如何为GitHub Pages生成JavaScript API文档

时间:2022-11-24 23:24:18

There are a lot of great options for generating API documentation for other languages, but I have yet to find a solution for my JavaScript API that I want to host on GitHub Pages. It seem that I can use JSDoc3 but I would need to create a custom plugin that outputs Jekyll markup.

为其他语言生成API文档有很多很好的选择,但我还没有找到我想在GitHub页面上托管的JavaScript API的解决方案。似乎我可以使用JSDoc3,但我需要创建一个输出Jekyll标记的自定义插件。

I would also like the code URLs to link to GitHub itself. I found jsdoc-githubify that will munge the output to change the links, but I'd prefer a more straightforward option where I have more control.


Do I have to create my own JSDoc plugin, or is there a better solution out there that I've missed. What do folks use for this?


6 个解决方案



If you're familiar with Grunt, you can easily generate .html docs with grunt-jsdoc.


  • Document your code with JSDoc.
  • 使用JSDoc记录您的代码。

  • Use grunt-jsdoc which internally uses jsdoc to generate code documentation.
  • 使用grunt-jsdoc,它在内部使用jsdoc生成代码文档。

  • This will also output the source code in HTML and within the documentation it will include links to code lines for each publicly accessible member.
  • 这也将以HTML格式输出源代码,在文档中,它将包含每个可公开访问的成员的代码行链接。

  • You can also have control on the links by simply using the @link directive of JSDoc:
    See {@link https://github.com/onury|My GitHub Profile}.
  • 您也可以通过简单地使用JSDoc的@link指令来控制链接:请参阅{@link https://github.com/onury|My GitHub Profile}。

See a Gruntfile example below.
Note that this supports all JSDoc CLI options.

请参阅下面的Gruntfile示例。请注意,这支持所有JSDoc CLI选项。

    'jsdoc': {
        dist: {
            src: ['./src/core/mylib.js'],
            options: {
                destination: './doc/html'

And you run this task with grunt jsdoc. Or you can add the grunt-contrib-watch plugin to auto-run each time the file changes.

你用grunt jsdoc运行这个任务。或者,您可以添加grunt-contrib-watch插件,以便在每次文件更改时自动运行。

Templates and Styling:


  • You can always play with the CSS file and overwrite it for your own taste.
  • 您可以随时使用CSS文件并根据自己的喜好覆盖它。

  • Or you can use docstrap template for JSDoc3 based on Bootstrap which can be used with grunt-jsdoc.
  • 或者您可以使用基于Bootstrap的JSDoc3的docstrap模板,它可以与grunt-jsdoc一起使用。

Using Jekyll for documentation:


Although it's natively supported, you do not have to use Jekyll for GitHub Pages. Jekyll is actually designed for static websites or blogs. But it can take markdown files. So, I'd first create github flavoured markdown files from code via jsdoc-to-markdown (there is also a Grunt plugin grunt-jsdoc2md) then configure a Jekyll project accordingly.

虽然它本机支持,但您不必将Jekyll用于GitHub页面。 Jekyll实际上是为静态网站或博客设计的。但它可以采用降价文件。所以,我首先通过jsdoc-to-markdown从代码创建github风格的markdown文件(还有一个Grunt插件grunt-jsdoc2md),然后相应地配置一个Jekyll项目。

But note that you'll need to do some extra work to install and configure Jekyll. Here is a good article and a sample project to start with.



After answering this, I started working on a tool for building documentation easily. Now, it's mature enough to post here and see if you like it. It's called Docma.


Key Docma features are; it can both parse JSDoc and Markdown files into HTML documentation, generates a web-app, extremely configurable and works great with Github Pages.

主要Docma功能是;它既可以将JSDoc和Markdown文件解析为HTML文档,也可以生成一个非常可配置的Web应用程序,并且可以与Github Pages一起使用。

See Docma documentation here, which is also built with Docma and hosted on GitHub Pages.


A sample screenshot of Docma generated SPA:


如何为GitHub Pages生成JavaScript API文档



I think this is what you are looking for: http://jsdox.org/


jsdox is a simple jsdoc 3 generator. It pulls documentation tags based on a subset of jsdoc 3 from your javascript files and generates markdown files.

jsdox是一个简单的jsdoc 3生成器。它从您的javascript文件中提取基于jsdoc 3子集的文档标记,并生成markdown文件。



JSDox is exactly what you are looking for.




I'm a fan of swagger: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui & http://swagger.io/.


It includes more than just API documentation so maybe it's overkill for you but it does a beautiful job of documenting APIs.




Though I haven't updated it in a while, https://github.com/punkave/dox-foundation is another option. It will just generate HTML files that you could commit to your gh-pages branch.




trying to simplify it


  • In GitHub pages generating API documentation that outputs Jekyll markup.


    Escape liquid template with {% raw %} tag.


    {% raw %}
       I want to be {{escaped}}.
    {% endraw %}

    ref: github/.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers#raw

    ref: jekyllrb/.com/docs/github-pages/#project-pages

    create two branch, one for master one for gh-pages, master branch contain your .md file and gh-pages contain static generated .html file. In local computer: $ jekyll build in current project folder will be generated into ./_site.

    创建两个分支,一个用于gh页面的主分支,master分支包含.md文件,gh-pages包含静态生成的.html文件。在本地计算机中:$ jekyll build in current project folder将生成为./_site。

    upload to GitHub.



    • master branch: github/.com/jekyll/jekyll
    • master branch:github / .com / jekyll / jekyll

    • gh-pages branch: github/.com/jekyll/jekyll/tree/gh-pages

    • gh-pages分支:github / .com / jekyll / jekyll / tree / gh-pages


    • master branch: github/.com/facebook/react/edit/master/docs/docs/ref-01-top-level-api.md
    • master分支:github / .com / facebook / react / edit / master / docs / docs / ref-01-top-level-api.md

    • gh-pages branch: github/.com/facebook/react/blob/gh-pages/docs/top-level-api.html
    • gh-pages分支:github / .com / facebook / react / blob / gh-pages / docs / top-level-api.html

  • Pages URLs link to GitHub document itself.

    Pages URL链接到GitHub文档本身。

    In _layouts folder (html template) Add link "Edit on GitHub" on docs pages this is blog post about it


  • #1


    If you're familiar with Grunt, you can easily generate .html docs with grunt-jsdoc.


    • Document your code with JSDoc.
    • 使用JSDoc记录您的代码。

    • Use grunt-jsdoc which internally uses jsdoc to generate code documentation.
    • 使用grunt-jsdoc,它在内部使用jsdoc生成代码文档。

    • This will also output the source code in HTML and within the documentation it will include links to code lines for each publicly accessible member.
    • 这也将以HTML格式输出源代码,在文档中,它将包含每个可公开访问的成员的代码行链接。

    • You can also have control on the links by simply using the @link directive of JSDoc:
      See {@link https://github.com/onury|My GitHub Profile}.
    • 您也可以通过简单地使用JSDoc的@link指令来控制链接:请参阅{@link https://github.com/onury|My GitHub Profile}。

    See a Gruntfile example below.
    Note that this supports all JSDoc CLI options.

    请参阅下面的Gruntfile示例。请注意,这支持所有JSDoc CLI选项。

        'jsdoc': {
            dist: {
                src: ['./src/core/mylib.js'],
                options: {
                    destination: './doc/html'

    And you run this task with grunt jsdoc. Or you can add the grunt-contrib-watch plugin to auto-run each time the file changes.

    你用grunt jsdoc运行这个任务。或者,您可以添加grunt-contrib-watch插件,以便在每次文件更改时自动运行。

    Templates and Styling:


    • You can always play with the CSS file and overwrite it for your own taste.
    • 您可以随时使用CSS文件并根据自己的喜好覆盖它。

    • Or you can use docstrap template for JSDoc3 based on Bootstrap which can be used with grunt-jsdoc.
    • 或者您可以使用基于Bootstrap的JSDoc3的docstrap模板,它可以与grunt-jsdoc一起使用。

    Using Jekyll for documentation:


    Although it's natively supported, you do not have to use Jekyll for GitHub Pages. Jekyll is actually designed for static websites or blogs. But it can take markdown files. So, I'd first create github flavoured markdown files from code via jsdoc-to-markdown (there is also a Grunt plugin grunt-jsdoc2md) then configure a Jekyll project accordingly.

    虽然它本机支持,但您不必将Jekyll用于GitHub页面。 Jekyll实际上是为静态网站或博客设计的。但它可以采用降价文件。所以,我首先通过jsdoc-to-markdown从代码创建github风格的markdown文件(还有一个Grunt插件grunt-jsdoc2md),然后相应地配置一个Jekyll项目。

    But note that you'll need to do some extra work to install and configure Jekyll. Here is a good article and a sample project to start with.



    After answering this, I started working on a tool for building documentation easily. Now, it's mature enough to post here and see if you like it. It's called Docma.


    Key Docma features are; it can both parse JSDoc and Markdown files into HTML documentation, generates a web-app, extremely configurable and works great with Github Pages.

    主要Docma功能是;它既可以将JSDoc和Markdown文件解析为HTML文档,也可以生成一个非常可配置的Web应用程序,并且可以与Github Pages一起使用。

    See Docma documentation here, which is also built with Docma and hosted on GitHub Pages.


    A sample screenshot of Docma generated SPA:


    如何为GitHub Pages生成JavaScript API文档



    I think this is what you are looking for: http://jsdox.org/


    jsdox is a simple jsdoc 3 generator. It pulls documentation tags based on a subset of jsdoc 3 from your javascript files and generates markdown files.

    jsdox是一个简单的jsdoc 3生成器。它从您的javascript文件中提取基于jsdoc 3子集的文档标记,并生成markdown文件。



    JSDox is exactly what you are looking for.




    I'm a fan of swagger: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui & http://swagger.io/.


    It includes more than just API documentation so maybe it's overkill for you but it does a beautiful job of documenting APIs.




    Though I haven't updated it in a while, https://github.com/punkave/dox-foundation is another option. It will just generate HTML files that you could commit to your gh-pages branch.




    trying to simplify it


    • In GitHub pages generating API documentation that outputs Jekyll markup.


      Escape liquid template with {% raw %} tag.


      {% raw %}
         I want to be {{escaped}}.
      {% endraw %}

      ref: github/.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers#raw

      ref: jekyllrb/.com/docs/github-pages/#project-pages

      create two branch, one for master one for gh-pages, master branch contain your .md file and gh-pages contain static generated .html file. In local computer: $ jekyll build in current project folder will be generated into ./_site.

      创建两个分支,一个用于gh页面的主分支,master分支包含.md文件,gh-pages包含静态生成的.html文件。在本地计算机中:$ jekyll build in current project folder将生成为./_site。

      upload to GitHub.



      • master branch: github/.com/jekyll/jekyll
      • master branch:github / .com / jekyll / jekyll

      • gh-pages branch: github/.com/jekyll/jekyll/tree/gh-pages

      • gh-pages分支:github / .com / jekyll / jekyll / tree / gh-pages


      • master branch: github/.com/facebook/react/edit/master/docs/docs/ref-01-top-level-api.md
      • master分支:github / .com / facebook / react / edit / master / docs / docs / ref-01-top-level-api.md

      • gh-pages branch: github/.com/facebook/react/blob/gh-pages/docs/top-level-api.html
      • gh-pages分支:github / .com / facebook / react / blob / gh-pages / docs / top-level-api.html

  • Pages URLs link to GitHub document itself.

    Pages URL链接到GitHub文档本身。

    In _layouts folder (html template) Add link "Edit on GitHub" on docs pages this is blog post about it
