
时间:2022-09-06 22:18:45


CentOS(Community Enterprise Operating System - 社区企业操作系统)是Linux发行版之一,它是来自于Red Hat Enterprise Linux依照开放源代码规定释出的源代码所编译而成。由于出自同样的源代码,因此有些要求高度稳定性的服务器以CentOS替代商业版的Red Hat Enterprise Linux使用。两者的不同在于CentOS并不包含封闭源代码软件。

最新版本为CentOS 7。




  • DVD ISO:标准安装版,一般下载这个就可以了(推荐)
  • Everything ISO:对完整版安装盘的软件进行补充,集成所有软件。(包含CentOS7的一套完整的软件包,可以用来安装系统或者填充本地镜像)
  • Minimal ISO:迷你版,小巧、安装快速、自带的软件少


直接点击【DVD ISO】、【Everything ISO】、【Minimal ISO】按钮,即可下载最新的CentOS 7 ISO镜像文件。

以【DVD ISO】为例, 点击【DVD ISO】按钮,进入CentOS 7 DVD ISO镜像文件的下载页面,该页面提供了Actual Country(实际国家)和Nearby Countries(附近国家)的一系列ISO镜像文件下载链接:

Actual Country -

Nearby Countries -

如果这些不满足需要,可以进入上图中的其它链接,例如:进入【list of current mirrors】页面,里面包含所有的镜像列表。




里面包含CentOS 2.x - 7.x的各个版本,选择自己需要的版本,例如:6.8。



注意:电脑、操作系统和VMware都支持64位,也不一定能安装64位的操作系统,有可能会弹出“此主机不支持64位客户机操作系统,此系统无法运行。”这样的错误提示,这需要下载工具(例如:Securable)查看CPU是否支持虚拟化技术 - Intel VT-x,如果支持,确保Intel VT-x处于可用状态)。





What images are in this directory

This is the network install and rescue image. 
This image is designed to be burned onto a CD. You then boot your computer off the CD.

The aim of this image is to install a very basic CentOS 6.8 system, with the minimum of packages needed to have a functional system. 
Please burn this image onto a CD and boot your computer off it. A preselected set of packages will be installed on your system. Everything else needs to be installed using yum. 
Please read http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOSMinimalCD6.8 for more details about this image. 
The set of packages installed by this image is identical to the one installed when choosing the group named “Minimal” from the full DVD image.

These two dvd images contain the entire base distribution. 
Please burn DVD1 onto a DVD and boot your computer off it. 
A basic install will not need DVD2. 
After the installation is complete, please run “yum update” in order to update your system.

This is a CD live image of CentOS 6.8 designed to be burned onto a CD. You then boot your computer using that CD. 
Please read http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOSLiveCD6.8 for more details about this image. 
The disk can also be used to install CentOS 6.8 onto your computer but without offering any package selection options at install time.

This is a DVD live image of CentOS 6.8 designed to be burned onto a DVD. You then boot your computer using that DVD. 
Please read http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOSLiveDVD6.8 for more details about this image. 
The disk can also be used to install CentOS 6.8 onto your computer but without offering any package selection options at install time.

Remember that in order to be able to partition your disk you will need to run the GUI installer which in turns needs enough RAM. The same is true for the network setup step. 
The release notes (http://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS6.8 ) provide more 
details about these aspects.

更多CentOS相关信息见CentOS 专题页面 http://www.linuxidc.com/topicnews.aspx?tid=14


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