
时间:2022-09-15 16:18:31

Every time I use double-quoted strings, I'm getting this kind of suggestion:



When I click the bulb icon I'm getting an option to convert that string into a single-quoted string.


Can someone explain why single-quoted strings are preferred over double-quoted strings?


3 个解决方案



Single quotes are preferred if there is no interpolation in the string. Ruby will work less (in theory) to output single quote strings which in turn will speed up your code some (again in theory). That is one reason why RubyMine suggests it.

如果字符串中没有插值,则首选单引号。 Ruby(理论上)将减少输出单引号字符串的工作量,这反过来会加速你的代码(理论上再次)。这就是RubyMine建议的原因之一。

Another reason is for plain readability. Which you can read about here in the style guide: Ruby Coding Style Guide


Benchmark tests has proven that speed gains from using single over double quoted strings is negligible compared to the actual execution time.


Ultimately the answer comes down to style. To learn about performance check out this question: Is there a performance gain in using single quotes vs double quotes in ruby?




There used to be a performance difference, so rubymine(and most of the community) recommended single quotes when you were not interpolating.


The perf difference no longer exists. http://viget.com/extend/just-use-double-quoted-ruby-strings

性能差异不再存在。 http://viget.com/extend/just-use-double-quoted-ruby-strings

You can disable the warnings:


Preferences > Editor > Inspections > Ruby > Double quoted string

首选项>编辑器>检查> Ruby>双引号字符串

Unfortunately you cannot reverse the warnings and show warnings for single-quoted strings.




Single quotes will preserve escape characters such as as \n whereas these characters will escape double quotes.

单引号将保留转义字符,例如\ n,而这些字符将转义双引号。

I don't currently have RubyMine installed as my trial ran out, but I'm willing to bet you can change this in preferences if you would prefer to use double quotes and the suggestions bother you.




Single quotes are preferred if there is no interpolation in the string. Ruby will work less (in theory) to output single quote strings which in turn will speed up your code some (again in theory). That is one reason why RubyMine suggests it.

如果字符串中没有插值,则首选单引号。 Ruby(理论上)将减少输出单引号字符串的工作量,这反过来会加速你的代码(理论上再次)。这就是RubyMine建议的原因之一。

Another reason is for plain readability. Which you can read about here in the style guide: Ruby Coding Style Guide


Benchmark tests has proven that speed gains from using single over double quoted strings is negligible compared to the actual execution time.


Ultimately the answer comes down to style. To learn about performance check out this question: Is there a performance gain in using single quotes vs double quotes in ruby?




There used to be a performance difference, so rubymine(and most of the community) recommended single quotes when you were not interpolating.


The perf difference no longer exists. http://viget.com/extend/just-use-double-quoted-ruby-strings

性能差异不再存在。 http://viget.com/extend/just-use-double-quoted-ruby-strings

You can disable the warnings:


Preferences > Editor > Inspections > Ruby > Double quoted string

首选项>编辑器>检查> Ruby>双引号字符串

Unfortunately you cannot reverse the warnings and show warnings for single-quoted strings.




Single quotes will preserve escape characters such as as \n whereas these characters will escape double quotes.

单引号将保留转义字符,例如\ n,而这些字符将转义双引号。

I don't currently have RubyMine installed as my trial ran out, but I'm willing to bet you can change this in preferences if you would prefer to use double quotes and the suggestions bother you.
