如何使用jQuery获取ko observable的值?

时间:2022-11-27 12:05:55

I have a span on a html page.


<span id="Amount" value="<?php echo $userProvidedAmount ; ?>"></span>

In my knockout code I need to add this value to the observable and I am using jQuery, but for some reason I cannot get the value.


self.amount = ko.observable($('#Amount').val());

Is there any way to get the value? I have checked that the value has some value but I cannot get the data in the observable.


2 个解决方案



jQuery's val() function only works on input elements.
You're trying to use it on a span element, so it fails.


The easiest way to retrieve the value attribute would be to use attr():


amount = $('#Amount').attr('value');

But: Span tags cannot have the "value" attribute in standard HTML. Better to use a data-attribute:


<span id="Amount" data-value="<?php echo $userProvidedAmount ; ?>"></span>

... then you can retrieve it with the jQuery data() function:

...然后你可以使用jQuery data()函数检索它:

amount = $('#Amount').data('value');



If you want to use KnockoutJS...

如果你想使用KnockoutJS ......

Then: Yikes! Don't mix jQuery and Knockout like that. If you're using Knockout, try to keep your view "dumb", i.e. a reflection of the state of your view models. Use Knockout's data-binding features to fill the view instead. So e.g.:


<span id="Amount" data-bind="text: amount"></span>
self.amount = ko.observable(<?php echo $userProvidedAmount ; ?>);

Typically you don't want to mix PHP and JS that directly, and you'll have something like this instead:


<span id="Amount" data-bind="text: amount"></span>
window.myNamespace.initialData = {
    amount: <?php echo $userProvidedAmount ; ?>
self.amount = ko.observable(window.myNamespace.initialData.amount);

Or whatever way your framework or homebrew setup analogously allows.


If you don't necessarily want to use KnockoutJS...

如果你不一定想使用KnockoutJS ......

Having said all that, if you're not going to use KnockoutJS, you should look at @KWeiss' answer.




jQuery's val() function only works on input elements.
You're trying to use it on a span element, so it fails.


The easiest way to retrieve the value attribute would be to use attr():


amount = $('#Amount').attr('value');

But: Span tags cannot have the "value" attribute in standard HTML. Better to use a data-attribute:


<span id="Amount" data-value="<?php echo $userProvidedAmount ; ?>"></span>

... then you can retrieve it with the jQuery data() function:

...然后你可以使用jQuery data()函数检索它:

amount = $('#Amount').data('value');



If you want to use KnockoutJS...

如果你想使用KnockoutJS ......

Then: Yikes! Don't mix jQuery and Knockout like that. If you're using Knockout, try to keep your view "dumb", i.e. a reflection of the state of your view models. Use Knockout's data-binding features to fill the view instead. So e.g.:


<span id="Amount" data-bind="text: amount"></span>
self.amount = ko.observable(<?php echo $userProvidedAmount ; ?>);

Typically you don't want to mix PHP and JS that directly, and you'll have something like this instead:


<span id="Amount" data-bind="text: amount"></span>
window.myNamespace.initialData = {
    amount: <?php echo $userProvidedAmount ; ?>
self.amount = ko.observable(window.myNamespace.initialData.amount);

Or whatever way your framework or homebrew setup analogously allows.


If you don't necessarily want to use KnockoutJS...

如果你不一定想使用KnockoutJS ......

Having said all that, if you're not going to use KnockoutJS, you should look at @KWeiss' answer.
