
时间:2022-09-12 23:05:53

I would like to know how/if I can reuse a command from my terminal history, but in a modified version. Here's an example:


$ filter_script file2 > output_file2
$ # ...
# now run the same command, but replace '2' with '4'
$ filter_script file4 > output_file4

This is a very simple example, and of course I can simply access the command from the history and manually replace the two 2s, but is there a more elegant way?


Thanks a lot for your time!


1 个解决方案



If there's only one instance of whatever it is you want replaced, bash(1) has an easy feature first introduced in csh(1):



will replace the first instance of old with new:


$ filter_script file2 > output_file2
$ ^2^4
filter_script file4 > output_file2

If you want to replace all the instances, that requires more typing:


$ filter_script file2 > output_file2
$ !:gs/2/4/
filter_script file4 > output_file4

The g specifies the global replacement on the command line. The ! refers to a line from history -- which could be more specific, if you wanted to pull a command from further back in history that the immediately previous command. See bash(1)'s section on Event Designators.

g指定命令行上的全局替换。的!指的是历史记录中的一行 - 如果您想在历史记录中进一步返回上一个命令,则可能更具体。请参阅bash(1)关于事件指示符的部分。



If there's only one instance of whatever it is you want replaced, bash(1) has an easy feature first introduced in csh(1):



will replace the first instance of old with new:


$ filter_script file2 > output_file2
$ ^2^4
filter_script file4 > output_file2

If you want to replace all the instances, that requires more typing:


$ filter_script file2 > output_file2
$ !:gs/2/4/
filter_script file4 > output_file4

The g specifies the global replacement on the command line. The ! refers to a line from history -- which could be more specific, if you wanted to pull a command from further back in history that the immediately previous command. See bash(1)'s section on Event Designators.

g指定命令行上的全局替换。的!指的是历史记录中的一行 - 如果您想在历史记录中进一步返回上一个命令,则可能更具体。请参阅bash(1)关于事件指示符的部分。