stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)

时间:2022-09-14 17:54:29

在本练习中,先介绍了SVM的一些基本知识,再使用SVM(支持向量机 )实现一个垃圾邮件分类器。


①从逻辑回归的 cost function 到SVM 的 cost function


stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)

hθ(x)取值范围为[0,1],约定hθ(x)>=0.5,也即θT·x  >=0时,y=1;比如hθ(x)=0.6,此时表示有60%的概率相信 y 等于1

显然,要想让y取值为1,hθ(x)越大越好,因为hθ(x)越大,y 取值为1的概率也就越大,也即:更好把握相信 y 等于1。而要想hθ(x)越大,也就是θT·x远远大于0

The larger θT·x is, the larger also is hθ(x) = p(y = 1|x; w, b), and thus also the higher our degree of “confidence”
that the label is 1

同理,y 等于0,也可以通过类似的推理得到:要想让 y 取值为0,则hθ(x)越小越好,而要想hθ(x)越小,也就是θT·x远远小于0

逻辑回归的代价函数(cost function)如下:(为了方便讨论,假设 training examples 只有一个,即:m = 1)

stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)

从上面的cost function公式 可以看出:当y==0时,只有右边的那部分式子起作用;当y==1时,(1-y==0)只有左边的那部分式子起作用。


stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)

在上面的y==1时的逻辑回归代价函数的基础上,构造一条新的代价函数曲线,记为cost1(z) ,(用紫色的两条直线 线段表示,z==1处是转折点),如下图:在z==1 点,新的代价函数是不连续的

stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)


stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)

在上面的y==0时的逻辑回归代价函数的基础上,构造一条新的代价函数曲线,记为cost0(z)(用紫色的两条直线 线段表示,z== -1处是转折点),如下图:在z== -1 点,新的代价函数是不连续的

stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)

使用上面新构造的两条函数曲线:cost0(z)  和 cost1(z)  (z 等于θT·x),组成了支持向量机(SVM)的cost function,如下:

stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)

对于training example的数目 m 而言,它是一个常量,故在SVM的cost function中 去掉了 m


stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)


可以看出:相比于逻辑回归,SVM中的 label of result y 等于 1 时,要求θT·x大于等于1,而不是0,这就相当于多了提高了限制条件,多了一层保障。

另外,SVM的代价函数中的 参数 C 就相当于逻辑回归中的lambda(λ)

stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)

因为,我们的目的是最小化 cost function,当 C 很大时,与 C 相乘的这一项只有非常接近于0时,才能让 cost function变小啊...当 C 非常大时,代价函数就等价于:min (1/2)·Σθ2j

②SVM的decision boundary

相比于逻辑回归,SVM能实现更复杂的非线性分类问题。先讨论下线性可分的情况下如何选择更好的 decision boundary?

对于样本数据而言,可能有很多种不同的 decision boundary 来对样本进行划分,比如:下图中就有三条 decision boundary,但我们觉得,黑色的那条decision boundary更好地将样本数据分开。

stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)

黑色的那条 decision boundary 的优点是:有着更大的 margin。这就是SVM分类器的特点:总是尽可能地找出一条最大 margin 的decision boundary,因此SVM有时也称为 Large Margin Classifier。

对于下图中的数据(有一个红色的叉很“奇特”),SVM又会怎样寻找 decision boundary呢?

stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)

当SVM的代价函数中的C不是太大的情况下,SVM还是会坚持黑色那条decision boundary,而不是转化成紫色的那条 decision boundary。

当SVM的代价函数中的参数C很大时,它就很可能会选择紫色的那条 decision boundary了。但是,在实际应用上,C 不会是 很大很大的,因此,尽管样本中出现了“奇异点”样本,SVM还是会坚持黑色那条decision boundary,从而具有一定的“容错性”

③SVM为什么是大间距分类器?(Why Large Margin?)

假设当C很大时,代价函数:min (1/2)·Σθ2j 可以表示成向量的乘法形式:min (1/2)θT·θ

因为:Σθj2 = (θ1222 +.... +θn2) = (θ1,θ2,....,θn)T• (θ1,θ2,....,θn) = ||θ||2

因此,我们把代价函数 转化成了:向量θ的范数,如下图 (n=2)

stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)


θT·x(i)  >= 1    if  y==1
θT·x(i) <= -1 if y==0


根据向量的投影,θT·x(i) = p(i)•||θ||,其中p(i)是向量 x(i) 在 向量θ 方向上的投影。θT·x(i) = p(i)•||θ|| 的示意图如下:

stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)


stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)

要想最小化代价函数(1/2)·Σθ2j ,就得让||θ||尽可能地小;但是又得满足条件:θT·x(i) >= 1 if y==1  and  θT·x(i) <= -1 if y==0

根据:θT·x(i) = p(i)•||θ||。因此,要想θT·x(i) 尽可能地大于等于 1 ,就得让p(i) 尽可能地大,这样p(i)•||θ|| 才有更大的可能 大于等于1。


好,既然现在的目标是让p(i)尽可能地大,那p(i)代表的意义是什么呢?就是:margins(间距),这也是SVM被称为 大间距分类器 的原因。
那 p(i) 为什么代表的是间距呢?看下图:

stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)

红色的叉叉 和 圆圈 表示的是训练的样本,我们用一条绿色的线(decision boundary)将叉叉 和 圆圈 分开。向量θ 的方向是与decision boundary 垂直的。

对于“红色的叉叉”这个样本x(1)而言,它的几何间距是 p(1);对于圆圈样本 x(2) 而言,它的几何间距是p(2)

从上图中可以看出,p(1) 和p(2) 的长度 都比较短,因此,要想让p(i)•||θ|| 大于等于1 或者 小于等于-1,只能让||θ||大一点了,而||θ||要是很大,代价函数就大了,而最小化SVM的代价函数的意义就是:找出一组参数(θ1,θ2......θn),使得代价函数尽可能地小。因此,SVM是不会选择 p(1) 长度 小的 decision boundary的。

再来看一个投影长度p(i) 比较长的例子:

stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)

红色的叉叉 和 圆圈 表示的是训练的样本,我们用一条绿色的线(decision boundary)将叉叉 和 圆圈 分开,此时的decision boundary刚好是 y 轴(竖直线);红色的叉叉样本x(1) 在向量上的投影p(1 )刚好是x(1) 的 x 轴的坐标,它要比斜着的绿色decision boundary 上的投影 要长。

因此,SVM 会选择这条竖直的绿色 decision boundary 作为分类边界。它的 Margin 的示意图如下:

stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)

在上面的描述中,我们是先假设 SVM 的cost function 中的参数 C 很大,只留下了 θ(min (1/2)·Σθ2j )。然后根据 样本x(i) 在 θ向量上 的投影尽可能大 使得Margin很大,从而选择Margin大的 decision boundary,下面将从另一个角度来讨论为什么选择大的 margins(参考 cs229-notes3.pdf)


stanford coursera 机器学习编程作业 exercise 6(支持向量机-support vector machines)

因此,如果我们能找到这样一条 decision boundary,让所有的点尽可能地离该decision boundary 远,这样我们就更有理由预测 y==1 或者 y==0

比如,相比于C点,我们更有理由相信 A点属于 positive 这一类,即更相信 预测 A点的 y==1 而不是预测C点的 y==1

简便起见,我们只考虑线性可分的二分类问题,y==1 或者 y==-1 来标记样本属于不同的分类。

we’ll use y ∈ {−1, 1} (instead of {0, 1}) to denote the class labels



We’ll also see kernels, which give a way to apply SVMs efficiently in very high dimensional 
(such as infinitedimensional) feature spaces


ⓐ输入数据(邮件)预处理并构造样本特征(input features)


> Anyone knows how much it costs to host a web portal ?
Well, it depends on how many visitors you're expecting.
This can be anywhere from less than 10 bucks a month to a couple of $100.
You should checkout or perhaps Amazon EC2
if youre running something big.. To unsubscribe yourself from this mailing list, send an email to:


比如,所有的URL 都用字符串“httpaddr”代替;所有的邮件地址都用字符串“emailaddr”代替;邮件中的所有的大写字母都转换成小写字母....


anyon know how much it cost to host a web portal well it depend on how mani
visitor you re expect thi can be anywher from less than number buck a month
to a coupl of dollarnumb you should checkout httpaddr or perhap amazon ecnumb
if your run someth big to unsubscrib yourself from thi mail list send an
email to emailaddr

在本例中,我们有一个词库,这个词库有1899个单词,因此 input features 是一个1899维的向量

如果处理之后的邮件中的单词出现在了词库中,input features 对应的位置为1,否则为0


function word_indices = processEmail(email_contents)
%PROCESSEMAIL preprocesses a the body of an email and
%returns a list of word_indices
% word_indices = PROCESSEMAIL(email_contents) preprocesses
% the body of an email and returns a list of indices of the
% words contained in the email.
% % Load Vocabulary
vocabList = getVocabList(); % Init return value
word_indices = []; % ========================== Preprocess Email =========================== % Find the Headers ( \n\n and remove )
% Uncomment the following lines if you are working with raw emails with the
% full headers % hdrstart = strfind(email_contents, ([char(10) char(10)]));
% email_contents = email_contents(hdrstart(1):end); % Lower case
email_contents = lower(email_contents); % Strip all HTML
% Looks for any expression that starts with < and ends with > and replace
% and does not have any < or > in the tag it with a space
email_contents = regexprep(email_contents, '<[^<>]+>', ' '); % Handle Numbers
% Look for one or more characters between 0-9
email_contents = regexprep(email_contents, '[0-9]+', 'number'); % Handle URLS
% Look for strings starting with http:// or https://
email_contents = regexprep(email_contents, ...
'(http|https)://[^\s]*', 'httpaddr'); % Handle Email Addresses
% Look for strings with @ in the middle
email_contents = regexprep(email_contents, '[^\s]+@[^\s]+', 'emailaddr'); % Handle $ sign
email_contents = regexprep(email_contents, '[$]+', 'dollar'); % ========================== Tokenize Email =========================== % Output the email to screen as well
fprintf('\n==== Processed Email ====\n\n'); % Process file
l = 0; while ~isempty(email_contents) % Tokenize and also get rid of any punctuation
[str, email_contents] = ...
strtok(email_contents, ...
[' @$/#.-:&*+=[]?!(){},''">_<;%' char(10) char(13)]); % Remove any non alphanumeric characters
str = regexprep(str, '[^a-zA-Z0-9]', ''); % Stem the word
% (the porterStemmer sometimes has issues, so we use a try catch block)
try str = porterStemmer(strtrim(str));
catch str = ''; continue;
end; % Skip the word if it is too short
if length(str) < 1
end % Look up the word in the dictionary and add to word_indices if
% found
% ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
% Instructions: Fill in this function to add the index of str to
% word_indices if it is in the vocabulary. At this point
% of the code, you have a stemmed word from the email in
% the variable str. You should look up str in the
% vocabulary list (vocabList). If a match exists, you
% should add the index of the word to the word_indices
% vector. Concretely, if str = 'action', then you should
% look up the vocabulary list to find where in vocabList
% 'action' appears. For example, if vocabList{18} =
% 'action', then, you should add 18 to the word_indices
% vector (e.g., word_indices = [word_indices ; 18]; ).
% Note: vocabList{idx} returns a the word with index idx in the
% vocabulary list.
% Note: You can use strcmp(str1, str2) to compare two strings (str1 and
% str2). It will return 1 only if the two strings are equivalent.
% for i = 1:length(vocabList)
if(strcmp(str, vocabList{i}) == 1)
word_indices = [word_indices; i];
% ============================================================= % Print to screen, ensuring that the output lines are not too long
if (l + length(str) + 1) > 78
l = 0;
fprintf('%s ', str);
l = l + length(str) + 1; end % Print footer
fprintf('\n\n=========================\n'); end


Length of feature vector: 1899
Number of non-zero entries: 45



spamTrain.mat 中包含了4000封邮件(即有垃圾邮件,也有非垃圾邮件),spamTest.mat中包含了1000个测试样本,相应的训练代码如下:

%% =========== Part 3: Train Linear SVM for Spam Classification ========
% In this section, you will train a linear classifier to determine if an
% email is Spam or Not-Spam. % Load the Spam Email dataset
% You will have X, y in your environment
load('spamTrain.mat'); fprintf('\nTraining Linear SVM (Spam Classification)\n')
fprintf('(this may take 1 to 2 minutes) ...\n') C = 0.1;
model = svmTrain(X, y, C, @linearKernel); p = svmPredict(model, X); fprintf('Training Accuracy: %f\n', mean(double(p == y)) * 100);

svmTrain 实现了SMO算法,svmTrain.m代码如下:

function [model] = svmTrain(X, Y, C, kernelFunction, ...
tol, max_passes)
%SVMTRAIN Trains an SVM classifier using a simplified version of the SMO
% [model] = SVMTRAIN(X, Y, C, kernelFunction, tol, max_passes) trains an
% SVM classifier and returns trained model. X is the matrix of training
% examples. Each row is a training example, and the jth column holds the
% jth feature. Y is a column matrix containing 1 for positive examples
% and 0 for negative examples. C is the standard SVM regularization
% parameter. tol is a tolerance value used for determining equality of
% floating point numbers. max_passes controls the number of iterations
% over the dataset (without changes to alpha) before the algorithm quits.
% Note: This is a simplified version of the SMO algorithm for training
% SVMs. In practice, if you want to train an SVM classifier, we
% recommend using an optimized package such as:
% SVMLight (
% if ~exist('tol', 'var') || isempty(tol)
tol = 1e-3;
end if ~exist('max_passes', 'var') || isempty(max_passes)
max_passes = 5;
end % Data parameters
m = size(X, 1);
n = size(X, 2); % Map 0 to -1
Y(Y==0) = -1; % Variables
alphas = zeros(m, 1);
b = 0;
E = zeros(m, 1);
passes = 0;
eta = 0;
L = 0;
H = 0; % Pre-compute the Kernel Matrix since our dataset is small
% (in practice, optimized SVM packages that handle large datasets
% gracefully will _not_ do this)
% We have implemented optimized vectorized version of the Kernels here so
% that the svm training will run faster.
if strcmp(func2str(kernelFunction), 'linearKernel')
% Vectorized computation for the Linear Kernel
% This is equivalent to computing the kernel on every pair of examples
K = X*X';
elseif strfind(func2str(kernelFunction), 'gaussianKernel')
% Vectorized RBF Kernel
% This is equivalent to computing the kernel on every pair of examples
X2 = sum(X.^2, 2);
K = bsxfun(@plus, X2, bsxfun(@plus, X2', - 2 * (X * X')));
K = kernelFunction(1, 0) .^ K;
% Pre-compute the Kernel Matrix
% The following can be slow due to the lack of vectorization
K = zeros(m);
for i = 1:m
for j = i:m
K(i,j) = kernelFunction(X(i,:)', X(j,:)');
K(j,i) = K(i,j); %the matrix is symmetric
end % Train
fprintf('\nTraining ...');
dots = 12;
while passes < max_passes, num_changed_alphas = 0;
for i = 1:m, % Calculate Ei = f(x(i)) - y(i) using (2).
% E(i) = b + sum (X(i, :) * (repmat(alphas.*Y,1,n).*X)') - Y(i);
E(i) = b + sum (alphas.*Y.*K(:,i)) - Y(i); if ((Y(i)*E(i) < -tol && alphas(i) < C) || (Y(i)*E(i) > tol && alphas(i) > 0)), % In practice, there are many heuristics one can use to select
% the i and j. In this simplified code, we select them randomly.
j = ceil(m * rand());
while j == i, % Make sure i \neq j
j = ceil(m * rand());
end % Calculate Ej = f(x(j)) - y(j) using (2).
E(j) = b + sum (alphas.*Y.*K(:,j)) - Y(j); % Save old alphas
alpha_i_old = alphas(i);
alpha_j_old = alphas(j); % Compute L and H by (10) or (11).
if (Y(i) == Y(j)),
L = max(0, alphas(j) + alphas(i) - C);
H = min(C, alphas(j) + alphas(i));
L = max(0, alphas(j) - alphas(i));
H = min(C, C + alphas(j) - alphas(i));
end if (L == H),
% continue to next i.
end % Compute eta by (14).
eta = 2 * K(i,j) - K(i,i) - K(j,j);
if (eta >= 0),
% continue to next i.
end % Compute and clip new value for alpha j using (12) and (15).
alphas(j) = alphas(j) - (Y(j) * (E(i) - E(j))) / eta; % Clip
alphas(j) = min (H, alphas(j));
alphas(j) = max (L, alphas(j)); % Check if change in alpha is significant
if (abs(alphas(j) - alpha_j_old) < tol),
% continue to next i.
% replace anyway
alphas(j) = alpha_j_old;
end % Determine value for alpha i using (16).
alphas(i) = alphas(i) + Y(i)*Y(j)*(alpha_j_old - alphas(j)); % Compute b1 and b2 using (17) and (18) respectively.
b1 = b - E(i) ...
- Y(i) * (alphas(i) - alpha_i_old) * K(i,j)' ...
- Y(j) * (alphas(j) - alpha_j_old) * K(i,j)';
b2 = b - E(j) ...
- Y(i) * (alphas(i) - alpha_i_old) * K(i,j)' ...
- Y(j) * (alphas(j) - alpha_j_old) * K(j,j)'; % Compute b by (19).
if (0 < alphas(i) && alphas(i) < C),
b = b1;
elseif (0 < alphas(j) && alphas(j) < C),
b = b2;
b = (b1+b2)/2;
end num_changed_alphas = num_changed_alphas + 1; end end if (num_changed_alphas == 0),
passes = passes + 1;
passes = 0;
end fprintf('.');
dots = dots + 1;
if dots > 78
dots = 0;
if exist('OCTAVE_VERSION')
fprintf(' Done! \n\n'); % Save the model
idx = alphas > 0;
model.X= X(idx,:);
model.y= Y(idx);
model.kernelFunction = kernelFunction;
model.b= b;
model.alphas= alphas(idx);
model.w = ((alphas.*Y)'*X)'; end


Training Accuracy: 99.850000

Evaluating the trained Linear SVM on a test set ...
Test Accuracy: 98.900000


%% =================== Part 6: Try Your Own Emails =====================
% Now that you've trained the spam classifier, you can use it on your own
% emails! In the starter code, we have included spamSample1.txt,
% spamSample2.txt, emailSample1.txt and emailSample2.txt as examples.
% The following code reads in one of these emails and then uses your
% learned SVM classifier to determine whether the email is Spam or
% Not Spam % Set the file to be read in (change this to spamSample2.txt,
% emailSample1.txt or emailSample2.txt to see different predictions on
% different emails types). Try your own emails as well!
filename = 'emailSample1.txt'; % Read and predict
file_contents = readFile(filename);
word_indices = processEmail(file_contents);
x = emailFeatures(word_indices);
p = svmPredict(model, x); fprintf('\nProcessed %s\n\nSpam Classification: %d\n', filename, p);
fprintf('(1 indicates spam, 0 indicates not spam)\n\n');


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    1. 优化目标 在监督学习中,许多学习算法的性能都非常类似,因此,重要的不是你该选择使用学习算法A还是学习算法B,而更重要的是,应用这些算法时,所创建的大量数据在应用这些算法时,表现情况通常依赖于你的 ...

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    在这篇文章中,会实现一个BP(backpropagation)算法,并将之应用到手写的阿拉伯数字(0-9)的自动识别上. 训练数据集(training set)如下:一共有5000个训练实例(trai ...

  6. &lbrack;C7&rsqb; 支持向量机&lpar;Support Vector Machines&rpar; &lpar;待整理&rpar;

    支持向量机(Support Vector Machines) 优化目标(Optimization Objective) 到目前为止,你已经见过一系列不同的学习算法.在监督学习中,许多学习算法的性能都非 ...

  7. (原创)Stanford Machine Learning &lpar;by Andrew NG&rpar; --- &lpar;week 7&rpar; Support Vector Machines

    本栏目内容来源于Andrew NG老师讲解的SVM部分,包括SVM的优化目标.最大判定边界.核函数.SVM使用方法.多分类问题等,Machine learning课程地址为:https://www.c ...

  8. 斯坦福第十二课:支持向量机&lpar;Support Vector Machines&rpar;

    12.1  优化目标 12.2  大边界的直观理解 12.3  数学背后的大边界分类(可选) 12.4  核函数 1 12.5  核函数 2 12.6  使用支持向量机 12.1  优化目标 到目前为 ...

  9. 十二、支持向量机&lpar;Support Vector Machines&rpar;

    12.1 优化目标 参考视频: 12 - 1 - Optimization Objective (15 min).mkv 到目前为止,你已经见过一系列不同的学习算法.在监督学习中,许多学习算法的性能都 ...


  1. WinForm 窗体应用程序 (初步)之二

    现在,我们来了解一些基本控件.控件是放置在工具箱里的,你可以在界面的左侧或者通过菜单栏的视图选项找到它. (1)Label 控件 这是一个用于放置文字的控件,因为你不能在窗体上直接输入文字. (2)T ...

  2. win8安装python环境和pip &amp&semi; easy&lowbar;install工具

    最近在学python,2.7.6的版本 首先安装python2.7 官网下载地址 下载相应版本即可,应该是一个msi的文件,默认安装到 ...

  3. Installing MySQL Server

    Installing MySQL Server Here we will learn how to Compile and Install the MySQL Server from source c ...

  4. C&num;应用程序获取项目路径的方法总结

    一.非Web程序   //基目录,由程序集冲突解决程序用来探测程序集 1.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory     //当前工作目录的完全限定路径2.Envi ...

  5. Clover周报模块 -- 开发总结

    2014年7月8日 00:16:05 一.切图 这次开发,切图花了不少时间,样式是用scss写的,第一次用,不过用着用着就发现它的强大,层级.作用域.重用等都非常的方便,还有考拉神器,用着真是爽!不过 ...

  6. &period;net后台 Silverlight 页面 动态设置 ASPX 页面 控件的Margin值(位置设置)

    silverlight后台代码:using System.Windows.Browser;public Page1(){HtmlPage.RegisterScriptableObject(" ...

  7. Google市场推广统计

    Google Play作为Android最大的应用市场,也存在这推广等常用的行为,那么如何统计呢,Google Analytics SDK或者其他的SDK都提供了方法,实际上是可以不需要任何sdk,完 ...

  8. udgrade rubygems-update

    gem install rubygems-update update_rubygems gem update --system gem install rubygems-bundler  

  9. spring mvc获取header

    两种方法: 1.在方法参数中加入@RequestHeader 2.在类级别注入HttpServletRequest 建议使用第二种方法,这样可避免每个方法都加入HttpHeaders参数 @Contr ...

  10. Go基础----&gt&semi;go的基础学习(五)

    这里是go中关于io的一些知识.有时不是你装得天衣无缝,而是我愿意陪你演得完美无缺. go中关于io的使用 一.Reader中的Read方法 Read 用数据填充指定的字节 slice,并且返回填充的 ...