在Mac OS X上编辑大文件

时间:2022-09-11 19:17:08

Does anyone have any recommendations for a programmer's editor that can cope with large files on Mac OS X? By large I mean hundreds of megabytes. TextMate doesn't cut it.

有没有人对程序员的编辑器有什么建议可以应对Mac OS X上的大文件?我的意思是数百兆字节。 TextMate不会削减它。

13 个解决方案


Have you tried Vim? It's the only editor I use :-)


Edit: It seems to depend upon a couple of factors. I used Vim with large CSV (i.e. text-based) files and that worked great. YMMV :-)

编辑:这似乎取决于几个因素。我使用Vim和大型CSV(即基于文本的)文件,效果很好。 YMMV :-)


If, as you say, only really need to get an idea of the structure try opening the document in Console. Believe it or not, I'm able to view files as large as 15GB (MAC OSX 10.7.2)

如果,正如您所说,只需要了解结构,请尝试在Console中打开文档。信不信由你,我能够查看大到15GB的文件(MAC OSX 10.7.2)


HexFiend is designed to read files of any size, but you'll need to work using fixed-column character wrapping and no newline detection.



If you just want to have an idea of structure, how about browsing with more or less?



Definitely vim is the answer. Check out the macvim, the mac version.



BBEdit, that old standby, is famous for handling really large files with aplomb (or, at least, it was back in the pre-TextMate era). There's a free version, TextWranger; I assume it's based on the same core and should still work.



I have used gvim for files larger than 1 GB of NASTRAN output. gvim handles large files very well. In fact that was the main reason I switched from Emacs to vim.

我已经将gvim用于大于1 GB的NASTRAN输出的文件。 gvim非常好地处理大文件。事实上,这是我从Emacs切换到vim的主要原因。

Emacs is a great editor but it can handle files only as large as 128 MB, at least the 32-bit version. If you decide to use Emacs I recommend to configure it to turn syntax highlighting off for large files.

Emacs是一个很棒的编辑器,但它只能处理128 MB的文件,至少是32位版本。如果您决定使用Emacs我建议将其配置为关闭大文件的语法高亮显示。

Another way to deal with large files those days was heavy usage of head, tail and split.



The native emacs on OS X seems to be the 64-bit version now. It works like a charm on my 250MB text file.

OS X上的本机emacs现在似乎是64位版本。它就像我的250MB文本文件上的魅力一样。


emacs, naturally, at least a 64 bit build (you can do that on OS X now, right?)

emacs,当然,至少64位构建(你现在可以在OS X上做到这一点,对吧?)

But also, these are surely generated files. Do you really need to interact with them all at once?



Vim has already been recommended. If you're using vim you might want to also use the LargeFile plugin (by the inimitable Charles "Dr Chip" Campbell), which automatically disables various features of vim in the interests of speed for files over 100Mb (at the default setting).

Vim已被推荐。如果您正在使用vim,您可能还想使用LargeFile插件(由无法模仿的Charles“Dr Chip”Campbell),它会为超过100Mb的文件(默认设置)自动禁用vim的各种功能。


Since you noted in a comment that it's actually an XML file and you just want to get an idea of its structure, you may want to check out Oxygen's LargeFileViewer, a helper app which is bundled with Oxygen XML Editor. (It might also come with Author, I don't know.)

由于您在评论中注意到它实际上是一个XML文件而您只想了解其结构,因此您可能需要查看Oxygen的LargeFileViewer,这是一个与Oxygen XML Editor捆绑在一起的帮助应用程序。 (也可能是作者,我不知道。)


Crisp claims the ability to edit files of "8GB or more", but I haven't tried it.



Edit: Do not use Sublime Text 2! Although it worked for me, apparently for many other users Sublime Text 2 can't handle large text files. Below is my original answer:

编辑:不要使用Sublime Text 2!虽然它对我有用,但显然对于许多其他用户来说Sublime Text 2无法处理大文本文件。以下是我的原始答案:

Sublime Text 2 for Mac 10.6.8 opened up a 200 MB file for me without any problem

Sublime Text 2 for Mac 10.6.8为我打开了一个200 MB的文件,没有任何问题


Have you tried Vim? It's the only editor I use :-)


Edit: It seems to depend upon a couple of factors. I used Vim with large CSV (i.e. text-based) files and that worked great. YMMV :-)

编辑:这似乎取决于几个因素。我使用Vim和大型CSV(即基于文本的)文件,效果很好。 YMMV :-)


If, as you say, only really need to get an idea of the structure try opening the document in Console. Believe it or not, I'm able to view files as large as 15GB (MAC OSX 10.7.2)

如果,正如您所说,只需要了解结构,请尝试在Console中打开文档。信不信由你,我能够查看大到15GB的文件(MAC OSX 10.7.2)


HexFiend is designed to read files of any size, but you'll need to work using fixed-column character wrapping and no newline detection.



If you just want to have an idea of structure, how about browsing with more or less?



Definitely vim is the answer. Check out the macvim, the mac version.



BBEdit, that old standby, is famous for handling really large files with aplomb (or, at least, it was back in the pre-TextMate era). There's a free version, TextWranger; I assume it's based on the same core and should still work.



I have used gvim for files larger than 1 GB of NASTRAN output. gvim handles large files very well. In fact that was the main reason I switched from Emacs to vim.

我已经将gvim用于大于1 GB的NASTRAN输出的文件。 gvim非常好地处理大文件。事实上,这是我从Emacs切换到vim的主要原因。

Emacs is a great editor but it can handle files only as large as 128 MB, at least the 32-bit version. If you decide to use Emacs I recommend to configure it to turn syntax highlighting off for large files.

Emacs是一个很棒的编辑器,但它只能处理128 MB的文件,至少是32位版本。如果您决定使用Emacs我建议将其配置为关闭大文件的语法高亮显示。

Another way to deal with large files those days was heavy usage of head, tail and split.



The native emacs on OS X seems to be the 64-bit version now. It works like a charm on my 250MB text file.

OS X上的本机emacs现在似乎是64位版本。它就像我的250MB文本文件上的魅力一样。


emacs, naturally, at least a 64 bit build (you can do that on OS X now, right?)

emacs,当然,至少64位构建(你现在可以在OS X上做到这一点,对吧?)

But also, these are surely generated files. Do you really need to interact with them all at once?



Vim has already been recommended. If you're using vim you might want to also use the LargeFile plugin (by the inimitable Charles "Dr Chip" Campbell), which automatically disables various features of vim in the interests of speed for files over 100Mb (at the default setting).

Vim已被推荐。如果您正在使用vim,您可能还想使用LargeFile插件(由无法模仿的Charles“Dr Chip”Campbell),它会为超过100Mb的文件(默认设置)自动禁用vim的各种功能。


Since you noted in a comment that it's actually an XML file and you just want to get an idea of its structure, you may want to check out Oxygen's LargeFileViewer, a helper app which is bundled with Oxygen XML Editor. (It might also come with Author, I don't know.)

由于您在评论中注意到它实际上是一个XML文件而您只想了解其结构,因此您可能需要查看Oxygen的LargeFileViewer,这是一个与Oxygen XML Editor捆绑在一起的帮助应用程序。 (也可能是作者,我不知道。)


Crisp claims the ability to edit files of "8GB or more", but I haven't tried it.



Edit: Do not use Sublime Text 2! Although it worked for me, apparently for many other users Sublime Text 2 can't handle large text files. Below is my original answer:

编辑:不要使用Sublime Text 2!虽然它对我有用,但显然对于许多其他用户来说Sublime Text 2无法处理大文本文件。以下是我的原始答案:

Sublime Text 2 for Mac 10.6.8 opened up a 200 MB file for me without any problem

Sublime Text 2 for Mac 10.6.8为我打开了一个200 MB的文件,没有任何问题