
时间:2022-12-03 14:23:45

I have a directive with an isolate-scope (so that I can reuse the directive in other places), and when I use this directive with an ng-repeat, it fails to work.


I have read all the documentation and Stack Overflow answers on this topic and understand the issues. I believe I have avoided all the usual gotchas.


So I understand that my code fails because of the scope created by the ng-repeat directive. My own directive creates an isolate-scope and does a two-way data-binding to an object in the parent scope. My directive will assign a new object-value to this bound variable and this works perfectly when my directive is used without ng-repeat (the parent variable is updated correctly). However, with ng-repeat, the assignment creates a new variable in the ng-repeat scope and the parent variable does not see the change. All this is as expected based on what I have read.


I have also read that when there are multiple directives on a given element, only one scope is created. And that a priority can be set in each directive to define the order in which the directives are applied; the directives are sorted by priority and then their compile functions are called (search for the word priority at http://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive).


So I was hoping I could use priority to make sure that my directive runs first and ends up creating an isolate-scope, and when ng-repeat runs, it re-uses the isolate-scope instead of creating a scope that prototypically inherits from the parent scope. The ng-repeat documentation states that that directive runs at priority level 1000. It is not clear whether 1 is a higher priority level or a lower priority level. When I used priority level 1 in my directive, it did not make a difference, so I tried 2000. But that makes things worse: my two-way bindings become undefined and my directive does not display anything.


I have created a fiddle to show my issue. I have commented out the priority setting in my directive. I have a list of name objects and a directive called name-row that shows the first and last name fields in the name object. When a displayed name is clicked, I want it to set a selected variable in the main scope. The array of names, the selected variable are passed to the name-row directive using two-way data-binding.

我创造了一个小提琴来展示我的问题。我已经注释掉了指令中的优先级设置。我有一个名为name对象的列表和一个名为name row的指令,该指令显示name对象中的名和名字段。单击显示的名称时,我希望它在主作用域中设置一个选定的变量。使用双向数据绑定将所选变量的名称数组传递给name-row指令。

I know how to get this to work by calling functions in the main scope. I also know that if selected is inside another object, and I bind to the outer object, things would work. But I am not interested in those solutions at the moment.


Instead, the questions I have are:


  • How do I prevent ng-repeat from creating a scope that prototypically inherits from the parent scope, and instead have it use my directive's isolate-scope?
  • 如何防止ng-repeat创建一个原型继承自父范围的范围,而让它使用我的指令的隔离范围?
  • Why is priority level 2000 in my directive not working?
  • 为什么我的指令中2000优先级不工作?
  • Using Batarang, is it possible to know what type of scope is in use?
  • 使用Batarang,是否可能知道正在使用的范围类型?

2 个解决方案



Okay, through a lot of the comments above, I have discovered the confusion. First, a couple of points of clarification:


  • ngRepeat does not affect your chosen isolate scope
  • ngRepeat不会影响您所选择的隔离范围
  • the parameters passed into ngRepeat for use on your directive's attributes do use a prototypically-inherited scope
  • 传递给ngRepeat的参数用于指令的属性使用的是原型继承的范围。
  • the reason your directive doesn't work has nothing to do with the isolate scope
  • 您的指令不能工作的原因与隔离范围无关

Here's an example of the same code but with the directive removed:


<li ng-repeat="name in names"
    ng-class="{ active: $index == selected }"
    ng-click="selected = $index">
    {{$index}}: {{name.first}} {{name.last}}

Here is a JSFiddle demonstrating that it won't work. You get the exact same results as in your directive.


Why doesn't it work? Because scopes in AngularJS use prototypical inheritance. The value selected on your parent scope is a primitive. In JavaScript, this means that it will be overwritten when a child sets the same value. There is a golden rule in AngularJS scopes: model values should always have a . in them. That is, they should never be primitives. See this SO answer for more information.


Here is a picture of what the scopes initially look like.



After clicking the first item, the scopes now look like this:



Notice that a new selected property was created on the ngRepeat scope. The controller scope 003 was not altered.


You can probably guess what happens when we click on the second item:



So your issue is actually not caused by ngRepeat at all - it's caused by breaking a golden rule in AngularJS. The way to fix it is to simply use an object property:


$scope.state = { selected: undefined };
<li ng-repeat="name in names"
    ng-class="{ active: $index == state.selected }"
    ng-click="state.selected = $index">
    {{$index}}: {{name.first}} {{name.last}}

Here is a second JSFiddle showing this works too.


Here is what the scopes look like initially:



After clicking the first item:



Here, the controller scope is being affected, as desired.


Also, to prove that this will still work with your directive with an isolate scope (because, again, this has nothing to do with your problem), here is a JSFiddle for that too, the view must reflect the object. You'll note that the only necessary change was to use an object instead of a primitive.


Scopes initially:



Scopes after clicking on the first item:



To conclude: once again, your issue isn't with the isolate scope and it isn't with how ngRepeat works. Your problem is that you're breaking a rule that is known to lead to this very problem. Models in AngularJS should always have a ..




Without directly trying to avoid answering your questions, instead take a look at the following fiddle:




Key point is that instead of trying to fight and change the conventional behaviour of Angular, you could structure your directive to work with ng-repeat as opposed to trying to override it.


In your template:



In your directive:


'        <ul>' +      
'            <li ng-repeat="name in inNamesList" ng-class="activeClass($index)" >' +
'                <a ng-click="setSelected($index)">' +
'                    {{$index}} - {{name.first}} {{name.last}}' +
'                </a>' +
'            </li>' +
'        </ul>'

In response to your questions:


  • ng-repeat will create a scope, you really shouldn't be trying to change this.
  • ng-repeat将创建一个范围,您真的不应该试图改变它。
  • Priority in directives isn't just execution order - see: AngularJS : How does the HTML compiler arrange the order for compiling?
  • 指令中的优先级不仅仅是执行顺序——参见:AngularJS: HTML编译器如何安排编译顺序?
  • In Batarang, if you check the performance tab, you can see the expressions bound for each scope, and check if this matches your expectations.
  • 在Batarang中,如果您检查performance选项卡,您可以看到每个范围的表达式绑定,并检查这是否符合您的期望。



Okay, through a lot of the comments above, I have discovered the confusion. First, a couple of points of clarification:


  • ngRepeat does not affect your chosen isolate scope
  • ngRepeat不会影响您所选择的隔离范围
  • the parameters passed into ngRepeat for use on your directive's attributes do use a prototypically-inherited scope
  • 传递给ngRepeat的参数用于指令的属性使用的是原型继承的范围。
  • the reason your directive doesn't work has nothing to do with the isolate scope
  • 您的指令不能工作的原因与隔离范围无关

Here's an example of the same code but with the directive removed:


<li ng-repeat="name in names"
    ng-class="{ active: $index == selected }"
    ng-click="selected = $index">
    {{$index}}: {{name.first}} {{name.last}}

Here is a JSFiddle demonstrating that it won't work. You get the exact same results as in your directive.


Why doesn't it work? Because scopes in AngularJS use prototypical inheritance. The value selected on your parent scope is a primitive. In JavaScript, this means that it will be overwritten when a child sets the same value. There is a golden rule in AngularJS scopes: model values should always have a . in them. That is, they should never be primitives. See this SO answer for more information.


Here is a picture of what the scopes initially look like.



After clicking the first item, the scopes now look like this:



Notice that a new selected property was created on the ngRepeat scope. The controller scope 003 was not altered.


You can probably guess what happens when we click on the second item:



So your issue is actually not caused by ngRepeat at all - it's caused by breaking a golden rule in AngularJS. The way to fix it is to simply use an object property:


$scope.state = { selected: undefined };
<li ng-repeat="name in names"
    ng-class="{ active: $index == state.selected }"
    ng-click="state.selected = $index">
    {{$index}}: {{name.first}} {{name.last}}

Here is a second JSFiddle showing this works too.


Here is what the scopes look like initially:



After clicking the first item:



Here, the controller scope is being affected, as desired.


Also, to prove that this will still work with your directive with an isolate scope (because, again, this has nothing to do with your problem), here is a JSFiddle for that too, the view must reflect the object. You'll note that the only necessary change was to use an object instead of a primitive.


Scopes initially:



Scopes after clicking on the first item:



To conclude: once again, your issue isn't with the isolate scope and it isn't with how ngRepeat works. Your problem is that you're breaking a rule that is known to lead to this very problem. Models in AngularJS should always have a ..




Without directly trying to avoid answering your questions, instead take a look at the following fiddle:




Key point is that instead of trying to fight and change the conventional behaviour of Angular, you could structure your directive to work with ng-repeat as opposed to trying to override it.


In your template:



In your directive:


'        <ul>' +      
'            <li ng-repeat="name in inNamesList" ng-class="activeClass($index)" >' +
'                <a ng-click="setSelected($index)">' +
'                    {{$index}} - {{name.first}} {{name.last}}' +
'                </a>' +
'            </li>' +
'        </ul>'

In response to your questions:


  • ng-repeat will create a scope, you really shouldn't be trying to change this.
  • ng-repeat将创建一个范围,您真的不应该试图改变它。
  • Priority in directives isn't just execution order - see: AngularJS : How does the HTML compiler arrange the order for compiling?
  • 指令中的优先级不仅仅是执行顺序——参见:AngularJS: HTML编译器如何安排编译顺序?
  • In Batarang, if you check the performance tab, you can see the expressions bound for each scope, and check if this matches your expectations.
  • 在Batarang中,如果您检查performance选项卡,您可以看到每个范围的表达式绑定,并检查这是否符合您的期望。