
时间:2022-11-15 09:53:09

I have a table with 4 rows that are repeated by a knockout foreach in the <tbody>. The first row is a Basketball Match and the other 3 rows are the Task performers (referee etc) of the match. I have in the match row a hyperlink to a details page of the location of the sportshall in the city were the match will be played.


The problem is that the performer rows can be expanded and collapsed. This all works fine but now the hyperlink is not working anymore because then the knockout click event is fired. When I do a right mouse click on the hyperlink and say "open in new tab" the hyperlink works fine. So the problem is that the row knockout click is overruling the hyperlink.


Of course I can exclude the TD of the hyperlink and add the collapse click event to the other TDs but that is not what I want.


<tbody data-bind="foreach: Matches">
    <tr class="hover-row" data-rowtype="Match" data-bind="click: ExpandTaskToggle">
        <td><i class="glyphicon" data-bind="css: IconExpanded"></i></td>
        <td data-bind="text: Time"></td>
        <td class="hidden-lg hidden-md" data-bind="text: Team.ShortName"></td>
        <td class="hidden-sm hidden-xs" data-bind="text: Team.Name"></td>
        <td data-bind="text: Opponent"></td>
        <td class="hidden-xs" data-bind="text: Location.City"></td>
        <td><a data-bind="text: Location.SportsHallName, attr: { href: '/SportLocation/Details/' + Location.Id() }"></a></td>
    <!-- ko if: IsExpanded -->
    <tr data-rowtype="Task">
        <td class="striped"></td>
        <td colspan="2" class="striped">
            <strong>Scheidsrechters </strong>
        <td colspan="2" class="striped" data-bind="foreach: Referees">
            <span data-bind="text: PerformerFullName, style: { 'background-color': SelectedPerformerBackground }"></span><span data-bind="if: $index() != ($parent.Referees.length - 1)">, </span>
        <td class="hidden-xs striped"></td>
    <tr data-rowtype="Task">
        <td class="striped"></td>
        <td class="striped">
            <strong>Scorer </strong>
        <td class="striped" data-bind="foreach: Scorers">
            <span data-bind="text: PerformerFullName, style: { 'background-color': SelectedPerformerBackground }"></span><span data-bind="if: $index() != ($parent.Scorers.length - 1)">, </span>
        <td class="striped">
            <strong>Timer </strong>
        <td class="striped" data-bind="foreach: Timers">
            <span data-bind="text: PerformerFullName, style: { 'background-color': SelectedPerformerBackground }"></span><span data-bind="if: $index() != ($parent.Timers.length - 1)">, </span>
        <td class="hidden-xs striped"></td>
    <tr data-rowtype="Task">
        <td class="striped"></td>
        <td colspan="2" class="striped">
            <strong>Zaalwacht </strong>
        <td colspan="2" class="striped" data-bind="foreach: SportsHallGuards">
            <span data-bind="text: PerformerFullName, style: { 'background-color': SelectedPerformerBackground }"></span><span data-bind="if: $index() != ($parent.SportsHallGuards.length - 1)">, </span>
        <td class="hidden-xs striped"></td>
    <!-- /ko -->

1 个解决方案



From the documention to knockout:


Note 3: Allowing the default click action
By default, Knockout will prevent the click event from taking any default action. This means that if you use the click binding on an a tag (a link), for example, the browser will only call your handler function and will not navigate to the link’s href.
However, if you do want to let the default click action proceed, just return true from your click handler function.

注3:允许默认单击操作默认情况下,Knockout将阻止click事件采取任何默认操作。这意味着,如果您在标签(链接)上使用单击绑定,则浏览器将仅调用您的处理程序函数,而不会导航到链接的href。 <...>但是,如果您确实希望继续执行默认单击操作,则只需从单击处理函数返回true。


Note 4: Preventing the event from bubbling
If necessary, you can prevent the event from bubbling by including an additional binding that is named clickBubble and passing false <...>

注意4:防止事件冒泡<...>如果需要,可以通过包含名为clickBubble的附加绑定并传递false <...>来防止事件冒泡。

I think something like this should work:


<a data-bind="text: Location.SportsHallName, attr: { href: '/SportLocation/Details/' + Location.Id() }, click: function() { return true; }, clickBubble: false"></a>



From the documention to knockout:


Note 3: Allowing the default click action
By default, Knockout will prevent the click event from taking any default action. This means that if you use the click binding on an a tag (a link), for example, the browser will only call your handler function and will not navigate to the link’s href.
However, if you do want to let the default click action proceed, just return true from your click handler function.

注3:允许默认单击操作默认情况下,Knockout将阻止click事件采取任何默认操作。这意味着,如果您在标签(链接)上使用单击绑定,则浏览器将仅调用您的处理程序函数,而不会导航到链接的href。 <...>但是,如果您确实希望继续执行默认单击操作,则只需从单击处理函数返回true。


Note 4: Preventing the event from bubbling
If necessary, you can prevent the event from bubbling by including an additional binding that is named clickBubble and passing false <...>

注意4:防止事件冒泡<...>如果需要,可以通过包含名为clickBubble的附加绑定并传递false <...>来防止事件冒泡。

I think something like this should work:


<a data-bind="text: Location.SportsHallName, attr: { href: '/SportLocation/Details/' + Location.Id() }, click: function() { return true; }, clickBubble: false"></a>