将额外参数传递给jQuery getJSON()成功回调函数

时间:2022-12-08 20:25:27

I've never had to use callback functions before, so I may have made a completely stupid mistake. I think I somewhat understand the problem here, but not how to solve it.


My code (a bit simplified) is:


for (var i = 0; i < some_array.length; i++) {
    var title = some_array[i];
    $.getJSON('some.url/' + title, function(data) {
        do_something_with_data(data, i);

Now as far as I understand, this anonymous function will only be called if getJSON() has received the data. But by this point, i does not have the value I would require. Or, as far as my observation goes, it has the last value it would have after the loop is done (shouldn't it be out of bounds?).


As a result, if the array had a size of 6, do_something_with_data() would be called five times with the value 5.


Now I thought, just pass i to the anonymous function


function(data, i) { }

but this does not seem to be possible. i is undefined now.


6 个解决方案



You need to understand what a closure is. In javascript, when inside a function you use a variable that was defined in an outer context (outer function or global), you create a closure around that variable, which keeps the variable instantiated and lets the function continue to refer to it each time it is invoked (as well as any other function instances with a closure on the item).


Because the original variable is still instantiated, if you change the value of that variable anywhere in the code, when the function runs later it will have the current changed value, not the value when the function was first created.


Before we address making the closure work right, note that declaring the title variable repeatedly in the loop doesn't work (in fact, you can think of the variable as essentially being hoisted into the function's scope--unlike some other languages, for loops in JavaScript have no scope, therefore the variable is declared only once for the function and is not declared or redeclared inside the loop). Declaring the variable outside the loop should help clarify for you why your code isn't working as you'd expect.

在我们解决关闭工作正确之前,请注意在循环中重复声明title变量不起作用(实际上,您可以将变量视为基本上被提升到函数的作用域中 - 与其他语言不同,for循环在JavaScript中没有范围,因此变量只为函数声明一次,并且不在循环内声明或重新声明)。在循环外声明变量应该有助于澄清为什么代码无法正常工作。

As is, when the callbacks run, because they have a closure over the same variable i, they are all affected when i increments and they will all use the current value of i when they run (which will be wrong as you discovered, because the callbacks run after the loop has completely finished creating the callbacks). Asynchronous code (such as the JSON call response) does not and cannot run until all synchronous code finishes executing--so the loop is guaranteed to complete before any callback is ever executed.

同样,当回调运行时,因为它们在同一个变量i上有一个闭包,当它递增时它们都会受到影响,并且当它们运行时它们都将使用i的当前值(这将是你发现的错误,因为回调在循环完全创建回调后运行。异步代码(例如JSON调用响应)在所有同步代码完成执行之前不会运行也无法运行 - 因此保证在执行任何回调之前完成循环。

To get around this you need a new function to run that has its own scope so that in the callbacks declared inside of the loop, there is a new closure over each different value. You could do that with a separate function, or just use an invoked anonymous function in the callback parameter. Here's an example:


var title, i;
for (i = 0; i < some_array.length; i += 1) {
    title = some_array[i];
       'some.url/' + title,
       (function(thisi) {
          return function(data) {
             do_something_with_data(data, thisi);
             // Break the closure over `i` via the parameter `thisi`,
             // which will hold the correct value from *invocation* time.
       }(i)) // calling the function with the current value

For clarity I'll break it out into a separate function so you can see what's going on:


function createCallback(item) {
   return function(data) {
      do_something_with_data(data, item);
      // This reference to the `item` parameter does create a closure on it.
      // However, its scope means that no caller function can change its value.
      // Thus, since we don't change `item` anywhere inside `createCallback`, it
      // will have the value as it was at the time the createCallback function
      // was invoked.

var title, i, l = some_array.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
    title = some_array[i];
    $.getJSON('some.url/' + title, createCallback(i));
    // Note how this parameter is not a *reference* to the createCallback function,
    // but the *value that createCallback() returns*, which is itself a function.

Note: since your array apparently only has titles in it, you could consider using the title variable instead of i which requires you to go back to some_array. But either way works, you know what you want.


One potentially useful way to think about this that the callback-creating function (either the anonymous one or the createCallback one) in essence converts the value of the i variable into separate thisi variables, via each time introducing a new function with its own scope. Perhaps it could be said that "parameters break values out of closures".


Just be careful: this technique will not work on objects without copying them, since objects are reference types. Merely passing them as parameters will not yield something that cannot be changed after the fact. You can duplicate a street address all you like, but this doesn't create a new house. You must build a new house if you want an address that leads to something different.




You could create a closure using an immediate function (one that executes right away) that returns another function:


for (var i = 0; i < some_array.length; i++) {
    var title = some_array[i];
    $.getJSON('some.url/' + title, (function() {
        var ii = i;
        return function(data) {
           do_something_with_data(data, ii);



If you can modify the service at some.url, it would be much better if rather than making a separate HTTP request for each item in some_array, you simply passed every item in the array in a single HTTP request.


$.getJSON('some.url', { items: some_array }, callback);

Your array will be JSON serialized and POSTed to the server. Assuming some_array is an array of strings, the request will look like this:


POST some.url HTTP/1.1

{'items':['a','b','c', ... ]}

Your server script should then deserialize the JSON request from the request body and loop over each item in the items array, returning a JSON-serialized array of responses.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

{'items':[{id:0, ... }, {id:1, ... }, ... ]}

(Or whatever data it is you're returning.) If your response items are in the same order as the request items, it is easy to piece things back together. In your success callback, simply match the item index with some_array's index. Putting it all together:


$.getJSON('some.url', { items: some_array }, function(data) {
    for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) {
        do_something_with_data(data.items[i], i);

By 'batching up' your requests into a single HTTP request like this, you'll significantly improve performance. Consider that if each network round-trip takes at least 200ms, with 5 items, you're looking at a minimum 1 second delay. By requesting them all at once, network delay stays a constant 200ms. (Obviously with larger requests, server script execution and network transfer times will come in to play, but performance will still be an order of a magnitude better than if you issue a separate HTTP request for each item.)

通过将您的请求“批处理”到这样的单个HTTP请求中,您将显着提高性能。考虑一下,如果每个网络往返至少花费200毫秒,有5个项目,那么您至少要看1秒延迟。通过立即请求它们,网络延迟保持恒定200ms。 (显然,对于更大的请求,服务器脚本执行和网络传输时间将会发挥作用,但性能仍然比为每个项目发出单独的HTTP请求更好。)



Create N closures and pass in the value of 'i' each time, like so:


var i, title;
for (i = 0; i < some_array.length; i++) {
    title = some_array[i];
    $.getJSON('some.url/' + title, (function(i_copy) {
        return function(data) {
            do_something_with_data(data, i_copy);



I think some browsers have trouble with making multiple asynchronous calls at the same time, so you could make them one at a time:


var i;
function DoOne(data)
    if (i >= 0)
        do_something_with_data(data, i);
    if (++i >= some_array.length)
    var title = some_array[i];
    $.getJSON('some.url/' + title, DoOne);

// to start the chain:
i = -1;



I had exactly the same issue as the OP but solved it a different way. I replaced my JavaScript 'for' loop with a jQuery $.each which for each iteration calls a function which I think gets over the callback 'timing' issue. And I combined my external data arrays into a JavaScript object so that I could reference both the parameter I was passing on the JSON URL and the other field in the same element of that object. My object elements came out of a mySQL database table using PHP.

我和OP有完全相同的问题但是以不同的方式解决了它。我用jQuery $ .each替换了我的JavaScript'for'循环,每次迭代都会调用一个函数,我认为这个函数可以解决回调'时序'问题。我将外部数据数组合并到一个JavaScript对象中,这样我就可以引用我在JSON URL上传递的参数和该对象的同一元素中的另一个字段。我的对象元素来自使用PHP的mySQL数据库表。

var persons = [
 { Location: 'MK6', Bio: 'System administrator' },
 { Location: 'LU4', Bio: 'Project officer' },
 { Location: 'B37', Bio: 'Renewable energy hardware installer' },
 { Location: 'S23', Bio: 'Associate lecturer and first hardware triallist' },
 { Location: 'EH12', Bio: 'Associate lecturer with a solar PV installation' }

function initMap() {
  var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), {
    center: startLatLon,
    minZoom: 5,
    maxZoom: 11,
    zoom: 5
  $.each(persons, function(x, person) {
    $.getJSON('http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=' + person.Location, null, function (data) {
      var p = data.results[0].geometry.location;
      var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(p.lat, p.lng);
      var image = 'images/solarenergy.png';
      var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        position: latlng,
        map: map,
        icon: image,
        title: person.Bio
      google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function (e) {
        document.getElementById('info').value = person.Bio;



You need to understand what a closure is. In javascript, when inside a function you use a variable that was defined in an outer context (outer function or global), you create a closure around that variable, which keeps the variable instantiated and lets the function continue to refer to it each time it is invoked (as well as any other function instances with a closure on the item).


Because the original variable is still instantiated, if you change the value of that variable anywhere in the code, when the function runs later it will have the current changed value, not the value when the function was first created.


Before we address making the closure work right, note that declaring the title variable repeatedly in the loop doesn't work (in fact, you can think of the variable as essentially being hoisted into the function's scope--unlike some other languages, for loops in JavaScript have no scope, therefore the variable is declared only once for the function and is not declared or redeclared inside the loop). Declaring the variable outside the loop should help clarify for you why your code isn't working as you'd expect.

在我们解决关闭工作正确之前,请注意在循环中重复声明title变量不起作用(实际上,您可以将变量视为基本上被提升到函数的作用域中 - 与其他语言不同,for循环在JavaScript中没有范围,因此变量只为函数声明一次,并且不在循环内声明或重新声明)。在循环外声明变量应该有助于澄清为什么代码无法正常工作。

As is, when the callbacks run, because they have a closure over the same variable i, they are all affected when i increments and they will all use the current value of i when they run (which will be wrong as you discovered, because the callbacks run after the loop has completely finished creating the callbacks). Asynchronous code (such as the JSON call response) does not and cannot run until all synchronous code finishes executing--so the loop is guaranteed to complete before any callback is ever executed.

同样,当回调运行时,因为它们在同一个变量i上有一个闭包,当它递增时它们都会受到影响,并且当它们运行时它们都将使用i的当前值(这将是你发现的错误,因为回调在循环完全创建回调后运行。异步代码(例如JSON调用响应)在所有同步代码完成执行之前不会运行也无法运行 - 因此保证在执行任何回调之前完成循环。

To get around this you need a new function to run that has its own scope so that in the callbacks declared inside of the loop, there is a new closure over each different value. You could do that with a separate function, or just use an invoked anonymous function in the callback parameter. Here's an example:


var title, i;
for (i = 0; i < some_array.length; i += 1) {
    title = some_array[i];
       'some.url/' + title,
       (function(thisi) {
          return function(data) {
             do_something_with_data(data, thisi);
             // Break the closure over `i` via the parameter `thisi`,
             // which will hold the correct value from *invocation* time.
       }(i)) // calling the function with the current value

For clarity I'll break it out into a separate function so you can see what's going on:


function createCallback(item) {
   return function(data) {
      do_something_with_data(data, item);
      // This reference to the `item` parameter does create a closure on it.
      // However, its scope means that no caller function can change its value.
      // Thus, since we don't change `item` anywhere inside `createCallback`, it
      // will have the value as it was at the time the createCallback function
      // was invoked.

var title, i, l = some_array.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
    title = some_array[i];
    $.getJSON('some.url/' + title, createCallback(i));
    // Note how this parameter is not a *reference* to the createCallback function,
    // but the *value that createCallback() returns*, which is itself a function.

Note: since your array apparently only has titles in it, you could consider using the title variable instead of i which requires you to go back to some_array. But either way works, you know what you want.


One potentially useful way to think about this that the callback-creating function (either the anonymous one or the createCallback one) in essence converts the value of the i variable into separate thisi variables, via each time introducing a new function with its own scope. Perhaps it could be said that "parameters break values out of closures".


Just be careful: this technique will not work on objects without copying them, since objects are reference types. Merely passing them as parameters will not yield something that cannot be changed after the fact. You can duplicate a street address all you like, but this doesn't create a new house. You must build a new house if you want an address that leads to something different.




You could create a closure using an immediate function (one that executes right away) that returns another function:


for (var i = 0; i < some_array.length; i++) {
    var title = some_array[i];
    $.getJSON('some.url/' + title, (function() {
        var ii = i;
        return function(data) {
           do_something_with_data(data, ii);



If you can modify the service at some.url, it would be much better if rather than making a separate HTTP request for each item in some_array, you simply passed every item in the array in a single HTTP request.


$.getJSON('some.url', { items: some_array }, callback);

Your array will be JSON serialized and POSTed to the server. Assuming some_array is an array of strings, the request will look like this:


POST some.url HTTP/1.1

{'items':['a','b','c', ... ]}

Your server script should then deserialize the JSON request from the request body and loop over each item in the items array, returning a JSON-serialized array of responses.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

{'items':[{id:0, ... }, {id:1, ... }, ... ]}

(Or whatever data it is you're returning.) If your response items are in the same order as the request items, it is easy to piece things back together. In your success callback, simply match the item index with some_array's index. Putting it all together:


$.getJSON('some.url', { items: some_array }, function(data) {
    for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) {
        do_something_with_data(data.items[i], i);

By 'batching up' your requests into a single HTTP request like this, you'll significantly improve performance. Consider that if each network round-trip takes at least 200ms, with 5 items, you're looking at a minimum 1 second delay. By requesting them all at once, network delay stays a constant 200ms. (Obviously with larger requests, server script execution and network transfer times will come in to play, but performance will still be an order of a magnitude better than if you issue a separate HTTP request for each item.)

通过将您的请求“批处理”到这样的单个HTTP请求中,您将显着提高性能。考虑一下,如果每个网络往返至少花费200毫秒,有5个项目,那么您至少要看1秒延迟。通过立即请求它们,网络延迟保持恒定200ms。 (显然,对于更大的请求,服务器脚本执行和网络传输时间将会发挥作用,但性能仍然比为每个项目发出单独的HTTP请求更好。)



Create N closures and pass in the value of 'i' each time, like so:


var i, title;
for (i = 0; i < some_array.length; i++) {
    title = some_array[i];
    $.getJSON('some.url/' + title, (function(i_copy) {
        return function(data) {
            do_something_with_data(data, i_copy);



I think some browsers have trouble with making multiple asynchronous calls at the same time, so you could make them one at a time:


var i;
function DoOne(data)
    if (i >= 0)
        do_something_with_data(data, i);
    if (++i >= some_array.length)
    var title = some_array[i];
    $.getJSON('some.url/' + title, DoOne);

// to start the chain:
i = -1;



I had exactly the same issue as the OP but solved it a different way. I replaced my JavaScript 'for' loop with a jQuery $.each which for each iteration calls a function which I think gets over the callback 'timing' issue. And I combined my external data arrays into a JavaScript object so that I could reference both the parameter I was passing on the JSON URL and the other field in the same element of that object. My object elements came out of a mySQL database table using PHP.

我和OP有完全相同的问题但是以不同的方式解决了它。我用jQuery $ .each替换了我的JavaScript'for'循环,每次迭代都会调用一个函数,我认为这个函数可以解决回调'时序'问题。我将外部数据数组合并到一个JavaScript对象中,这样我就可以引用我在JSON URL上传递的参数和该对象的同一元素中的另一个字段。我的对象元素来自使用PHP的mySQL数据库表。

var persons = [
 { Location: 'MK6', Bio: 'System administrator' },
 { Location: 'LU4', Bio: 'Project officer' },
 { Location: 'B37', Bio: 'Renewable energy hardware installer' },
 { Location: 'S23', Bio: 'Associate lecturer and first hardware triallist' },
 { Location: 'EH12', Bio: 'Associate lecturer with a solar PV installation' }

function initMap() {
  var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), {
    center: startLatLon,
    minZoom: 5,
    maxZoom: 11,
    zoom: 5
  $.each(persons, function(x, person) {
    $.getJSON('http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=' + person.Location, null, function (data) {
      var p = data.results[0].geometry.location;
      var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(p.lat, p.lng);
      var image = 'images/solarenergy.png';
      var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        position: latlng,
        map: map,
        icon: image,
        title: person.Bio
      google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function (e) {
        document.getElementById('info').value = person.Bio;