
时间:2022-10-19 23:19:28

I maintain a small library project written in C++. I'd like to use Sphinx to maintain the library website + user documentation per release version. I have found [similar question asked How to manage many versions? on the sphinx-dev mailing list which I have bumped but without extensive follow-up.


How to manage many versions?


I think of basic structure like this:


mylib/     <- website root
mylib/doc   <- list of documentation per release version

I'm trying to figure out best practical configuration for this structure. I have root configuration mylib/conf.py where I control the website structure and content.


I could put .rst files into mylib/doc/1.0.0 and mylib/doc/2.0.0 build them using the root conf.py. But then it seems tricky to control toctree for website and for docs.

我可以将.rst文件放入mylib/doc/1.0.0中,mylib/doc/2.0.0使用root conf.py构建它们。但对于网站和文档来说,似乎很难控制toctree。

So, I think it may be more practical to separate website config/build from per release documentation config/builds:



but I'd like the main documents in mylib/doc/X.Y.Z/conf.py to use the same layout is the root documents in mylib/, so I can have consistent look, e.g. links in page header, etc.


This way I can easily achieve consistent toctree per documentation release. It should be easy to walk the directories and perform builds for website and for each doc version separately.


Regarding searching the documentation, I don't mind the search engine to scan all versions of documentation per single query as well as I don't mind to have search engine specific to particular version (search box is displayed in the same place, but depending what is being read, it scans index of current version only).


Is there any better way to achieve that?


I've found similar question asked in sphinx for multiple, separate documents and I'm wondering if the Intersphinx plugin is a good idea here.




  • 2017-04-10: SO answer pointing to an interesting Sphinx extension: sphinxcobtrib-versioning
  • 2017-04-10:回答指向一个有趣的Sphinx扩展:sphinxcobtrib版本控制
  • 2011-10-21: Following olt's question in comments, mylib/ is not how I mean to structure project in VCS. So, I don't want to maintain multiple versions of documentation in VCS. The mylib/ is just structure for easier visualisation. It can be also working directory where I put Sphinx sources together (e.g. pull from version branches, etc.) and where I launch Sphinx to build the output.
  • 2011-10-21:根据olt在评论中的问题,mylib/不是我在vc中构建项目的意思。因此,我不希望在VCS中维护文档的多个版本。mylib/只是结构,便于可视化。它也可以是工作目录,我将Sphinx源代码放在一起(例如,从版本分支中提取),以及在哪里启动Sphinx来构建输出。

1 个解决方案



In my opinion, the documentation should stay with the code in the same repository. Otherwise you would need to manage the documentation source manually, for example when you backport a feature from version B to A. With a single repository, you just check out that version and re-build the documentation.


You should look at SQLAlchemy project, they have multiple versions of their documentation available on the same site. The documentation is in the same repository and they copy the output of each version into their static homepage folders.




In my opinion, the documentation should stay with the code in the same repository. Otherwise you would need to manage the documentation source manually, for example when you backport a feature from version B to A. With a single repository, you just check out that version and re-build the documentation.


You should look at SQLAlchemy project, they have multiple versions of their documentation available on the same site. The documentation is in the same repository and they copy the output of each version into their static homepage folders.
