Javascript在'undefined'和'not defined'之间有什么区别?

时间:2022-11-05 15:26:39

If you attempt to use a variable that does not exist and has not been declared, javascript will throw an error. var name is not defined, and the script will stop then and there.

如果您尝试使用不存在且尚未声明的变量,则javascript将引发错误。 var name未定义,脚本将在那里停止。

But if you check it using typeof noname then it will return "undefined". I always thought that you had to declare a var for it to have a type. Either by using: var a; so it has the type of undefined or by giving it a value like: var b =5; so it has the type of its value.

但是如果你使用typeof noname检查它,那么它将返回“undefined”。我一直认为你必须声明一个var才能拥有一个类型。通过使用:var a;因此它具有未定义的类型或赋予它类似的值:var b = 5;所以它有它的价值类型。

Also what is the difference between var a; and var b = undefined;?

var a之间有什么区别;和var b =未定义;?

7 个解决方案



An undeclared variable (that is, one that doesn't exist) does not have a type - and so its type is undefined. I believe that the generally accepted way to test if something is undefined is

未声明的变量(即,不存在的变量)没有类型 - 因此其类型未定义。我相信普遍接受的测试方法是否未定义的方法是

typeof var === 'undefined'

rather than

var === undefined

since if the variable does not exist, you cannot access it. The latter case might be more useful if you are sure the variable should exist, since the difference between the two is that an undeclared variable will return false in the first case but cause an error in the second case.


Make sure that you use the triple-equals operator though if you're using the second variant; the (more usual) double-equals operator performs type coercion, so null == undefined is true while null === undefined is false. Sometimes you might want the first behaviour, though often you'll want the second, especially if you're testing against undefined, so it's important to recognise the difference. (This is another benefit of the first case since it's not possible to make this subtle error).

如果您使用的是第二种变体,请确保使用三等号运算符; (更常见的)double-equals运算符执行类型强制,因此null == undefined为true,而null === undefined为false。有时您可能想要第一个行为,但通常您会想要第二个行为,特别是如果您正在测试未定义的行为,因此识别差异非常重要。 (这是第一种情况的另一个好处,因为它不可能产生这种微妙的错误)。

Yes, variables can have a value of undefined and you can explicitly assign values to them. Assigning undefined to a variable though is probably confusing, since it's a bit of a paradox (you've defined the variable as undefined) and it's not possible to distinguish that variable from either variables that don't exist or uninitialised variables. Use null if you want to signify that a variable has no value currently, or if you want to "undeclare" the variable altogether, use delete {varname}. Assigning undefined to a variable does not remove that variable's declaration; and it will still appear in the list of its owning object's properties if you iterate over them, so I can't think of any situation this would benefit you.

是的,变量的值可以是undefined,您可以显式为它们赋值。虽然将undefined分配给变量可能会令人困惑,因为它有点悖论(您已将变量定义为未定义)并且无法将该变量与不存在的变量或未初始化的变量区分开来。如果要表示变量当前没有值,或者如果要完全“取消声明”变量,请使用null,使用delete {varname}。将undefined赋值给变量不会删除该变量的声明;如果你迭代它们,它仍然会出现在它拥有对象的属性列表中,所以我想不出任何会对你有益的情况。

Edit: In response to the comment, when comparing the values with === (or ==), the variable must be deferenced to obtain its current value in order to do the comparison. Since the variable doesn't exist, this dereferencing fails (no real surprises so far). While you might expect the typeof operator to work in a similar way (get the current value, see what its type is) it specifically works with undefined variables. The "short version" (as used by the Mozilla reference ) is simply that "The typeof operator returns a string indicating the type of the unevaluated operand."

编辑:在响应注释时,在将值与===(或==)进行比较时,必须引用变量以获取其当前值以进行比较。由于该变量不存在,因此该解除引用失败(到目前为止没有真正的意外)。虽然您可能希望typeof运算符以类似的方式工作(获取当前值,查看其类型),但它特别适用于未定义的变量。 “短版本”(由Mozilla引用使用)只是“typeof运算符返回一个字符串,指示未评估的操作数的类型。”

The long version, extracted from the ECMAScript spec, is that there's a special case for undefined variables:


11.4.3 typeof UnaryExpression is evaluated as follows:

11.4.3 typeof UnaryExpression的计算方法如下:

  1. Evaluate UnaryExpression (as per 10.1.4 this returns "a value of type Reference whose base object is null and whose property name is the identifier" if the variable is undeclared).
  2. 评估UnaryExpression(根据10.1.4,它返回“类型为Reference的值,其基础对象为null,如果变量未声明,则其属性名称为标识符”)。

  3. If Type(Result(1)) is not Reference, go to step 4. (It is a Reference)
  4. 如果Type(Result(1))不是Reference,请转到步骤4.(这是参考)

  5. If GetBase(Result(1)) is null, return "undefined". (This is the special case matching undefined variables)
  6. 如果GetBase(Result(1))为null,则返回“undefined”。 (这是匹配未定义变量的特殊情况)

As for your comment to the first question, "how can you classify what does not exist" - it's easy! Simply divide all concepts into things that do exist (e.g. squirrel, rock) and those that don't exist (unicorns, warp drives). That's what undefined means; regardless of its semantics in English, its Javascript meaning is that the variable hasn't been declared or populated yet, and so while the concept of "a variable called foo" is valid, there exists no variable with that name holding a real value.

至于你对第一个问题的评论,“你怎么能分类不存在的东西” - 这很简单!简单地将所有概念划分为存在的东西(例如松鼠,岩石)和不存在的东西(独角兽,翘曲驱动器)。这就是未定义的意思;不管它的英文语义如何,它的Javascript含义是该变量尚未被声明或填充,因此虽然“一个名为foo的变量”的概念是有效的,但是不存在具有该实名值的变量。



JavaScript provides several different notions of missing or empty variables (and object properties):


  1. Variables that are actually 'not defined', i.e. they don't exists as a given name isn't bound in the current lexical environment. Accessing such a variable will throw an error, but using typeof won't and will return 'undefined'. In contrast, accessing non-existing properties will not throw an error and return undefined instead (and you may use the in operator or the hasOwnProperty() method to check if properties actually do exist).


  2. Existing variables which have not been assigned a value (which is common because of var hoisting) or which have been explicitly set to undefined. Accessing such a variable will return undefined, typeof will return 'undefined'.


  3. Existing variables which have been explicitly set to null. Accessing such a variable will return null, typeof will return 'object'. Note that this is misleading: null is not an object, but a primitive value of type Null (which has the consequence that you can't return null from constructor functions - you have to throw an error instead to denote failure).

    已显式设置为null的现有变量。访问这样的变量将返回null,typeof将返回'object'。请注意,这是误导:null不是对象,而是Null类型的原始值(其结果是您不能从构造函数返回null - 您必须抛出错误来表示失败)。

I'd recommend the following practices:


  1. Use typeof to check for undefined, as it will cover the first two cases.
  2. 使用typeof检查undefined,因为它将涵盖前两种情况。

  3. Don't assign undefined to properties: Use delete to get rid of them instead; note that you cannot delete variables (but also note that globals are actually properties of the global object and thus can be deleted).
  4. 不要将undefined赋值给属性:使用delete来取消它们;请注意,您无法删除变量(但请注意,全局变量实际上是全局对象的属性,因此可以删除)。

  5. Use null to mark the absence of a meaningful value (eg the forward reference of the last node of a linked list) or if you want to clear a variable as a hint to the garbage collector.
  6. 使用null标记缺少有意义的值(例如,链接列表的最后一个节点的前向引用),或者如果要将变量清除为垃圾收集器的提示。

You could go with undefined for 3. as well and never use null at all.

您也可以使用undefined for 3.并且根本不使用null。



I believe it's a difference between JavaScript definition and firebugs of the same thing.


Undefined is just the state of something that has not been defined as a value. So it has no type.


Also what is the difference between var a; and var b = undefined;

var a之间有什么区别;和var b =未定义;

var a; alert(a); // undefined
a; alert(a); // "Error "a" not defined"
a = undefined; alert(a); // undefined

2nd example is not valid JavaScript code and the execution will stop. Since this is an error.





Here a is not defined.


var a=10;

Here a is undefined .becacuse javascript engine convert this code to

这里有一个未定义的.becacuse javascript引擎将此代码转换为

var a;
alert(a); // that's why `a` is defined here 



An undeclared variable does not exist in Javascript memory whereas a declared one does and can be set to undefined.


The difference is caused by Javascript design confusion. If a variable's value is undefined then it should be deleted. Indeed falsy values like 0, "", null, and undefined, are all basically meaningless and identical. A lot of time is wasted on them. They are all nothing and non existent. It is highly contradictory to have more than one type of nothing, or maybe to allow even one.


Therefore I think you should avoid explicitly using falsy values when programming altogether. I didn't find a case yet when they couldn't be eliminated by a better method, and programming is much nicer without them.




undefined: Declared but the value not asigned above where we access it in othe word it exist but the value not asigned


'not defined': It is an error which indicate to the coder/programmer/user the variable doesn't exist in the scope. Not declare in scope.

'not defined':这是一个错误,它向编码器/程序员/用户指示该范围内不存在该变量。不在范围内声明。

var a = 1;
console.log(a) //1

var b;
console.log(b) //undefined

console.log(c) //undefined
var c=2;

console.log(d) //undefined
var d;

console.log(e) //3
var e;

console.log(f) //Uncaught ReferenceError: f is not defined
> Note: the default behavior of javaScript moving declarations to the
> top
>So the above code is look like below internally
var a = 1, b, c, d, e;
console.log(a) //1

console.log(b) //undefined

console.log(c) //undefined

console.log(d) //undefined

console.log(e) //3

console.log(f) //Uncaught ReferenceError: f is not defined



Not defined:

Variable is not declared or initialized. Throws reference error



console.log(newvariable); // results: ReferenceError: newvariable is not defined


A variable declared without a value will have the value undefined.



var newVar;
console.log(newVar); // results: undefined



An undeclared variable (that is, one that doesn't exist) does not have a type - and so its type is undefined. I believe that the generally accepted way to test if something is undefined is

未声明的变量(即,不存在的变量)没有类型 - 因此其类型未定义。我相信普遍接受的测试方法是否未定义的方法是

typeof var === 'undefined'

rather than

var === undefined

since if the variable does not exist, you cannot access it. The latter case might be more useful if you are sure the variable should exist, since the difference between the two is that an undeclared variable will return false in the first case but cause an error in the second case.


Make sure that you use the triple-equals operator though if you're using the second variant; the (more usual) double-equals operator performs type coercion, so null == undefined is true while null === undefined is false. Sometimes you might want the first behaviour, though often you'll want the second, especially if you're testing against undefined, so it's important to recognise the difference. (This is another benefit of the first case since it's not possible to make this subtle error).

如果您使用的是第二种变体,请确保使用三等号运算符; (更常见的)double-equals运算符执行类型强制,因此null == undefined为true,而null === undefined为false。有时您可能想要第一个行为,但通常您会想要第二个行为,特别是如果您正在测试未定义的行为,因此识别差异非常重要。 (这是第一种情况的另一个好处,因为它不可能产生这种微妙的错误)。

Yes, variables can have a value of undefined and you can explicitly assign values to them. Assigning undefined to a variable though is probably confusing, since it's a bit of a paradox (you've defined the variable as undefined) and it's not possible to distinguish that variable from either variables that don't exist or uninitialised variables. Use null if you want to signify that a variable has no value currently, or if you want to "undeclare" the variable altogether, use delete {varname}. Assigning undefined to a variable does not remove that variable's declaration; and it will still appear in the list of its owning object's properties if you iterate over them, so I can't think of any situation this would benefit you.

是的,变量的值可以是undefined,您可以显式为它们赋值。虽然将undefined分配给变量可能会令人困惑,因为它有点悖论(您已将变量定义为未定义)并且无法将该变量与不存在的变量或未初始化的变量区分开来。如果要表示变量当前没有值,或者如果要完全“取消声明”变量,请使用null,使用delete {varname}。将undefined赋值给变量不会删除该变量的声明;如果你迭代它们,它仍然会出现在它拥有对象的属性列表中,所以我想不出任何会对你有益的情况。

Edit: In response to the comment, when comparing the values with === (or ==), the variable must be deferenced to obtain its current value in order to do the comparison. Since the variable doesn't exist, this dereferencing fails (no real surprises so far). While you might expect the typeof operator to work in a similar way (get the current value, see what its type is) it specifically works with undefined variables. The "short version" (as used by the Mozilla reference ) is simply that "The typeof operator returns a string indicating the type of the unevaluated operand."

编辑:在响应注释时,在将值与===(或==)进行比较时,必须引用变量以获取其当前值以进行比较。由于该变量不存在,因此该解除引用失败(到目前为止没有真正的意外)。虽然您可能希望typeof运算符以类似的方式工作(获取当前值,查看其类型),但它特别适用于未定义的变量。 “短版本”(由Mozilla引用使用)只是“typeof运算符返回一个字符串,指示未评估的操作数的类型。”

The long version, extracted from the ECMAScript spec, is that there's a special case for undefined variables:


11.4.3 typeof UnaryExpression is evaluated as follows:

11.4.3 typeof UnaryExpression的计算方法如下:

  1. Evaluate UnaryExpression (as per 10.1.4 this returns "a value of type Reference whose base object is null and whose property name is the identifier" if the variable is undeclared).
  2. 评估UnaryExpression(根据10.1.4,它返回“类型为Reference的值,其基础对象为null,如果变量未声明,则其属性名称为标识符”)。

  3. If Type(Result(1)) is not Reference, go to step 4. (It is a Reference)
  4. 如果Type(Result(1))不是Reference,请转到步骤4.(这是参考)

  5. If GetBase(Result(1)) is null, return "undefined". (This is the special case matching undefined variables)
  6. 如果GetBase(Result(1))为null,则返回“undefined”。 (这是匹配未定义变量的特殊情况)

As for your comment to the first question, "how can you classify what does not exist" - it's easy! Simply divide all concepts into things that do exist (e.g. squirrel, rock) and those that don't exist (unicorns, warp drives). That's what undefined means; regardless of its semantics in English, its Javascript meaning is that the variable hasn't been declared or populated yet, and so while the concept of "a variable called foo" is valid, there exists no variable with that name holding a real value.

至于你对第一个问题的评论,“你怎么能分类不存在的东西” - 这很简单!简单地将所有概念划分为存在的东西(例如松鼠,岩石)和不存在的东西(独角兽,翘曲驱动器)。这就是未定义的意思;不管它的英文语义如何,它的Javascript含义是该变量尚未被声明或填充,因此虽然“一个名为foo的变量”的概念是有效的,但是不存在具有该实名值的变量。



JavaScript provides several different notions of missing or empty variables (and object properties):


  1. Variables that are actually 'not defined', i.e. they don't exists as a given name isn't bound in the current lexical environment. Accessing such a variable will throw an error, but using typeof won't and will return 'undefined'. In contrast, accessing non-existing properties will not throw an error and return undefined instead (and you may use the in operator or the hasOwnProperty() method to check if properties actually do exist).


  2. Existing variables which have not been assigned a value (which is common because of var hoisting) or which have been explicitly set to undefined. Accessing such a variable will return undefined, typeof will return 'undefined'.


  3. Existing variables which have been explicitly set to null. Accessing such a variable will return null, typeof will return 'object'. Note that this is misleading: null is not an object, but a primitive value of type Null (which has the consequence that you can't return null from constructor functions - you have to throw an error instead to denote failure).

    已显式设置为null的现有变量。访问这样的变量将返回null,typeof将返回'object'。请注意,这是误导:null不是对象,而是Null类型的原始值(其结果是您不能从构造函数返回null - 您必须抛出错误来表示失败)。

I'd recommend the following practices:


  1. Use typeof to check for undefined, as it will cover the first two cases.
  2. 使用typeof检查undefined,因为它将涵盖前两种情况。

  3. Don't assign undefined to properties: Use delete to get rid of them instead; note that you cannot delete variables (but also note that globals are actually properties of the global object and thus can be deleted).
  4. 不要将undefined赋值给属性:使用delete来取消它们;请注意,您无法删除变量(但请注意,全局变量实际上是全局对象的属性,因此可以删除)。

  5. Use null to mark the absence of a meaningful value (eg the forward reference of the last node of a linked list) or if you want to clear a variable as a hint to the garbage collector.
  6. 使用null标记缺少有意义的值(例如,链接列表的最后一个节点的前向引用),或者如果要将变量清除为垃圾收集器的提示。

You could go with undefined for 3. as well and never use null at all.

您也可以使用undefined for 3.并且根本不使用null。



I believe it's a difference between JavaScript definition and firebugs of the same thing.


Undefined is just the state of something that has not been defined as a value. So it has no type.


Also what is the difference between var a; and var b = undefined;

var a之间有什么区别;和var b =未定义;

var a; alert(a); // undefined
a; alert(a); // "Error "a" not defined"
a = undefined; alert(a); // undefined

2nd example is not valid JavaScript code and the execution will stop. Since this is an error.





Here a is not defined.


var a=10;

Here a is undefined .becacuse javascript engine convert this code to

这里有一个未定义的.becacuse javascript引擎将此代码转换为

var a;
alert(a); // that's why `a` is defined here 



An undeclared variable does not exist in Javascript memory whereas a declared one does and can be set to undefined.


The difference is caused by Javascript design confusion. If a variable's value is undefined then it should be deleted. Indeed falsy values like 0, "", null, and undefined, are all basically meaningless and identical. A lot of time is wasted on them. They are all nothing and non existent. It is highly contradictory to have more than one type of nothing, or maybe to allow even one.


Therefore I think you should avoid explicitly using falsy values when programming altogether. I didn't find a case yet when they couldn't be eliminated by a better method, and programming is much nicer without them.




undefined: Declared but the value not asigned above where we access it in othe word it exist but the value not asigned


'not defined': It is an error which indicate to the coder/programmer/user the variable doesn't exist in the scope. Not declare in scope.

'not defined':这是一个错误,它向编码器/程序员/用户指示该范围内不存在该变量。不在范围内声明。

var a = 1;
console.log(a) //1

var b;
console.log(b) //undefined

console.log(c) //undefined
var c=2;

console.log(d) //undefined
var d;

console.log(e) //3
var e;

console.log(f) //Uncaught ReferenceError: f is not defined
> Note: the default behavior of javaScript moving declarations to the
> top
>So the above code is look like below internally
var a = 1, b, c, d, e;
console.log(a) //1

console.log(b) //undefined

console.log(c) //undefined

console.log(d) //undefined

console.log(e) //3

console.log(f) //Uncaught ReferenceError: f is not defined



Not defined:

Variable is not declared or initialized. Throws reference error



console.log(newvariable); // results: ReferenceError: newvariable is not defined


A variable declared without a value will have the value undefined.



var newVar;
console.log(newVar); // results: undefined