
时间:2022-09-24 11:13:27

Hi i have to move mysql database to another server ,


It's nearly 5 gb

它接近5 GB

i can have root access at both servers?


3 个解决方案



Usually you run mysqldump to create a database copy and backups as follows:


$ mysqldump -u user -p db-name > db-name.out

Copy db-name.out file using sftp/ssh to remote MySQL server:

使用sftp / ssh将db-name.out文件复制到远程MySQL服务器:

$ scp db-name.out user@remote.box.com:/backup

Restore database at remote server (login over ssh):


$ mysql -u user -p db-name < db-name.out


$ mysql -u user -p 'password' db-name < db-name.out

How do I copy a MySQL database from one computer/server to another?


Short answer is you can copy database from one computer/server to another using ssh or mysql client.


You can run all the above 3 commands in one pass using mysqldump and mysql commands (insecure method, use only if you are using VPN or trust your network):


$ mysqldump db-name | mysql -h remote.box.com db-name

Use ssh if you don't have direct access to remote mysql server (secure method):


$ mysqldump db-name | ssh user@remote.box.com mysql db-name


$ mysqldump -u username -p'password' db-name | ssh user@remote.box.com mysql -u username -p'password db-name

You can just copy table called foo to remote database (and remote mysql server remote.box.com) called bar using same syntax:


$ mysqldump db-name foo | ssh user@remote.box.com mysql bar


$ mysqldump -u user -p'password' db-name foo | ssh user@remote.box.com mysql -u user -p'password' db-name foo

Almost all commands can be run using pipes under UNIX/Linux oses.

几乎所有命令都可以在UNIX / Linux下使用管道运行。

More from Reference





If you have Root, you might find it quicker to avoid mysqldump. You can create the DB on the destination server, and copy the database files directly. Assuming user has access to the destination server's mysql directory:


[root@server-A]# /etc/init.d/mysqld stop
[root@server-A]# cd /var/lib/mysql/[databasename]
[root@server-A]# scp * user@otherhost:/var/lib/mysql/[databasename]
[root@server-A]# /etc/init.d/mysqld start

Important things here are: Stop mysqld on both servers before copying DB files, make sure the file ownership and permissions are correct on the destination before starting mysqld on the destination server.


[root@server-B]# chown mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/[databasename]/*
[root@server-B]# chmod 660 /var/lib/mysql/[databasename]/*
[root@server-B]# /etc/init.d/mysqld start

With time being your priority here, the use of compression will depend on whether the time lost waiting for compression/decompression (with something like gzip) will be greater than the time wasted transmitting uncompressed data; that is, the speed of your connection.




For an automated way to backup your MySQL database:


The prerequisites to doing any form of backup is to find the ideal time of day to complete the task without hindering performance of running systems or interfere with users. On that note, the size of the database must be taken into consideration along with the I/O speed of the drives - this becomes exponentially more important as the database grows ( another factor that comes to mind is the number of drives, as having an alternate drive where the database is not stored would increase the speed due to the heads not performing both reads and writes.) For the sake of keeping this readable I'm going to assume the database is of a manageable size ( 100MB ) and the work environment is a 9am-5pm job with no real stress or other running systems on off hours.

执行任何形式的备份的先决条件是找到完成任务的理想时间,而不会妨碍运行系统的性能或干扰用户。在这方面,必须考虑数据库的大小以及驱动器的I / O速度 - 随着数据库的增长,这变得越来越重要(想到的另一个因素是驱动器的数量,因为有一个未存储数据库的备用驱动器会因为磁头不执行读取和写入而提高速度。)为了保持可读性,我将假设数据库具有可管理的大小(100MB)和工作环境是上午9点至下午5点的工作,在非工作时间没有真正的压力或其他运行系统。

The first step would be to log into your local machine with root privileges. Once at the root shell, a MySQL user will need to be created with read only privileges. To do this, enter the MySQL shell using the command:

第一步是使用root权限登录本地计算机。一旦进入root shell,就需要使用只读权限创建MySQL用户。为此,请使用以下命令输入MySQL shell:

mysql -uroot -ppassword

Next, a user will need to be created with read only privileges to the database that needs to be backed up. In this case, a specific database does not need to be assigned to a user in case the script or process would be used at a later time. To create a user with full read privileges, enter these commands in the MySQL shell:

接下来,需要使用对需要备份的数据库的只读权限创建用户。在这种情况下,如果稍​​后将使用脚本或进程,则不需要将特定数据库分配给用户。要创建具有完全读取权限的用户,请在MySQL shell中输入以下命令:

grant SELECT on *.* TO backupdbuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY ' backuppassword';

With the MySQL user created, it's safe to exit the MySQL shell and drop back into the root shell using exit. From here, we'll need to create the script that we want to run our backup commands, this is easily accomplished using BASH. This script can be stored anywhere, as we'll be using a cron job to run the script nightly, for the sake of this example we'll place the script in a new directory we create called "backupscripts." To create this directory, use this command at the root shell:

创建MySQL用户后,退出MySQL shell并使用exit退回到root shell是安全的。从这里开始,我们需要创建我们想要运行备份命令的脚本,这可以使用BASH轻松完成。这个脚本可以存储在任何地方,因为我们将使用cron作业每晚运行脚本,为了这个例子,我们将脚本放在我们创建的名为“backupscripts”的新目录中。要创建此目录,请在root shell中使用此命令:

mkdir /backupscripts

We'll also need to create a directory to store our backups locally. We'll name this directory "backuplogs." Issue this command at the root shell to create the directory:

我们还需要创建一个目录来在本地存储我们的备份。我们将此目录命名为“backuplogs”。在root shell发出此命令以创建目录:

mkdir /backuplogs

The next step would be to log into your remote machine with root credentials and create a "backup user" with the command:


useradd -c "backup user" -p backuppassword backupuser

Create a directory for your backups:


mkdir /backuplogs/

Before you log out, grab the IP address of the remote host for future reference using the command:


ifconfig -a

eth0 is the standard interface for a wired network connection. Note this IP_ADDR.


Finally, log out of the remote server and return to your original host.


Next we'll create the file that is our script on our host local machine, not the remote. We'll use VIM (don't hold it against me if you're a nano or emacs fan - but I'm not going to list how to use VIM to edit a file in here,) first create the file and using mysqldump, backup your database. We'll also be using scp to After the database has been created, compress your file for storage. Read the file to STDOUT to satisfy the instructions. Finally, check for files older than 7 days old. Remove them. To do this, your script will look like this:

接下来,我们将在我们的主机本地计算机上创建作为我们脚本的文件,而不是远程。我们将使用VIM(如果您是nano或emacs粉丝,请不要反对我 - 但我不打算在此处列出如何使用VIM编辑文件),首先创建文件并使用mysqldump ,备份你的数据库。我们也将使用scp在创建数据库之后,压缩文件以进行存储。将文件读取到STDOUT以满足说明。最后,检查7天以前的文件。删除它们。为此,您的脚本将如下所示:

vim /backupscripts/mysqldbbackup.sh


# create a temporary file for the schema to be stored 
BACKUPDIR = /backuplogs/
TMPFILE = tmpout.sql
CURRTIME = $(date +%Y%m%d).tgz

#backup your database
mysqldump -ubackupdbuser -pbackuppassword databasename > $BACKUPDIR$TMPFILE

#compress this file and store it locally with the current date
tar -zvcf /backuplogs/backupdb-$CURRTIME $BACKUPDIR$TMPFILE

#per instructions - cat the contents of the SQL file to STDOUT

#cleanup script
# remove files older than 7 days old
find $BACKUPDIR -atime +7 -name 'backup-db-*.tgz' -exec rm {} \;

#remove the old backupdirectory from the remote server
ssh backupuser@remotehostip find /backuplogs/  -name 'backup-db-*.tgz' -exec rm {} \;

#copy the current backup directory to the remote server using scp
scp -r /backuplogs/ backupuser@remotehostip:/backuplogs/

# End script

With this script in place, we'll need to setup ssh keys, so that we're not prompted for a password every time our script runs. We'll do this with SSH-keygen and the command:


ssh-keygen -t rsa

Enter a password at the prompt - this creates your private key. Do not share this.

在提示符下输入密码 - 这会创建您的私钥。不要分享这个。

The file you need to share is your public key, it is stored in the file current_home/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. The next step is to transfer this public key to your remote host . To get the key use the command:

您需要共享的文件是您的公钥,它存储在文件current_home / .ssh / id_rsa.pub中。下一步是将此公钥传输到远程主机。要获取密钥,请使用以下命令:

cat current_home/.ssh/id_rsa.pub 

copy the string in the file. Next ssh into your remote server using the command:


ssh backupuser@remotehostip

Enter your password and then edit the file /.ssh/authorized_keys. Paste the string that was obtained from your id_rsa.pub file into the authorized_keys file. Write the changes to the file using your editor and then exit the editor. Log out of your remote server and test the RSA keys have worked by attempting to log into the remote server again by using the previous ssh command. If no password is asked for, it is working properly. Log out of the remote server again.


The final thing we'll need to do is create a cron job to run this every night after users have logged off. Using crontab, we'll edit the current users file (root) as to avoid all permission issues. *Note - this can have serious implications if there are errors in your scripts including deletion of data, security vulnerabilities, etc - double check all of your work and make sure you trust your own system, if this is not possible then an alternate user and permissions should be set up on the current server *. To edit your current crontab we'll issue the command:

我们需要做的最后一件事是创建一个cron作业,以便在用户注销后每晚运行。使用crontab,我们将编辑当前用户文件(root)以避免所有权限问题。 *注意 - 如果您的脚本中存在错误,包括删除数据,安全漏洞等,这可能会产生严重影响 - 仔细检查您的所有工作并确保您信任自己的系统,如果这是不可能的话,那么替代用户和应在当前服务器*上设置权限。要编辑当前的crontab,我们将发出命令:

crontab -e

While in the crontab editor (it'll open in your default text editor), we're going to set our script to run every night at 12:30am. Enter a new line into the editor:


30 0 * * * bash /backupscripts/mysqldbbackup.sh

30 0 * * * bash /backupscripts/mysqldbbackup.sh

Save this file and exit the editor. To get your cronjob to run properly, we'll need to restart the crond service. To do this, issue the command:


/etc/init.d/crond restart



Usually you run mysqldump to create a database copy and backups as follows:


$ mysqldump -u user -p db-name > db-name.out

Copy db-name.out file using sftp/ssh to remote MySQL server:

使用sftp / ssh将db-name.out文件复制到远程MySQL服务器:

$ scp db-name.out user@remote.box.com:/backup

Restore database at remote server (login over ssh):


$ mysql -u user -p db-name < db-name.out


$ mysql -u user -p 'password' db-name < db-name.out

How do I copy a MySQL database from one computer/server to another?


Short answer is you can copy database from one computer/server to another using ssh or mysql client.


You can run all the above 3 commands in one pass using mysqldump and mysql commands (insecure method, use only if you are using VPN or trust your network):


$ mysqldump db-name | mysql -h remote.box.com db-name

Use ssh if you don't have direct access to remote mysql server (secure method):


$ mysqldump db-name | ssh user@remote.box.com mysql db-name


$ mysqldump -u username -p'password' db-name | ssh user@remote.box.com mysql -u username -p'password db-name

You can just copy table called foo to remote database (and remote mysql server remote.box.com) called bar using same syntax:


$ mysqldump db-name foo | ssh user@remote.box.com mysql bar


$ mysqldump -u user -p'password' db-name foo | ssh user@remote.box.com mysql -u user -p'password' db-name foo

Almost all commands can be run using pipes under UNIX/Linux oses.

几乎所有命令都可以在UNIX / Linux下使用管道运行。

More from Reference





If you have Root, you might find it quicker to avoid mysqldump. You can create the DB on the destination server, and copy the database files directly. Assuming user has access to the destination server's mysql directory:


[root@server-A]# /etc/init.d/mysqld stop
[root@server-A]# cd /var/lib/mysql/[databasename]
[root@server-A]# scp * user@otherhost:/var/lib/mysql/[databasename]
[root@server-A]# /etc/init.d/mysqld start

Important things here are: Stop mysqld on both servers before copying DB files, make sure the file ownership and permissions are correct on the destination before starting mysqld on the destination server.


[root@server-B]# chown mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/[databasename]/*
[root@server-B]# chmod 660 /var/lib/mysql/[databasename]/*
[root@server-B]# /etc/init.d/mysqld start

With time being your priority here, the use of compression will depend on whether the time lost waiting for compression/decompression (with something like gzip) will be greater than the time wasted transmitting uncompressed data; that is, the speed of your connection.




For an automated way to backup your MySQL database:


The prerequisites to doing any form of backup is to find the ideal time of day to complete the task without hindering performance of running systems or interfere with users. On that note, the size of the database must be taken into consideration along with the I/O speed of the drives - this becomes exponentially more important as the database grows ( another factor that comes to mind is the number of drives, as having an alternate drive where the database is not stored would increase the speed due to the heads not performing both reads and writes.) For the sake of keeping this readable I'm going to assume the database is of a manageable size ( 100MB ) and the work environment is a 9am-5pm job with no real stress or other running systems on off hours.

执行任何形式的备份的先决条件是找到完成任务的理想时间,而不会妨碍运行系统的性能或干扰用户。在这方面,必须考虑数据库的大小以及驱动器的I / O速度 - 随着数据库的增长,这变得越来越重要(想到的另一个因素是驱动器的数量,因为有一个未存储数据库的备用驱动器会因为磁头不执行读取和写入而提高速度。)为了保持可读性,我将假设数据库具有可管理的大小(100MB)和工作环境是上午9点至下午5点的工作,在非工作时间没有真正的压力或其他运行系统。

The first step would be to log into your local machine with root privileges. Once at the root shell, a MySQL user will need to be created with read only privileges. To do this, enter the MySQL shell using the command:

第一步是使用root权限登录本地计算机。一旦进入root shell,就需要使用只读权限创建MySQL用户。为此,请使用以下命令输入MySQL shell:

mysql -uroot -ppassword

Next, a user will need to be created with read only privileges to the database that needs to be backed up. In this case, a specific database does not need to be assigned to a user in case the script or process would be used at a later time. To create a user with full read privileges, enter these commands in the MySQL shell:

接下来,需要使用对需要备份的数据库的只读权限创建用户。在这种情况下,如果稍​​后将使用脚本或进程,则不需要将特定数据库分配给用户。要创建具有完全读取权限的用户,请在MySQL shell中输入以下命令:

grant SELECT on *.* TO backupdbuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY ' backuppassword';

With the MySQL user created, it's safe to exit the MySQL shell and drop back into the root shell using exit. From here, we'll need to create the script that we want to run our backup commands, this is easily accomplished using BASH. This script can be stored anywhere, as we'll be using a cron job to run the script nightly, for the sake of this example we'll place the script in a new directory we create called "backupscripts." To create this directory, use this command at the root shell:

创建MySQL用户后,退出MySQL shell并使用exit退回到root shell是安全的。从这里开始,我们需要创建我们想要运行备份命令的脚本,这可以使用BASH轻松完成。这个脚本可以存储在任何地方,因为我们将使用cron作业每晚运行脚本,为了这个例子,我们将脚本放在我们创建的名为“backupscripts”的新目录中。要创建此目录,请在root shell中使用此命令:

mkdir /backupscripts

We'll also need to create a directory to store our backups locally. We'll name this directory "backuplogs." Issue this command at the root shell to create the directory:

我们还需要创建一个目录来在本地存储我们的备份。我们将此目录命名为“backuplogs”。在root shell发出此命令以创建目录:

mkdir /backuplogs

The next step would be to log into your remote machine with root credentials and create a "backup user" with the command:


useradd -c "backup user" -p backuppassword backupuser

Create a directory for your backups:


mkdir /backuplogs/

Before you log out, grab the IP address of the remote host for future reference using the command:


ifconfig -a

eth0 is the standard interface for a wired network connection. Note this IP_ADDR.


Finally, log out of the remote server and return to your original host.


Next we'll create the file that is our script on our host local machine, not the remote. We'll use VIM (don't hold it against me if you're a nano or emacs fan - but I'm not going to list how to use VIM to edit a file in here,) first create the file and using mysqldump, backup your database. We'll also be using scp to After the database has been created, compress your file for storage. Read the file to STDOUT to satisfy the instructions. Finally, check for files older than 7 days old. Remove them. To do this, your script will look like this:

接下来,我们将在我们的主机本地计算机上创建作为我们脚本的文件,而不是远程。我们将使用VIM(如果您是nano或emacs粉丝,请不要反对我 - 但我不打算在此处列出如何使用VIM编辑文件),首先创建文件并使用mysqldump ,备份你的数据库。我们也将使用scp在创建数据库之后,压缩文件以进行存储。将文件读取到STDOUT以满足说明。最后,检查7天以前的文件。删除它们。为此,您的脚本将如下所示:

vim /backupscripts/mysqldbbackup.sh


# create a temporary file for the schema to be stored 
BACKUPDIR = /backuplogs/
TMPFILE = tmpout.sql
CURRTIME = $(date +%Y%m%d).tgz

#backup your database
mysqldump -ubackupdbuser -pbackuppassword databasename > $BACKUPDIR$TMPFILE

#compress this file and store it locally with the current date
tar -zvcf /backuplogs/backupdb-$CURRTIME $BACKUPDIR$TMPFILE

#per instructions - cat the contents of the SQL file to STDOUT

#cleanup script
# remove files older than 7 days old
find $BACKUPDIR -atime +7 -name 'backup-db-*.tgz' -exec rm {} \;

#remove the old backupdirectory from the remote server
ssh backupuser@remotehostip find /backuplogs/  -name 'backup-db-*.tgz' -exec rm {} \;

#copy the current backup directory to the remote server using scp
scp -r /backuplogs/ backupuser@remotehostip:/backuplogs/

# End script

With this script in place, we'll need to setup ssh keys, so that we're not prompted for a password every time our script runs. We'll do this with SSH-keygen and the command:


ssh-keygen -t rsa

Enter a password at the prompt - this creates your private key. Do not share this.

在提示符下输入密码 - 这会创建您的私钥。不要分享这个。

The file you need to share is your public key, it is stored in the file current_home/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. The next step is to transfer this public key to your remote host . To get the key use the command:

您需要共享的文件是您的公钥,它存储在文件current_home / .ssh / id_rsa.pub中。下一步是将此公钥传输到远程主机。要获取密钥,请使用以下命令:

cat current_home/.ssh/id_rsa.pub 

copy the string in the file. Next ssh into your remote server using the command:


ssh backupuser@remotehostip

Enter your password and then edit the file /.ssh/authorized_keys. Paste the string that was obtained from your id_rsa.pub file into the authorized_keys file. Write the changes to the file using your editor and then exit the editor. Log out of your remote server and test the RSA keys have worked by attempting to log into the remote server again by using the previous ssh command. If no password is asked for, it is working properly. Log out of the remote server again.


The final thing we'll need to do is create a cron job to run this every night after users have logged off. Using crontab, we'll edit the current users file (root) as to avoid all permission issues. *Note - this can have serious implications if there are errors in your scripts including deletion of data, security vulnerabilities, etc - double check all of your work and make sure you trust your own system, if this is not possible then an alternate user and permissions should be set up on the current server *. To edit your current crontab we'll issue the command:

我们需要做的最后一件事是创建一个cron作业,以便在用户注销后每晚运行。使用crontab,我们将编辑当前用户文件(root)以避免所有权限问题。 *注意 - 如果您的脚本中存在错误,包括删除数据,安全漏洞等,这可能会产生严重影响 - 仔细检查您的所有工作并确保您信任自己的系统,如果这是不可能的话,那么替代用户和应在当前服务器*上设置权限。要编辑当前的crontab,我们将发出命令:

crontab -e

While in the crontab editor (it'll open in your default text editor), we're going to set our script to run every night at 12:30am. Enter a new line into the editor:


30 0 * * * bash /backupscripts/mysqldbbackup.sh

30 0 * * * bash /backupscripts/mysqldbbackup.sh

Save this file and exit the editor. To get your cronjob to run properly, we'll need to restart the crond service. To do this, issue the command:


/etc/init.d/crond restart