第一章 Windows NT System Components

时间:2021-10-05 04:40:11

The focus(焦点) of this book is Windows NT file system and the interaction(交互) of the file system with the other core(核心) operating system components(组件,部分).If you are interested   in providing(提供) value-added(增值) software for the Windows NT platform(平台), the topics(主题) on filter(过滤) driver design and development(发展) should provide(提供) you with a good understanding of some of the mechanics involved(有关的) in designing such software.

Files systems and filter drivers don‘t exist in a vacuum(空间), but interact(相互影响) heavily(严重的) with the rest of the operating system. This chapter(章节) provides(提供) an overview(概述) of the main components(部分) of the Windows NT operating system.

The Basics(基础,基本要素)

Operating systems deal(处理) with issues(问题) that users prefer(更喜欢) to forget, including initializing(正在初始化) processor(处理器) states, coordinating(协调) multiple(多重) CPUs, maintaining(维护) CPU cache coherency(缓存一致性),managing(管理) the local bus(局部总线), managing physical(物理) memory, providing(提供) virtual memory support(支持), dealing with(处理) external(外部) devices(设备),defining(定义) and scheduling(调度) user processes/threads, managing user data stored(存储) on external(外部) devices(设备), and providing(以及提供) the foundation(基础) for an easily manageable(容易控制) and user-friendly computing(计算) system. Above all(首先尤其是), the operating system must be perceived as(被看作) reliable(可靠) and efficient(有效),  since any perceived(认为) lack(缺乏) of these qualities(品质) will almost certainly(肯定) result in the universal(普遍的) rejection(排斥) and thereby(因此) in the quick(快速) death of the operating sysytem.

Contrary(相反) to what you are may have heard(听到), Windows NT is not a state-of-the-art(最先进) operating system by any means(无论如何). It employs(使用) concepts(概念) and principles(原则) that have been know(已经知道) for years(好几年) and have actually been implemented(实际上已经被实现) in many other commercial(商用) operating systems. You can envision(想象) the Windows NT platform as the result(结果表明) of a confluence(汇合) of ideas(思想的汇合), principles(原则), and practices(实践) obtained(获得) from a wide Variety of (多种多样的)\

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sources(来源), from both commercial products (从商业产品)and research(研究) projects conducted(管理) by universities(大学).

{ 恰恰相反你也许会听到,Windows NT 无论如何也不是最先进的操作系统,它使用的概念和原则已经被一些商用的操作系统在好几年前就被实现了。你可以想象认为 Windows NT 平台是商业产品和大学项目研究等多种多样思想,原则,实践的汇合的结果 }