如何使用Method :: Signatures使Perltidy工作?

时间:2022-11-29 23:21:04

I'm using Eclipse combined with EPIC to write my Perl code. I configured EPIC to use Perltidy with "-pbp" (perl best practices style) to format my code.


This doesn't work well when using Method::Signatures' named parameters. E.g., func (:$arg1, : $arg2) is formatted as func (: $arg1, : $arg2) which yields an error.

使用Method :: Signatures的命名参数时,这不起作用。例如,func(:$ arg1,:$ arg2)被格式化为func(:$ arg1,:$ arg2),这会产生错误。

Also, func keyword is not recognized like sub so indentation is wrong.


Related to this previous unanswered question and this cross post.


4 个解决方案



You can modify the perlcritic script with a pre and post filter. The changelog provides the following example


  prefilter => sub { $_ = $_[0]; s/^method (.*)/sub $1 \#__METHOD/gm; return $_ },
  postfilter => sub { $_ = $_[0]; s/^sub (.*?)\s* \#__METHOD/method $1/gm; return $_ }

Perlcritic will now treat method as a sub for purposes of formatting. We can do the same with func. I modified my /usr/local/bin/perlcritic to work with func as follows:

Perlcritic现在将方法视为子格式以进行格式化。我们可以用func做同样的事情。我修改了我的/ usr / local / bin / perlcritic以使用func,如下所示:


eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl  -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell
package main;

use Perl::Tidy;

my $arg_string = undef;

# give Macs a chance to provide command line parameters
if ($^O =~ /Mac/) {
    $arg_string =
      MacPerl::Ask( 'Please enter @ARGV (-h for help)',
        defined $ARGV[0] ? "\"$ARGV[0]\"" : "" );

    argv => $arg_string,
    prefilter => sub { $_ = $_[0]; s/\W\Kfunc\((.*)/sub($1 \#__FUNC/gm; return $_ },
    postfilter => sub { $_ = $_[0]; s/\W\Ksub\((.*?)\s* \#__FUNC/func($1/gm; return $_ }



Perl::Tidy/perltidy does not make use of PPI, it predates PPI by about 9 years ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/perltidy/ says Registered: 2000-12-23 )

Perl :: Tidy / perltidy没有使用PPI,它比PPI早了大约9年(http://sourceforge.net/projects/perltidy/说注册:2000-12-23)



You can't, unless you make PPI, which is what Perltidy uses for most of its work, aware of the various signature modules such as MooseX::Method::Signatures, Method::Signatures::Simple, or Method::Signatures.

你不能,除非你制作PPI,这是Perltidy在其大部分工作中使用的,知道各种签名模块,如MooseX :: Method :: Signatures,Method :: Signatures :: Simple或Method :: Signatures 。

A reasonable workaround might be to not run Perltidy on all of your code, but only on the chunks of it you've just written and want formatted in some way. That way you can easily skip running it on any method signatures and have it process only the method bodies instead.




In the meantime a new module exists on CPAN which solves this problems. It is called Perl::Tidy::Sweetened and offers the script perltidier.

与此同时,CPAN上存在一个新模块,可以解决这个问题。它被称为Perl :: Tidy :: Sweetened并提供脚本perltidier。

It also uses the prefilter and postfilter hooks of Perl::Tidy, but you do not need to take care about that on your own.

它还使用了Perl :: Tidy的预过滤器和后过滤器钩子,但您不需要自己照顾它。



You can modify the perlcritic script with a pre and post filter. The changelog provides the following example


  prefilter => sub { $_ = $_[0]; s/^method (.*)/sub $1 \#__METHOD/gm; return $_ },
  postfilter => sub { $_ = $_[0]; s/^sub (.*?)\s* \#__METHOD/method $1/gm; return $_ }

Perlcritic will now treat method as a sub for purposes of formatting. We can do the same with func. I modified my /usr/local/bin/perlcritic to work with func as follows:

Perlcritic现在将方法视为子格式以进行格式化。我们可以用func做同样的事情。我修改了我的/ usr / local / bin / perlcritic以使用func,如下所示:


eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl  -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell
package main;

use Perl::Tidy;

my $arg_string = undef;

# give Macs a chance to provide command line parameters
if ($^O =~ /Mac/) {
    $arg_string =
      MacPerl::Ask( 'Please enter @ARGV (-h for help)',
        defined $ARGV[0] ? "\"$ARGV[0]\"" : "" );

    argv => $arg_string,
    prefilter => sub { $_ = $_[0]; s/\W\Kfunc\((.*)/sub($1 \#__FUNC/gm; return $_ },
    postfilter => sub { $_ = $_[0]; s/\W\Ksub\((.*?)\s* \#__FUNC/func($1/gm; return $_ }



Perl::Tidy/perltidy does not make use of PPI, it predates PPI by about 9 years ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/perltidy/ says Registered: 2000-12-23 )

Perl :: Tidy / perltidy没有使用PPI,它比PPI早了大约9年(http://sourceforge.net/projects/perltidy/说注册:2000-12-23)



You can't, unless you make PPI, which is what Perltidy uses for most of its work, aware of the various signature modules such as MooseX::Method::Signatures, Method::Signatures::Simple, or Method::Signatures.

你不能,除非你制作PPI,这是Perltidy在其大部分工作中使用的,知道各种签名模块,如MooseX :: Method :: Signatures,Method :: Signatures :: Simple或Method :: Signatures 。

A reasonable workaround might be to not run Perltidy on all of your code, but only on the chunks of it you've just written and want formatted in some way. That way you can easily skip running it on any method signatures and have it process only the method bodies instead.




In the meantime a new module exists on CPAN which solves this problems. It is called Perl::Tidy::Sweetened and offers the script perltidier.

与此同时,CPAN上存在一个新模块,可以解决这个问题。它被称为Perl :: Tidy :: Sweetened并提供脚本perltidier。

It also uses the prefilter and postfilter hooks of Perl::Tidy, but you do not need to take care about that on your own.

它还使用了Perl :: Tidy的预过滤器和后过滤器钩子,但您不需要自己照顾它。