;
$this->userdata['last_activity'] = $this->now; // _set_cookie() will handle this for us if we aren't using database sessions
// by pushing all userdata to the cookie.
$cookie_data = NULL; // Update the session ID and last_activity field in the DB if needed
if ($this->sess_use_database === TRUE)
// set cookie explicitly to only have our session data
$cookie_data = array();
foreach (array('session_id','ip_address','user_agent','last_activity') as $val)
$cookie_data[$val] = $this->userdata[$val];
} $this->CI->db->query($this->CI->db->update_string($this->sess_table_name, array('last_activity' => $this->now, 'session_id' => $new_sessid), array('session_id' => $old_sessid)));
} // Write the cookie
} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /**
* Destroy the current session
* @access public
* @return void
function sess_destroy()
// Kill the session DB row
if ($this->sess_use_database === TRUE && isset($this->userdata['session_id']))
$this->CI->db->where('session_id', $this->userdata['session_id']);
} // Kill the cookie
($this->now - 31500000),
); // Kill session data
$this->userdata = array();
} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /**
* Fetch a specific item from the session array
* @access public
* @param string
* @return string
function userdata($item)
return ( ! isset($this->userdata[$item])) ? FALSE : $this->userdata[$item];
} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /**
* Fetch all session data
* @access public
* @return array
function all_userdata()
return $this->userdata;
} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /**
* Add or change data in the "userdata" array
* @access public
* @param mixed
* @param string
* @return void
function set_userdata($newdata = array(), $newval = '')
if (is_string($newdata))
$newdata = array($newdata => $newval);
} if (count($newdata) > 0)
foreach ($newdata as $key => $val)
$this->userdata[$key] = $val;
} $this->sess_write();
} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /**
* Delete a session variable from the "userdata" array
* @access array
* @return void
function unset_userdata($newdata = array())
if (is_string($newdata))
$newdata = array($newdata => '');
} if (count($newdata) > 0)
foreach ($newdata as $key => $val)
} $this->sess_write();
} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /**
* Add or change flashdata, only available
* until the next request
* @access public
* @param mixed
* @param string
* @return void
function set_flashdata($newdata = array(), $newval = '')
if (is_string($newdata))
$newdata = array($newdata => $newval);
} if (count($newdata) > 0)
foreach ($newdata as $key => $val)
$flashdata_key = $this->flashdata_key.':new:'.$key;
$this->set_userdata($flashdata_key, $val);
} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /**
* Keeps existing flashdata available to next request.
* @access public
* @param string
* @return void
function keep_flashdata($key)
// 'old' flashdata gets removed. Here we mark all
// flashdata as 'new' to preserve it from _flashdata_sweep()
// Note the function will return FALSE if the $key
// provided cannot be found
$old_flashdata_key = $this->flashdata_key.':old:'.$key;
$value = $this->userdata($old_flashdata_key); $new_flashdata_key = $this->flashdata_key.':new:'.$key;
$this->set_userdata($new_flashdata_key, $value);
} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /**
* Fetch a specific flashdata item from the session array
* @access public
* @param string
* @return string
function flashdata($key)
$flashdata_key = $this->flashdata_key.':old:'.$key;
return $this->userdata($flashdata_key);
} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /**
* Identifies flashdata as 'old' for removal
* when _flashdata_sweep() runs.
* @access private
* @return void
function _flashdata_mark()
$userdata = $this->all_userdata();
foreach ($userdata as $name => $value)
$parts = explode(':new:', $name);
if (is_array($parts) && count($parts) === 2)
$new_name = $this->flashdata_key.':old:'.$parts[1];
$this->set_userdata($new_name, $value);
} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /**
* Removes all flashdata marked as 'old'
* @access private
* @return void
*/ function _flashdata_sweep()
$userdata = $this->all_userdata();
foreach ($userdata as $key => $value)
if (strpos($key, ':old:'))
} } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /**
* Get the "now" time
* @access private
* @return string
function _get_time()
if (strtolower($this->time_reference) == 'gmt')
$now = time();
$time = mktime(gmdate("H", $now), gmdate("i", $now), gmdate("s", $now), gmdate("m", $now), gmdate("d", $now), gmdate("Y", $now));
$time = time();
} return $time;
} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /**
* Write the session cookie
* @access public
* @return void
function _set_cookie($cookie_data = NULL)
if (is_null($cookie_data))
$cookie_data = $this->userdata;
} // Serialize the userdata for the cookie
$cookie_data = $this->_serialize($cookie_data); if ($this->sess_encrypt_cookie == TRUE)
$cookie_data = $this->CI->encrypt->encode($cookie_data);
} $cookie_data .= hash_hmac('sha1', $cookie_data, $this->encryption_key); $expire = ($this->sess_expire_on_close === TRUE) ? 0 : $this->sess_expiration + time(); // Set the cookie
} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /**
* Serialize an array
* This function first converts any slashes found in the array to a temporary
* marker, so when it gets unserialized the slashes will be preserved
* @access private
* @param array
* @return string
function _serialize($data)
if (is_array($data))
foreach ($data as $key => $val)
if (is_string($val))
$data[$key] = str_replace('\\', '{{slash}}', $val);
if (is_string($data))
$data = str_replace('\\', '{{slash}}', $data);
} return serialize($data);
} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /**
* Unserialize
* This function unserializes a data string, then converts any
* temporary slash markers back to actual slashes
* @access private
* @param array
* @return string
function _unserialize($data)
$data = @unserialize(strip_slashes($data)); if (is_array($data))
foreach ($data as $key => $val)
if (is_string($val))
$data[$key] = str_replace('{{slash}}', '\\', $val);
} return $data;
} return (is_string($data)) ? str_replace('{{slash}}', '\\', $data) : $data;
} // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /**
* Garbage collection
* This deletes expired session rows from database
* if the probability percentage is met
* @access public
* @return void
function _sess_gc()
if ($this->sess_use_database != TRUE)
} srand(time());
if ((rand() % 100) < $this->gc_probability)
$expire = $this->now - $this->sess_expiration; $this->CI->db->where("last_activity < {$expire}");
$this->CI->db->delete($this->sess_table_name); log_message('debug', 'Session garbage collection performed.');
} }
// END Session Class /* End of file Session.php */
/* Location: ./system/libraries/Session.php */


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     linux环境下安装sphinx中文支持分词搜索(coreseek+mmseg) 2013-11-10 16:51:14 分类: 系统运维 为什么要写这篇文章? 答:通过常规的三大步(./confi ...

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    王龑 - MAY 27, 2015 原文连接 The Spy in the Sandbox – Practical Cache Attacks in Javascript 相关论文可在 https:/ ...

  4. 剑指Offer16 判断子树

    /************************************************************************* > File Name: 17_Mirror ...

  5. EQueue 2&period;3&period;2

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  6. mac 自带 php 验证码 不显示

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  7. phantomjs处理alert、confirm弹窗

    一:phantomjs处理alert弹窗 脚本实现功能为:点击click me按钮弹出弹窗消息为cheese,点击确定按钮,弹窗关闭 脚本代码为:注意的是phantomjs处理alert弹窗需要将ph ...

  8. C stat函数的用法举例(转载)

    stat函数讲解表头文件:    #include <sys/stat.h>             #include <unistd.h>定义函数:    int stat( ...

  9. mysql cpu 100&percnt; 满 优化方案

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  10. eclipse工具下hadoop环境搭建

    eclipse工具下hadoop环境搭建:    window10操作系统中搭建eclipse64开发系统,配置hadoop的eclipse插件,让eclipse可以查看Hdfs中的文件内容.     ...