在javascript函数中,“event”对象在不通过它的情况下被识别? [重复]

时间:2022-12-05 16:02:07

This question already has an answer here:


on pressing a link, I am calling a javascript function


  <a id="eventFiringLink" href="javascript:functionName()">

and in another place of the code for a button I am binding the functionName() function as a listener for a click event.


 <button id="someButton">

binding click event by jquery



and the function description is exactly like below.,


      if(event.target.id== "eventFiringLink")
          console.log("do this");
          console.log("do that");

when I clicked the link, I thought that I would get


"TypeError: Cannot read property 'target' of undefined",


but to my surprise the code got executed and printed


"do this"

in the console.


How is that possible.?


2 个解决方案


You're accessing the global window.event. Support for this object varies from browser to browser.


See http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_access.html

The parameter passed by jQuery is normalized to avoid these browser inconsistencies, but as you realized, you weren't accessing that parameter, so you were getting the raw global event object instead.



You are actually accessing the global object 's property here which is window. so when u access event it is actually window.event. But beware, modern browsers may not all support this as this is internal to browser's event handling mechanism and it's advisable to take the event as an argument. In fact, in most cross browser libraries the common method of accessing the event object is as below:


if(!e){ e = window.event; }


You're accessing the global window.event. Support for this object varies from browser to browser.


See http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_access.html

The parameter passed by jQuery is normalized to avoid these browser inconsistencies, but as you realized, you weren't accessing that parameter, so you were getting the raw global event object instead.



You are actually accessing the global object 's property here which is window. so when u access event it is actually window.event. But beware, modern browsers may not all support this as this is internal to browser's event handling mechanism and it's advisable to take the event as an argument. In fact, in most cross browser libraries the common method of accessing the event object is as below:


if(!e){ e = window.event; }