
时间:2022-10-22 10:38:33

I need to analyze 1 TB+ of web access logs, and in particular I need to analyze statistics relating to requested URLs and subsets of the URLs (child branches). If possible, I want the queries to be fast over small subsets of the data (e.g. 10 million requests).

我需要分析1 TB以上的web访问日志,特别是需要分析与请求的url和url(子分支)子集相关的统计信息。如果可能的话,我希望查询速度要快于数据的小子集(例如1000万次请求)。

For example, given an access log with the following URLs being requested:



I want to do queries such as:


  • Count the number of requests for everything 'below' /ocp.
  • 计算所有“低于”/ocp的请求数。
  • Same as above, but only count requests for child nodes under /ocp/security
  • 与上面一样,但是只计算/ocp/security下的子节点的请求
  • Return the top 5 most frequently requested URLs.
  • 返回最常用的5个url。
  • Same as above, except group by an arbitrary depth,
  • 和上面一样,除了按任意深度分组,

e.g. For the last query above, depth 2 for the data would return:


2: /ocp/security/
1: /ocp/
1: /ocp/food/
1: /weyland-yutani/products/

I think the ideal approach would probably be to use a column DB and tokenize the URLs such that there is a column for each element in the URL. However, I would really like to find a way to do this with open source apps if possible. HBase is a possibility, but query performance seems too slow to be useful for real-time queries (also, I don't really want to be in the business of re-implementing SQL)


I'm aware there are commercial apps for doing this this type of analytics, but for various reasons I want to implement this myself.


5 个解决方案



Before investing too much time into designing a hierarchical data structure on top of a relational database, consider reading "Naive Trees" section (starting at slide 48) in the excellent presentation SQL Anti-Patterns Strike Back by Bill Karwin. Bill outlines the following methods for developing a hierarchy:

在花费大量时间在关系数据库之上设计层次化数据结构之前,请考虑阅读Bill Karwin的优秀的SQL反模式表示部分(从第48页开始)。Bill概述了开发层次结构的以下方法:

  1. Path enumeration (slide 55)
  2. 路径枚举(幻灯片55)
  3. Nested sets (slide 58)
  4. 嵌套集幻灯片(58)
  5. Closure table (slide 68)
  6. 关闭表(68张)



Trees are generally not very efficient in databases. I mean: if you'd design the tree to be truly recursive, with items pointing to their parents, you'll get lots of queries to find all sub-nodes.


But you can optimize the tree, according to your needs.


Put any part of the url into a column is not a bad idea. You need to limit the depth to a certain number of sub-nodes. You could have indexes on any column, which makes it very fast.


Queries on such a structure are very simple:


Select count(*) From Hits where node1 = 'ocp' AND node2 = 'security';

Make a access statistic:


SELECT node1, node2, count(*) as "number of hits"
FROM hits 
GROUP BY node1, node2
ORDER BY count(*) DESC

you'll get


node1            node2        number of hits
'ocp'                        23345
'ocp'            'security'   1020
'ocp'            'food'        234
'weyland-yutani' 'products'     22

You could also store the url as it is and filter using regex. This is more flexible, but slower, because you don't have indexes. You need only to limit the whole length of the url, not the number of sub-nodes.


I think you could do this with any database good enough to store large amount of data. For instance MySql.




The book, The Art of Sql, by Stephane Faroult has a very excellent chapter (7 - Dealing with Hierarchical Data) which explains and compares 3 methods for storing and querying trees using relational databases.

史蒂芬·法罗特的《Sql的艺术》一书有一个非常优秀的章节(7 -处理分层数据),它解释和比较了使用关系数据库存储和查询树的3种方法。

If you are doing a serious, industrial-strength implementation, studying the chapter will be time well spent.




I think the most efficient way to store this type of data is in a parts explosion (or hierarchy) table.


A parts explosion table consists of three columns: an identity, a parent, and a description. For the example data, the table would look something like this:


Identity Parent Description
0        Null   ocp
1        0      about_us.html
2        0      security
3        2      ed-209
4        3      patches
5        4      urgent.html
6        2      rc
7        0      food
8        Null   weyland-yutani
9        8      products

As the URL (explosion) table is being populated, populate a table that records the leaf of each URL. From the example data:


 Leaf ID

I believe you can answer all your questions starting with these two tables.




You might want to checkout the HIERARCHYID datatype in SQL Server 2008 or its equivalent in Oracle.

您可能希望在SQL Server 2008中签出层次化数据类型,或者在Oracle中检查它的等效值。



Before investing too much time into designing a hierarchical data structure on top of a relational database, consider reading "Naive Trees" section (starting at slide 48) in the excellent presentation SQL Anti-Patterns Strike Back by Bill Karwin. Bill outlines the following methods for developing a hierarchy:

在花费大量时间在关系数据库之上设计层次化数据结构之前,请考虑阅读Bill Karwin的优秀的SQL反模式表示部分(从第48页开始)。Bill概述了开发层次结构的以下方法:

  1. Path enumeration (slide 55)
  2. 路径枚举(幻灯片55)
  3. Nested sets (slide 58)
  4. 嵌套集幻灯片(58)
  5. Closure table (slide 68)
  6. 关闭表(68张)



Trees are generally not very efficient in databases. I mean: if you'd design the tree to be truly recursive, with items pointing to their parents, you'll get lots of queries to find all sub-nodes.


But you can optimize the tree, according to your needs.


Put any part of the url into a column is not a bad idea. You need to limit the depth to a certain number of sub-nodes. You could have indexes on any column, which makes it very fast.


Queries on such a structure are very simple:


Select count(*) From Hits where node1 = 'ocp' AND node2 = 'security';

Make a access statistic:


SELECT node1, node2, count(*) as "number of hits"
FROM hits 
GROUP BY node1, node2
ORDER BY count(*) DESC

you'll get


node1            node2        number of hits
'ocp'                        23345
'ocp'            'security'   1020
'ocp'            'food'        234
'weyland-yutani' 'products'     22

You could also store the url as it is and filter using regex. This is more flexible, but slower, because you don't have indexes. You need only to limit the whole length of the url, not the number of sub-nodes.


I think you could do this with any database good enough to store large amount of data. For instance MySql.




The book, The Art of Sql, by Stephane Faroult has a very excellent chapter (7 - Dealing with Hierarchical Data) which explains and compares 3 methods for storing and querying trees using relational databases.

史蒂芬·法罗特的《Sql的艺术》一书有一个非常优秀的章节(7 -处理分层数据),它解释和比较了使用关系数据库存储和查询树的3种方法。

If you are doing a serious, industrial-strength implementation, studying the chapter will be time well spent.




I think the most efficient way to store this type of data is in a parts explosion (or hierarchy) table.


A parts explosion table consists of three columns: an identity, a parent, and a description. For the example data, the table would look something like this:


Identity Parent Description
0        Null   ocp
1        0      about_us.html
2        0      security
3        2      ed-209
4        3      patches
5        4      urgent.html
6        2      rc
7        0      food
8        Null   weyland-yutani
9        8      products

As the URL (explosion) table is being populated, populate a table that records the leaf of each URL. From the example data:


 Leaf ID

I believe you can answer all your questions starting with these two tables.




You might want to checkout the HIERARCHYID datatype in SQL Server 2008 or its equivalent in Oracle.

您可能希望在SQL Server 2008中签出层次化数据类型,或者在Oracle中检查它的等效值。