
时间:2022-09-11 18:47:25

I have just set up cruise control.net on our build server, and I am unable to find a setting to tell it to only build one project at a time. Any ideas?

我刚刚在我们的构建服务器上设置了cruise control.net,我无法找到一个设置来告诉它一次只构建一个项目。有任何想法吗?

1 个解决方案



If you are using CruiseControl 1.3 or later you can use an Integration Queue These allow you to control which projects can be built concurrently and which must be serialized.

如果您使用的是CruiseControl 1.3或更高版本,则可以使用Integration Queue这些允许您控制可以同时构建哪些项目以及哪些项目必须序列化。



If you are using CruiseControl 1.3 or later you can use an Integration Queue These allow you to control which projects can be built concurrently and which must be serialized.

如果您使用的是CruiseControl 1.3或更高版本,则可以使用Integration Queue这些允许您控制可以同时构建哪些项目以及哪些项目必须序列化。