
时间:2022-09-02 12:36:21

i am writing a Matrix4 class for an OpenGL game:


static class Matrix4
    float matrix[16];
    Matrix4 Identity()
        matrix[1] = matrix[2] =
            matrix[3] = matrix[4] = matrix[6] =
            matrix[7] = matrix[8] = matrix[9] =
            matrix[11] = matrix[12] = matrix[13] = matrix[14] = 0.f;
        matrix[0] = matrix[5] = matrix[10] = matrix[15] = 1.f;
        return *this;

    Matrix4() { Identity(); };
    Matrix4(float vals[16])
        matrix[0] = vals[0]; matrix[1] = vals[1]; matrix[2] = vals[2]; matrix[3] = vals[3];
        matrix[4] = vals[4]; matrix[5] = vals[5]; matrix[6] = vals[6]; matrix[7] = vals[7];
        matrix[8] = vals[8]; matrix[9] = vals[9]; matrix[10] = vals[10]; matrix[11] = vals[11];
        matrix[12] = vals[12]; matrix[13] = vals[13]; matrix[14] = vals[14]; matrix[15] = vals[15];
    Matrix4(Vector4 vals[4])
        matrix[0] = vals[0].GetX(); matrix[1] = vals[0].GetY(); matrix[2] = vals[0].GetZ(); matrix[3] = vals[0].GetW();
        matrix[4] = vals[1].GetX(); matrix[5] = vals[1].GetY(); matrix[6] = vals[1].GetZ(); matrix[7] = vals[1].GetW();
        matrix[8] = vals[2].GetX(); matrix[9] = vals[2].GetY(); matrix[10] = vals[2].GetZ(); matrix[11] = vals[2].GetW();
        matrix[12] = vals[3].GetX(); matrix[13] = vals[3].GetY(); matrix[14] = vals[3].GetZ(); matrix[15] = vals[3].GetW();

    //STUDY THE operator<< SHIT

    static friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Matrix4& other)
        std::string final = "_____________________________________________\n| " + std::to_string(other.matrix[0]) + " " + std::to_string(other.matrix[1]) + " " + std::to_string(other.matrix[2]) + " " + std::to_string(other.matrix[3]) + " " + " |" + "\n" +
            "| " + std::to_string(other.matrix[4]) + " " + std::to_string(other.matrix[5]) + " " + std::to_string(other.matrix[6]) + " " + std::to_string(other.matrix[7]) + " " + " |" + "\n" +
            "| " + std::to_string(other.matrix[8]) + " " + std::to_string(other.matrix[9]) + " " + std::to_string(other.matrix[10]) + " " + std::to_string(other.matrix[11]) + " " + " |" + "\n" +
            "| " + std::to_string(other.matrix[12]) + " " + std::to_string(other.matrix[13]) + " " + std::to_string(other.matrix[14]) + " " + std::to_string(other.matrix[15]) + " " + " |";
        os.write(final.c_str(), final.size());
        return os;

    Matrix4& operator+=(const Matrix4& other)
        this->matrix[0] += other.matrix[0]; this->matrix[1] += other.matrix[1]; this->matrix[2] += other.matrix[2]; this->matrix[3] += other.matrix[3];
        this->matrix[4] += other.matrix[4]; this->matrix[5] += other.matrix[5]; this->matrix[6] += other.matrix[6]; this->matrix[7] += other.matrix[7];
        this->matrix[8] += other.matrix[8]; this->matrix[9] += other.matrix[9]; this->matrix[10] += other.matrix[10]; this->matrix[11] += other.matrix[11];
        this->matrix[12] += other.matrix[12]; this->matrix[13] += other.matrix[13]; this->matrix[14] += other.matrix[14]; this->matrix[15] += other.matrix[15];

    Matrix4& operator-=(const Matrix4& other)
        this->matrix[0] -= other.matrix[0]; this->matrix[1] -= other.matrix[1]; this->matrix[2] -= other.matrix[2]; this->matrix[3] -= other.matrix[3];
        this->matrix[4] -= other.matrix[4]; this->matrix[5] -= other.matrix[5]; this->matrix[6] -= other.matrix[6]; this->matrix[7] -= other.matrix[7];
        this->matrix[8] -= other.matrix[8]; this->matrix[9] -= other.matrix[9]; this->matrix[10] -= other.matrix[10]; this->matrix[11] -= other.matrix[11];
        this->matrix[12] -= other.matrix[12]; this->matrix[13] -= other.matrix[13]; this->matrix[14] -= other.matrix[14]; this->matrix[15] -= other.matrix[15];

    Matrix4& operator*=(float scale)
        this->matrix[0] *= scale; this->matrix[1] *= scale; this->matrix[2] *= scale; this->matrix[3] *= scale;
        this->matrix[4] *= scale; this->matrix[5] *= scale; this->matrix[6] *= scale; this->matrix[7] *= scale;
        this->matrix[8] *= scale; this->matrix[9] *= scale; this->matrix[10] *= scale; this->matrix[11] *= scale;
        this->matrix[12] *= scale; this->matrix[13] *= scale; this->matrix[14] *= scale; this->matrix[15] *= scale;

    Matrix4& operator*=(Vector3& other)
        this->matrix[0] *= other.GetX(); this->matrix[1] *= other.GetX(); this->matrix[2] *= other.GetX(); this->matrix[3] *= 1;
        this->matrix[4] *= other.GetY(); this->matrix[5] *= other.GetY(); this->matrix[6] *= other.GetY(); this->matrix[7] *= 1;
        this->matrix[8] *= other.GetZ(); this->matrix[9] *= other.GetZ(); this->matrix[10] *= other.GetZ(); this->matrix[11] *= 1;
        return *this;

    Matrix4& operator*= (Vector4& other)
        this->matrix[0] *= other.GetX(); this->matrix[1] *= other.GetX(); this->matrix[2] *= other.GetX(); this->matrix[3] *= other.GetX();
        this->matrix[4] *= other.GetY(); this->matrix[5] *= other.GetY(); this->matrix[6] *= other.GetY(); this->matrix[7] *= other.GetY();
        this->matrix[8] *= other.GetZ(); this->matrix[9] *= other.GetZ(); this->matrix[10] *= other.GetZ(); this->matrix[11] *= other.GetZ();
        this->matrix[12] *= other.GetW(); this->matrix[13] *= other.GetW(); this->matrix[14] *= other.GetW(); this->matrix[15] *= other.GetW();
        return *this;

    Matrix4& operator= (Matrix4& other)
        this->matrix[0] = other.matrix[0]; this->matrix[1] = other.matrix[1]; this->matrix[2] = other.matrix[2]; this->matrix[3] = other.matrix[3];
        this->matrix[4] = other.matrix[4]; this->matrix[5] = other.matrix[5]; this->matrix[6] = other.matrix[6]; this->matrix[7] = other.matrix[7];
        this->matrix[8] = other.matrix[8]; this->matrix[9] = other.matrix[9]; this->matrix[10] = other.matrix[10]; this->matrix[11] = other.matrix[11];
        this->matrix[12] = other.matrix[12]; this->matrix[13] = other.matrix[13]; this->matrix[14] = other.matrix[14]; this->matrix[15] = other.matrix[15];
        return *this;

    //BUG: You need to put the matrix in a variable, otherwise you wil gett strange values
    Matrix4& operator+(const Matrix4& other)
        Matrix4 tmp = *this;
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            tmp.matrix[i] += other.matrix[i];
        return tmp;

    Matrix4& operator-(const Matrix4& other)
        Matrix4 tmp = *this;
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            tmp.matrix[i] -= other.matrix[i];
        return tmp;

    Matrix4& operator*(Vector3& other)
        Matrix4 tmp = *this;
        tmp.matrix[0] *= other.GetX(); tmp.matrix[1] *= other.GetX(); tmp.matrix[2] *= other.GetX(); tmp.matrix[3] *= 1;
        tmp.matrix[4] *= other.GetY(); tmp.matrix[5] *= other.GetY(); tmp.matrix[6] *= other.GetY(); tmp.matrix[7] *= 1;
        tmp.matrix[8] *= other.GetZ(); tmp.matrix[9] *= other.GetZ(); tmp.matrix[10] *= other.GetZ(); tmp.matrix[11] *= 1;
        return tmp;

    Matrix4& operator*(Vector4& other)
        Matrix4 tmp = *this;
        tmp.matrix[0] *= other.GetX(); tmp.matrix[1] *= other.GetX(); tmp.matrix[2] *= other.GetX(); tmp.matrix[3] *= other.GetX();
        tmp.matrix[4] *= other.GetY(); tmp.matrix[5] *= other.GetY(); tmp.matrix[6] *= other.GetY(); tmp.matrix[7] *= other.GetY();
        tmp.matrix[8] *= other.GetZ(); tmp.matrix[9] *= other.GetZ(); tmp.matrix[10] *= other.GetZ(); tmp.matrix[11] *= other.GetZ();
        tmp.matrix[12] *= other.GetW(); tmp.matrix[13] *= other.GetW(); tmp.matrix[14] *= other.GetW(); tmp.matrix[15] *= other.GetW();
        return tmp;


    //Index goes from 0 to 3
    void SetCol(unsigned int index, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4)
        matrix[index * 4] = f1;
        matrix[index * 4 + 1] = f2;
        matrix[index * 4 + 2] = f3;
        matrix[index * 4 + 3] = f4;

    //Index goes from 0 to 3
    void SetCol(unsigned int index, const float vals[])
        matrix[index * 4] = vals[0];
        matrix[index * 4 + 1] = vals[1];
        matrix[index * 4 + 2] = vals[2];
        matrix[index * 4 + 3] = vals[3];

    //Index goes from 0 to 3
    void SetCol(unsigned int index, Vector4 val)
        matrix[index * 4] = val.GetX();
        matrix[index * 4 + 1] = val.GetY();
        matrix[index * 4 + 2] = val.GetZ();
        matrix[index * 4 + 3] = val.GetW();

    Matrix4 MultiplyByVec3Floats (float x, float y, float z)
        this->matrix[0] *= x; this->matrix[1] *= x; this->matrix[2] *= x; this->matrix[3] *= 1;
        this->matrix[4] *= y; this->matrix[5] *= y; this->matrix[6] *= y; this->matrix[7] *= 1;
        this->matrix[8] *= z; this->matrix[9] *= z; this->matrix[10] *= z; this->matrix[11] *= 1;

    Matrix4 MultiplyByVec4Floats(float x, float y, float z, float w)
        this->matrix[0] *= x; this->matrix[1] *= x; this->matrix[2] *= x; this->matrix[3] *= w;
        this->matrix[4] *= y; this->matrix[5] *= y; this->matrix[6] *= y; this->matrix[7] *= w;
        this->matrix[8] *= z; this->matrix[9] *= z; this->matrix[10] *= z; this->matrix[11] *= w;
        this->matrix[12] *= x; this->matrix[13] *= y; this->matrix[14] *= z; this->matrix[15] *= w;

With the following class, i then create some variables and thest them in my main file:


//#define TEST_VECTORS

#include <iostream>
#include <sdl/SDL.h>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>

#include "Game.h"
#include "gmath.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
gmath::Vector3 vTestVector(5, 5, 5);
gmath::Vector3 vAnotherVector(1, 1, 1);
gmath::Vector3 vZeroVector = gmath::Vector3::Zero();
cout << vTestVector.Length() << endl;

cout << vTestVector + vAnotherVector << endl;

cout << vTestVector - vAnotherVector << endl;

cout << gmath::Vector3::Distance(vTestVector, vAnotherVector) << endl;

cout << vTestVector.Normalized() << endl;

cout << (vTestVector == vTestVector) << endl;

cout << gmath::Vector3::Dot(vTestVector, vAnotherVector) << endl;

cout << gmath::Vector3::Cross(vTestVector, vAnotherVector) << endl;

gmath::Matrix4 mat;
float vals[] = { 1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 4.f };
mat.SetCol(1, vals);

gmath::Vector4 testVec(1.f, 4.f, 2.f, 1.f);
mat.SetCol(3, testVec);
mat.SetCol(0, 1.f, 5.f, 35.f, 6.f);

gmath::Matrix4 another;
another = mat;
std::cout << mat << std::endl;

std::cout << another << std::endl;

gmath::Matrix4 sum = another + mat;

cout << sum << std::endl;
gmath::Matrix4 prod = sum*testVec;
cout << prod << endl;
mat = gmath::Matrix4();
cout << mat << endl;

while (g->isGameRunning())

return 0;

The problem is that, if i try the following operation:


cout << another + mat << std::endl;

i get the -107374176.000000 number as output, repeated 16 times, while storing the value in a variable:


sum = another + mat;

works fine. What could be the problem?


1 个解决方案


Your overloaded operators are declared as returning references, however some of them are missing the return *this; statement (operator+=, operator-=, operator*=). Also, in the operators that return *this, you are doing it wrong. You make a copy to *this then return the copy. Bam, dangling reference. Example from your code:

您的重载运算符被声明为返回引用,但是其中一些缺少return * this;语句(operator + =,operator- =,operator * =)。另外,在返回* this的运算符中,你做错了。您复制到* this然后返回副本。 Bam,晃来晃去的参考。代码中的示例:

Matrix4& operator-(const Matrix4& other)
    Matrix4 tmp = *this; // this is a local object, cease to exist at function exit
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        tmp.matrix[i] -= other.matrix[i];
    return tmp; // here you're done, return a reference to a local object

So you should really return by value here. Moreover, binary operators are best implemented as friends. See Operator overloading for an excellent guide.



Your overloaded operators are declared as returning references, however some of them are missing the return *this; statement (operator+=, operator-=, operator*=). Also, in the operators that return *this, you are doing it wrong. You make a copy to *this then return the copy. Bam, dangling reference. Example from your code:

您的重载运算符被声明为返回引用,但是其中一些缺少return * this;语句(operator + =,operator- =,operator * =)。另外,在返回* this的运算符中,你做错了。您复制到* this然后返回副本。 Bam,晃来晃去的参考。代码中的示例:

Matrix4& operator-(const Matrix4& other)
    Matrix4 tmp = *this; // this is a local object, cease to exist at function exit
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        tmp.matrix[i] -= other.matrix[i];
    return tmp; // here you're done, return a reference to a local object

So you should really return by value here. Moreover, binary operators are best implemented as friends. See Operator overloading for an excellent guide.
